Chaos and Order

It's about patterns for me.

Many people may not think I'm an artist? But the fact is that I've had several exhibitions, but as you all know it's hard to live on it, I mean financially!

Now you should know that I'm almost 69 years old and have gone into retirement, which I think is absolutely fantastic to be able to do what you want.

I love creating with different materials and my motto is that it should be as cheap as possible, to find different things and put them together to make a work of art, that's real art, I think!

Imagination and the joy of creation go together.
I think seeing art should be beautiful and that's what I strive for with my painting.

Going into a work of art should have many depths and dimensions.

You should be able to stop and be able to enter a new pattern.

I usually put my paintings in the room, sometimes it's not wise what I fall in love with them.

The paintings I've sold I can long for and miss like, like you miss your children.

So HIVE is an excellent platform, because you don't have to sell...

Seriously, my paintings inspire me immensely.

That was all from my narcissistic side.

Try to have a good year, people!
Swedish Translation
Det handlar om mönster för min del. Många kanske inte tycker att jag är en konstnär? Men faktum är att jag haft flera utställningar, men som ni alla vet att det är svårt att leva på det, rent ekonomiskt menar jag!
Nu ska ni få veta att jag är strax 69 år och har gått i pansion, vilket jag tycker är helt fantastiskt skönt att få göra vad man vill.
Älskar att skapa med olika matriell och mitt motto är så billigt som möjligt ska det vara, att hitta olika saker och sätta ihop dem till ett konstverk, det är verklig konst, tycker jag! Fantasi och skaparglädje hör ihop.
Jag anser ser konst ska vara skön och det eftertraktar jag med mitt måleri. Att gå in i ett konstverk, ska ha många bottnar och dimetioner. Man ska kunna stanna och kunna gå in i en nytt mönster.
Jag brukar sätta ut mina målninga i rummet, ibland är det inte klokt vad jag blir kär i dem. De målningar jag har sålt kan jag längta efer och sakna som, som man saknar sina barn. Så HIVE är en utmärkt plattform, för man slipper ju sälja...
Helt sjukt mina målningar inspirerar mig enormt.
Det va allt från min narcistiska sida.
Försök att ha ett bra år folk!
I love your work!
Thank you! I see you like succulents, so do I. And cats!!
miracle patterns with magic colors :)
taking apart from a painting is a bit painful yes :) and so nice to see it again somewhere else :)
& yes... the blockchain is so cool that you can keep your art basically "forever" & share it in that virtual world :)
Yes, you are absolutely right! Especially when you like to paint. I think you also like to paint, what I have done is unique! When I look at other people's work, I judge the joy of painting not how good it is technically.
The textures and patterns you have worked on are excellent!!! The paintings are like children, if they go away you miss them, but you know they are right. You do an excellent job!😃
Thank you very much! I believe that everyone can paint.
I also believe it and it doesn't matter how old I am!!! I am 46 years old and I will paint all my life.
Yes indeed it is both healing and therapeutic!
It is!
Wow, you must have been drawing and making good art for so many decades now, that's worthy of commendation.
There is order in chaos, and chaos in order. When it comes to art, you can make art from virtually anything, from order or disorder, and your work of art is actually an order in chaos. And I love them very much. Keep doing what you love doing.👌
Thank you so much dear friend!
Saludos @mandragora88 impecable trabajo, como siempre. Éxitos!!!
Thank you so much dear friend!
Just as usual, your artwork is always awesome, Sonja. 🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿