Hi, I’m Dave, AKA Numpty Nuts, AKA ‘Jim, Bob, Fred or whatever your f*ing name is’. Once upon a time, many years ago on a computer far, far away I used to do stuff on the interwebs. Part of which was posting my useless drivel, moaning rants (and the odd cat video) on this blog. Well, the time has come to inflict upon the world once more my nonsensical utterings and questionable opinions. To this end, I’ve had a huge clearout (oooerrr) and am starting afresh.
Hey @frot, you were just shared some LUV. See the LUV tokens in your wallet at https://hive-engine.com or learn about LUV at https://hive.blog/@luvshares https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYJuFDN4mnVQRDASXVFEyvsZb34AXcsouWVqbfK8e4M6Z
Numptynuts :) ... !LUVOh no @frot, I was trying to lure
I just searched and found a website: https://numptynuts.uk/hello/
Hi, I’m Dave, AKA Numpty Nuts, AKA ‘Jim, Bob, Fred or whatever your f*ing name is’. Once upon a time, many years ago on a computer far, far away I used to do stuff on the interwebs. Part of which was posting my useless drivel, moaning rants (and the odd cat video) on this blog. Well, the time has come to inflict upon the world once more my nonsensical utterings and questionable opinions. To this end, I’ve had a huge clearout (oooerrr) and am starting afresh.
Classic Numptynuts, oh, the similarities, this cunt be real...
Command accepted!