ALIEN MYSTICS / Cloud of Unknowing

in Alien Art Hivelast month


New art that I've minted on SuperRare!

This piece is called

≈≈≈≈≈≈ Cloud of Unknowing ≈≈≈≈≈≈

Link to collect:

The base of this art is from a few AI outputs I made referencing styles of Heironymous Bosch. I don't actually think any of them heavily resembles Bosch strangely enough but they were fun to work with!

I applied some light collage and glitch techniques with a lot of layering and color treatments.

This is the second of the series! Here is the first one if you missed it:

Lord of Vibrations


I don't know how many there will be in this series, I will continue making them until the muse tells me it's done :)

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 last month  



What can I say, that pink construction fascinates me, pink is love and I wish love would flood the world, that magician must be working for it. Beautiful work of art!😍

 last month  

Haha yes!


Truly a striking work with captivating colors and backgrounds. Very interesting

 last month  

Thanks Ernesto ✌️

Both Pieces looks great, the clothes and hat of the lord of vibrations really pop out in that color pallet. It reminds me a bit about the pallet adult swim uses with a coral and turquoise. 💓