Appreciating The Family Tree (Apreciar el árbol genealógico) | A Mixed Media Art Project


Having returned from my own family reunion a few months ago, I'm still fresh with memories. The laughter. The sadness at learning several limbs from the family tree has departed. We set aside a special time to honor our loves ones and give thanks for them being a part of our lives.

Holding a family gathering gives us the chance to bond. As we always part with, "see you next year", we realize that it's our hopes that all are kept safe until we meet again.

Often, that isn't the case.

But as I reflect on the family, my thoughts turn to the individuals and dynamics that make up the family unit.

Family. Aren't they the best ever? We all have one. We attempt to honor them in all things and in all ways humanly possible. We love them dearly.

However, sometimes an urge comes over us, and we wish that we could swap them out for other people's loved ones.

Take for instance, Uncle Homer. He knows it all, and don't mind reminding everyone of that fact. He's loud and rambunctious. He's ready to take on anyone who challenges him.

Then, there's Aunt Mabel. She's the best cook in the family. If anyone says differently, they run the risk of being shamed. Her memory is excellent when it comes to the dishes gone awry at past events that anyone else prepares and donates to the buffet. Did I mention her recipes? Request one, and you'll wish you hadn't had the nerves to approach her. Don't you understand the meaning of "secret" recipe? Learned my lesson early on.

How about the PitMaster, Uncle Gabe. He tends to the grill as if he were in a cook-off contest and his reputation and trophy were at stake.

How can I forget Cousin Bryanna. My nickname for her: Word Salad. If there's anything you prefer to stay private, please take my advice and not invite her into a conversation about it. Her favorite past time is engaging in kibbing.

Now, the family historian with those spectacles on reminds you of your local librarian. She's the keeper of knowledge. All family would be wise to sit with her for a ancestral session. You'll definitely come away with more than when you arrived.

I'd be remiss to mention the busty Grandma Pearl. The warmth that exudes from between her shoulders is enough to put you to sleep if you're in need of a hug. That's all need be said of Grandma.

So, I wanted to share with you my adaptation of my family tree.


For my current mixed media art project, I wanted to highlight an important aspect of the foundation of a society: the family unit or organization. The background for my project consists of a dystopian theme.

Below are my steps in which I retrieved my persona as one of the family members who just floats through the family digesting all that is seen and heard. I'm the one who can distance herself from them and examine the unit as a whole.

To capture my persona, I called upon the stable diffusion program, StarryAI. Below are my procedures:

StarryAI Text input:

"Exquisite beauty, tall and graceful, plucking an item from a tree. She has her hand outstretched and up. Body facing left. On her tiptoes."

Style: Fantasy
Iterations: 50
Seed: 5830142080

To say I stretched the truth a bit about my appearance is an understatement. But for art's sake, I hope you forgive me this time.

StarryAI Result:


Other images I included were (i) a grotesque depiction of aliens in a tree (to represent a family of oddities); (ii) another female to represent a "normal" family member; and (iii) a moon image gazing down at the family. These images were derived from open sources.

Alien family tree ~ Girl with outstretched arms ~ Moon2 - Contributed to the #LIL by @mynatasha


I then utilized Canva to blend the different type images. I leave with you my procedures which began with a blank, white canvas. I then add layers of elements in accordance with my upgraded Annual Pro Membership that includes tools to remove backgrounds, resize, filter, duplicate, and reposition items as required.



I share with you my completed project:



Appreciating The Family Tree


Tras regresar de mi propia reunión familiar hace unos meses, aún tengo frescos los recuerdos. Las risas. La tristeza al saber que varios miembros del árbol genealógico se han ido. Reservamos un tiempo especial para honrar a nuestros seres queridos y darles las gracias por formar parte de nuestras vidas.

Celebrar una reunión familiar nos brinda la oportunidad de estrechar lazos. Como siempre nos despedimos con un «hasta el año que viene», nos damos cuenta de que esperamos que todos estén a salvo hasta que volvamos a vernos.

A menudo, no es así.

Pero al reflexionar sobre la familia, mis pensamientos se vuelven hacia los individuos y la dinámica que conforman la unidad familiar.

La familia. ¿No son lo mejor que hay? Todos tenemos una. Intentamos honrarlos en todo y de todas las formas humanamente posibles. Les queremos mucho.

Sin embargo, a veces nos entran ganas de cambiarlos por los seres queridos de otras personas.

Por ejemplo, el tío Homer. Se las sabe todas y no le importa recordárselo a todo el mundo. Es ruidoso y alborotador. Está listo para enfrentarse a cualquiera que lo desafíe.

Luego, está la tía Mabel. Es la mejor cocinera de la familia. Si alguien dice lo contrario, corre el riesgo de ser avergonzado. Su memoria es excelente cuando se trata de los platos que han salido mal en eventos pasados y que cualquier otro prepara y dona al bufé. ¿He mencionado sus recetas? Pídele una y desearás no haber tenido los nervios de acercarte a ella. ¿No entiendes el significado de receta «secreta»? Aprendí la lección muy pronto.

¿Qué le parece el tío Henry, el maestro de la parrilla? Se ocupa de la parrilla como si estuviera en un concurso de cocina y su reputación y trofeo estuvieran en juego.

Cómo olvidar a la prima Bryanna. Mi apodo para ella: Ensalada de palabras. Si hay algo que prefieres mantener en privado, hazme caso y no la invites a conversar sobre ello. Su pasatiempo favorito es el kibbing.

Ahora, la historiadora familiar con esas gafas te recuerda a tu bibliotecaria local. Es la guardiana del conocimiento. Toda la familia haría bien en sentarse con ella para una sesión ancestral. Seguro que se lleva más que cuando llegó.

No puedo dejar de mencionar a la pechugona abuela Pearl. El calor que emana de entre sus hombros es suficiente para dormirte si necesitas un abrazo. Eso es todo lo que hay que decir de la abuela.

Así pues, quería compartir con vosotros mi adaptación de mi árbol genealógico.


Para mi actual proyecto artístico en técnica mixta, quería destacar un aspecto importante de los cimientos de una sociedad: la unidad u organización familiar. El trasfondo de mi proyecto es un tema distópico.

Abajo están mis pasos en los que recuperé mi personaje como uno de los miembros de la familia que simplemente flota por la familia digiriendo todo lo que se ve y se oye. Soy la que puede distanciarse de ellos y examinar la unidad en su conjunto.

Para captar a mi personaje, recurrí al programa de difusión estable StarryAI. A continuación, mis procedimientos:

StarryAI Introducción de texto:

"Exquisite beauty, tall and graceful, plucking an item from a tree. She has her hand outstretched and up. Body facing left. On her tiptoes."

Estilo: Fantasía
Iteraciones: cincuenta
Semilla: 5830142080

Decir que he estirado un poco la verdad sobre mi aspecto es quedarse corto. Pero por el bien del arte, espero que esta vez me perdonéis.

StarryAI Resultado:


Otras imágenes que incluí fueron (i) una grotesca representación de extraterrestres en un árbol (para representar a una familia de raros); (ii) otra mujer para representar a un miembro «normal» de la familia; y (iii) una imagen de la luna mirando a la familia. Estas imágenes proceden de fuentes públicas.

Árbol genealógico alienígena ~ Chica con los brazos extendidos ~ Luna2 - Contribuido al #LIL por @mynatasha


Luego utilicé Canva para mezclar las diferentes imágenes tipo. Os dejo mis procedimientos que empezaron con un lienzo en blanco. Luego agrego capas de elementos de acuerdo con mi membresía anual Pro actualizada que incluye herramientas para eliminar fondos, cambiar el tamaño, filtrar, duplicar y reposicionar elementos según sea necesario.



Comparto con vosotros mi proyecto finalizado:



Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para ver mi post. Espero que te guste mi proyecto de arte de medios mixtos.


Thanks for taking the time to view my post. I hope you like my mixed media art project.


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.





a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



Hello, beautiful and surreal

The family is unique, with its flaws and virtues. But it is family.

My son is building his family tree, it is interesting to know who are our ancestors.


Yes, a family is made up of a lots of interesting characters, and a few: untitled.gif

@justclickindiva, I paid out 0.292 HIVE and 0.118 HBD to reward 6 comments in this discussion thread.

Am I the only that's loving this family tree? just when I thought you made a masterpiece in your previous post then your next post would be more than just a masterpiece. This is just so beautiful 🤌.

Am already getting obsessed with all your creativity 👍

Hello @ozd. Thanks so much for your visit. I'm so pleased you found this project to your liking also. I'm inspired by the image itself the majority of times and relate how the image affects me in my writings.

Not all agree with my state of mind and writings; however, it's art and subjective, so I proceed with that line of thought. I appreciate your kind compliment for my project. Take care.


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@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @ozd and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (4/25 calls)

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Fantastic creation, fun with all these creatures!👌

I'm pleased you liked how this one turned out. Thanks so much for your lovely compliment. I appreciate it. Take care.


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@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @mandragora88 and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (2/25 calls)

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Thanks for sharing. When you have time, please visit Discord. Take care.

OK ... I feel like if we were all HONEST, the weirdness of this would be something we could embrace about ourselves and the humans that make up our family tree!

That may be a possibility. Thanks for your visit. I appreciate it.


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@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @deeanndmathews and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (1/25 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.


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Thanks so much @hispapro for stopping by and conducting a manual curation of my mixed media art project. I appreciate it and the support of your community.

BEERHey @justclickindiva, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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