in Alien Art Hive4 months ago


hclienpunk - finished.jpg

Hi all, I'm Humansleep. and here I want to post my work again in the Alien Art Hive community. and I will also share the work process whether it's drawing or sketching that I will later work on in an effort to be seen and appreciated.

A group of aliens from another world who like to listen to loud music, especially the punk/hardcore punk genre.

In the middle of a vast galaxy, there is a small planet that isn't recorded on any galaxy map. The planet is called OuthRuin's. On the planet, alien beings lived that were very different from humans. They were known as Rhuinyx, creatures whose bodies were made of liquid energy that was bright blue in color and could change shape at will. But there is one very strange and interesting thing about them: they love loud music, especially the punk genre.

It all started when the Rhuinyx discovered a radio signal emitted from a distant planet. The signal originated from Earth, and the sound they heard shook their entire nervous system. It was punk music! They listened to every drum beat, angry vocalist's scream, and harsh guitar riff-all of which made their molten bodies shake and thump like they'd been hit by lightning. Anarchy, freedom, and noise-those three things instantly fused with their souls.

Their leader, a Rhuinyx named Ouflup, who had the shape of a ball of energy with two glowing eyes, was instantly mesmerized. “This... this is what we need!” he exclaimed in a voice that vibrated throughout the planet OuthRuin's atmosphere.

Ouflup gathered the Rhuinyx in the meeting room, where they often discussed their missions to explore the galaxy and gather knowledge. “Friends, we have discovered something greater than just knowledge,” Ouflup said excitedly. “Earth has sent us a signal-one that is far more powerful than any technology. It's punk music! If we want to be recognized in this galaxy, we don't just need to master technology. We need to be a band! A thunderous band. We will form the OuthRuinzy Skatepunks.”

The Rhuinyx looked at each other, feeling fascinated and a little confused. They didn't know exactly what a “band” was, but they knew that music was a universal language that could connect all kinds of creatures across the universe.

“How?” asked Gruck, one of the more enthusiastic young Rhuinyx, in a voice that was more like a roar of energy.

Ouflup emitted a bright blue light, signaling that a brilliant idea was coming. “We're going to find band members! Each of us will play an instrument and unite our forces against the boredom of the galaxy. We'll start with drums, guitar, bass, and vocals. And you will see-the world will never be the same again.”

With a burning passion, the Rhuinyx began to form their band. Each of them chose a role according to their unique abilities. Ouflup, a huge ball of energy, chose to be the vocalist. His voice was powerful, with an echo that could shake the atmosphere and shake gravity. Gruck, who could elastically extend and retract his body, chose to be a bass player. His flexible body allowed him to move his long hands and fingers to play the bass guitar with tremendous power.

Then there's Va, who has the ability to transform his head into different shapes, choosing to become an electric guitar player. With a guitar that is sharply shaped and emits flashes of energy when plucked, Va creates riffs that can rock the world.

time space. And finally, Bubu, a creature with many legs and a tail, became the drummer. Bubu can hit the drums at extremely high speeds, creating beats that are as fast as lightning and as loud as thunder.

After intense training, they are ready to launch to Earth. They acclimatize to Earth's atmosphere and are ready to make an incredible debut.

On the first night of their concert on Earth, the Rhuinyx came to a small town known for its underground music scene-a place filled with madness and freedom. As soon as they stepped onto the stage, the human audience was shocked to see alien creatures shaped like balls of energy, elastic apes, and giants with many legs. But when they start playing music, everything changes.

Ouflup's vocals echoed and thrilled, Va's guitar broke the silence of the night, Gruck's bass rolled out heart-pounding sounds, and Bubu's drum beats accelerated at an incredible speed. Everyone there felt an overwhelming vibration-as if they were in the middle of an energy storm.

“This is Galactic freedom!” shouted Ouflup through the microphone. “And we are the OuthRuinzy Skatepunks!”

The concert was a history-changing event. Their punk music not only electrified the Earth, but also made the entire galaxy listen. Every planet started sending out signals asking them to perform. The Rhuinyx had finally found a way to unite the galaxy, not just with knowledge and technology, but with noise, freedom, and most importantly, music.

OuthRuinzy Skatepunk's are more than just a band-they're a symbol of freedom, rebellion, and interplanetary unity. And across the galaxy, more and more alien beings are inspired to pick up guitars, drums and microphones, creating a noisier, wilder and freer world.

This drawing is made with ink on paper, using a pencil.


hclienpunk - sketch v1.jpg

hclienpunk - sketch.jpg


hclienpunk - outline.jpg

Because, as they always say: “Nothing is more powerful than punk music. Nothing is more powerful than freedom!”.

This is all I can say for right now, sorry if there are mistakes in words or my typing is not perfect.

and thank you for taking the time just to look at my work, and see you in my next work. 👽🖐