Spirit of the Forest - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 311!

in Alien Art Hivelast month

Hello alien community and @splinterlands today I come to show you the drawing of spirit of the forest for the weekly character design contest, with a slightly more adult design made with alcohol based markers and fine brush tip pen.

I chose this character because being one of the original creators of life in splinterlands she is quite powerful and she is also almost omniscient since very few things happen without her knowing and her beautiful and delicate appearance hides a great power and can even become feared although she loves all her children as a mother should, I hope you like it.

Hola comunidad de alien y @splinterlands hoy vengo a mostrarles el dibujo de spirit of the forest para el concurso semanal de diseño de personajes, con un diseño un poco mas adulta hecho con marcadores a base de alcohol y boligrafo de punta de pincel fina.

Elegi este personaje porque al ser una de las creadores originales de la vida en splinterlands es bastante poderosa y que tambien es casi omnisciente ya que muy pocas cosas pasan sin que ella lo sepa y su apariciencia delicada hermosa esconde un gran poder e incluso puede llegar a ser temida aunque ama a todos sus hijos como una madre deberia hacerlo, espero les guste.











Very nice entry bro! Im amazed how it turned out just using simple materials ! Your talent is superb bro!😎👍

thank you bro, it goes to show that it is not needed to buy expensive materials.

Oh my god! I love it so much, I love the way you layered the colors, the way you used the white spots as highlights, and I love the way you made the overall figure, the anatomy looks amazing too!

thank you so much, so nice of you.