Hello, @belle5
this is the Link where your work appears, it is ORIGINAL from freepik, it was created by AI by the User rkhandakar90
These are the community rules
Feel free to post any creative medium or style you can dream of.The only firm criteria that will be enforced is that the content must be original art made by you. I am a strong supporter of artistic freedom and I see nothing wrong with taking inspiration from other artists or remixing to create something entirely new. If however the art is not made from scratch it's good etiquette to cite your sources so people can understand exactly what they are curating.
No plagiarism / original art only
Be honest about your methods
Please only post on topic
You should One time read my blog, and this picture i got from Pinterest also 🤣 how get to know where is original art
To clarify, regardless of where you got the art you should link the original source and make it clear what you are referencing, so you can update your post and add the link Eve dropped above, thanks :)
I am a newbie here. I am learning ecency rules and regulations. But this art idea i got from Pinterest.