online art - the M○C△ sessions

in Alien Art Hive4 years ago (edited)

grafik.png moving warhol, 1988

After a wonderful first year of onlineart at the NFT showroom Discord with so many top artists as special collaboration guests online art expands to Museum of Crypto Art. Under the name onlineart the M○C△ sessions.
this live art creation format is flexible and can have different faces.
The basis of the format: In early times I was working live in front of the audience creating art and since the resurection 2020 the real online Art show was created. Streaming my workscreen and working live online, mostly using TVP_AnimationPro,the successor of Amiga´s Deluxe Paint.

short history of online art:
1986 first single frames created. digitized video frames captured in "difference" mode overpainted with DeluxePaint I. 1988: First live painting sessions using Amiga1000 and 1st video digitizer.
grafik.png different faces, 1986

1989: My first proper full night "geko online" live paint session at Club MAVO Vienna was done using an Amiga 2000 and an Amiga 2500 and a video mixer. tuned and serviced by Commodore technical support division.

1991: online art - vernissage, offenes Kulturhaus Linz, Austria. The Vernissage opened with 23 empty frames, while I was capturing the arriving audience with a video camera, then digitizing selected frames from the video. With these captured images as basis I created 23 abstract artworks painted with parts of the pictures of the audience and then printed with an Thermo sublimation printer in A3 Format. With the disappearance of Commodore, this "online art" format was halted due to the fact that neither PC nor MAC nor SGI machines were able to provide the necessary technology to continue
with this online art format.

the onlineart resurrection 2020

elgeko x George Boya
2020 The old onlineart format came back to life with a new refined concept and was at NFT SHOWROOM Discord until recently. This new onlineart format were all collaborative sessions with a special collaboration guest each time.

juligek.png elgeko X Alienhoney

BarbaraBezina-red-elgeko-zhumb.jpg collab with Barbara Bezina

I had highly creative sessions with George Boya, "Alienhoney" Julia K Ponsford, "the Elephai" Boris Trifunovic, Barbara Bezina, Naturalwarp, "Eloh-project" Sean Allumn, Skeenee, Vachemorte, Soundwavesphoton, Stellabelle, Isaria, Collin, Prokopevone, RichardYates, Clayboyn.

Elgeko x Isaria

Big shout out and thank you to all my creative guests, I had the honour to work with in the first year.

Elgeko X the Elephai

waka-waka-moshed-trashcan-02-24-2021-elgeko_RFYates-twitta2.gif elgeko x RichardYates

Some sessions were "evaluation" sessions and the results were presented later or even take a long time to be finished like the ELOH collaboration, or the Naturalwarp 360° collab.

VACHExGEKO_piece1_montage-movement.jpg Elgeko X Vachemorte

elgeko X Naturalwarp

next onlineart at NFTshowroom is 6th of octobre at 10 p.m. CEST with special guest @aemile-kh

onlineart - the M○C△ sessions

1st MOCA session

with Julia K. Ponsford as co-host and collaboration partner
the first onlineart MOCA session was in August and we both had a great creative session with good music to get into the flow.

Elgeko X JuliaKPonsford

Next onlineart M○C△ session is on 22nd September 6 p.m. CEST
a 4 hour Marathon session with multiple guests. with each guest we pick a REKT project from the REKT-list and we start generating art around this incident spontaneously. each guest will stay for about ~60 minutes and guides me through the REKT related art creation via voicechat and textchat. Artists who want to get involved can drop suggestions or simply drop png, mp4, gif, mov, avi, obj, fbx files at any time to be picked up by me and integrated into the art pieces.
After the session the output will be sorted, final brushup, cleanup, vignetting.... and presented to the collaborators and the MOCAxREKT team before anything is released.

1st MOCA session

final thoughts:
The format is really flexible. It can theoretically also include work sessions with the collector present, who can influence the art live as it is in progress via voice or text chat. So the artwork is created in presence of the collector who can guide the workflow, has "undo veto right" and can make decisions during creation process. fully interactive art creation is now possible.

100 % original content created and produced by @elgeko
