Winter Is Coming

in Alien Art Hive4 months ago


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The world's largest snowflake, according to the Guinness Book of Records, was found in Fort Keogh in Montana in the USA on January 28, 1887 during a snowstorm.

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Matt Coleman found a snowflake that was 38 centimeters wide and 20 centimeters thick. He described it as "bigger than a milk jug".
From the internet

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It's absolutely fantastic when I got to hear and read about the snowflake in particular!

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Here in Sweden it is dark and dreary, I long for the snow that lights up the landscape.

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In a few weeks it will be the first Advent that we celebrate here in the dark. Almost all houses have stars in their windows, which Jah does too.

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I have painted a snowflake to welcome the snow and King Bore that comes with winter.

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The painting is in acrylic and has only 3 colors titanium white and dark blue and gold.

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The painting took me four days to complete despite my injury with a broken collarbone which is now really much better.


Right now I have enormous flow in my work.


That's all people!

Swedish Translation

Vinter kommer

Världens största snöflinga, enligt Guinness rekordbok, hittades i Fort Keogh i Montana i USA den 28 januari 1887 under en snöstorm. Matt Coleman hittade en snöflinga som var 38 centimeter bred och 20 centimeter tjock. Han beskrev den som "större än en mjölkkanna".
Från internet

Det är helt fantastiskt när jag fick höra talas och läsa om just snöflingan!
Här i Sverige är det mörkt och trist, jag längtar efter snön som lyser upp landskapet.
Om några veckor är det första advent som vi firar här i mörkret. Nästan alla hus har stjärnor i sina fönster vilket jah också har.
Jag har målat en snöflinga för att välkomna snön och Kung Bore som kommer med vintern.
Målningen är i akryl och har endast 3 färger titaniumvit och mörkblått samt guld. Målningen tog mig fyra dagar att färdigställa trots min skada med ett brutet nyckelben som nu är verkligen mycket bättre.
Just nu har jag enorm flow i mitt arbete.
Det va allt folk!

 4 months ago (edited) 

:o that's a big snowflake!

Of course, it is wonderful to have, knowledge that not many people have noticed! A small/large snowflake!

This snow flake will surely catch bad dreams and bring goodness! Great work @mandragora88. Sorry for your collarbone, hope you be healthy soon.

Fun to meet someone from Europe. From what I noticed, there aren't many here, more than you and me ;_)
You're cute thinking about my shoulder blade! Thank you dear!

All the best.Nice to meet you too @mandragora88.

You're painting again! Hooray!🎉

Thank you, yes, as I said, I am finally much, much better. I'm painting like crazy right now, I have flow.

I bet! The dam has been broken!

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Just in time for Christmas. I really love the subtle pointilization and elaborate layering of the colors.

Yes, it's so cool to create! All the styles are so inspiring. Creating is like drugs, right?

Yeah getting into the flow of creating something is a nice meditation to distract from the chaos of life.

Greetings @mandragora88 ,

Sorry to hear about your collarbone injury...hopefully you are on the mend.

Your lovely work is lovely....the variety of bleus is fantastic.

Thank you for bringing your art to Hive. ^__^

Kind Regards,


That I didn't come across you is a mystery to me. I almost only vote for art and some photography that has to do with mushrooms. In any case, you have nice photos and an art I like! Fun with new acquaintances. I could not find any information about you? Are you male or female? Where are you located?