

Hello dear people of the hive community!!! I bring you a drawing I did a couple of years ago; It is a fight in the open sea between a black-eyed captain who stayed afloat with a simple raft accompanied by her faithful parrot; who helped him in his battles and conquests many times; He can give accurate pecks and distract his enemies so that the captain acts and wins the fight. In his many exploits, Captain Black Eye challenged several enemies and emerged victorious. His bravery travels the seas and his agility is preserved despite the years.
The black eye captain disputes this battle with the dangerous eyes of shaolin! He is known for defeating his enemies with a single swing of his sword; few faced him and came out alive. Everyone dodges him because of his speed and precision when using his sword.
This combat will create large waves and one of them will appear the pirate cat winner of the seas.
Let the battle begin!!!!!



Hola querida gente de la comunidad hive!!! Les traigo un dibujo que hice una par de años atrás; Es una pelea a mar abierto entre una capitan ojo negro que quedo a flote con una balsa sencilla acompañado de su fiel loro; que lo ayudo en sus batallas y conquistas muchas veces; puede dar picotazos certeros y distraer a sus enemigos para que el capitan actue y gane la pelea. En su muchas hazañas el capitan ojo negro desafio a varios enemigos y salia victorioso . Su bravia recorres los mares y su agilidad la conserva a pesar de los años.
El capitan ojo negro disputa esta batalla con el peligroso ojos de shaolin!! Es conocido por derrotar a sus enemigos de un solo golpe de su espada ; pocos lo enfrentaron y salieron vivos. Todos lo esquivan por su velocidad y precision al usar su espada.
Este combate creara grandes olas y una de ellas aparecera el gato pirata vencedor de los mares.
Que comienze la batalla!!!!!