MidJourney is incredible

I have been using the AI art tool MidJourney to create some work to put up around my home, but those have mainly been nice relaxing images, but I wanted to give MidJourney a shot to express some of the stuff that is constantly running around in my mind. It is crazy how minds work and that they can be full of scary scenes of death and anguish.

I am not an artist in the traditional sense. I really suck at drawing or painting, but I am getting used to what prompts to use to create images that are in my mind. I spent about 3 years of my life fighting in a war and then I spent another 6 years in a pretty bad area doing law enforcement. I have seen so much trauma in my life and I am hoping to start Ketamine treatments soon to be able to work through it and hopefully move past it all.

It is crazy how accurate a lot of the more abstract creations can get when using AI. One thing I have been doing is to replicate the styles of artists that I like. Most of the stuff I have created to represent my PTSD is in the style of Salvador Dali. His work has always intrigued me and I like that it leaves a lot up to your imagination and things aren't always so literal.

This piece is about leaving your trauma behind and moving forward into the unknown of your new life. I really like using MidJourney to put what goes on in my mind into images that make sense to me. AI Art has come a long way since it was first introduced and I really think that AI is going to be used a lot more in the future when it comes to elevating your creativity. The future is going to be pretty awesome.
These pieces are sick, I really love MidJourney’s results. I haven’t tried it yet tho. Does it cost a subscription?
Really awesome to see AI is able to help you express what you need to express in a way you think you can’t do or you think you suck at.
True, and to think the mind can also block some memories to protect you and somehow show these random negative scenes in dreams. For us with ptsd, it never ends. But I love to see you doing treatment for it, hope you feel better with Ketamine altho I don’t know what that is haha
Ya, there are a few different subscriptions you can get. I am just testing it out with a $10 sub, but my brother has the full $30 sun and he is making stuff all the time.
I am sure my mind has so many blockages right now. I can’t remember so many things from my time in the military, which sucks because it’s like 8 years of my kid’s lives and early parts of my marriage have been deleted from my mind. It will be cool to do the treatments and removed those blocks and get all those good memories back and move past all the bad ones.
The ketamine treatments allow your brain to remove the blocks and any of the bad emotions so you can process it all, and the ketamine works in your brain to create new neural connections in your brain to heal and make it work better.
Wow man, these pieces of art are amazing. That last one is cool, kind of magic eye in a way. I was staring at the top frame and it looked like the skull was shifting upwards. Pretty cool, or maybe my eyes are just messed up.
Ketemine treatments, what's that? I've never done Ket, my mate done it at a gig before though, thinking it was coke lol, he sniffed a few lines and started gumming it because he wasn't getting a hit. Then it kicked in when he left the bathroom, he was pretty messed up and started talking madness to a bouncer and got kicked out of the venue.
Ended up in McDonalds and was coming down off it thinking they were cooking people. Good night.
I use Night Cafe for A.I art which is great, but this MidJourney looks like it's worth checking out.
Thanks man. Ketamine had many uses other than being a anesthetic. Your friend definitely did not do it the way that I will be using it. I will be using it in a clinical manner under doctor's supervision. They determine a dosage based off your body weight and it is administered using an IV. The doses are smaller than when people use it recreationally and the treatment is spread out over six treatments during a three week period. It has really helped my wife and I am excited to see what it can do for me.
Now, when doing it, is this in order to talk through some issues or is it more for kind of soul searching and inward thinking? Good luck with it though man, I hope you get what you want out of it!
A friend spoke about medical grade MDMA being used for the purpose of talking through stuff. There's some psychatrist who advocates it and has people use it for couples therapy and stuff like that under supervision.
Pretty interesting I think, being able to use different substances for medical reasons.
Ketamine works to rewire your brain and create new neural connections. It is pretty cool and similar to thr MDMA treatment that is being studied. It is nice to see so many doctors beginning to see the value in studying these medicines and to move away from traditional pharmaceutical treatment.
That's really cool, kind of like mushrooms in a way but obviously it would be the higher tier of that, considering it would be in a medical setting.
There's a lot of medications out there that help for a plethera of different things. But, as I understand it big pharma tends to change the chemical compound of certain pre-existing medications enough to patent it and sell it, even though in some cases the new compound could have side effects.
I heard this thing it was about America, but I think it happens in every country, independant research is done in each college lets say, but, information isn't shared across the board, in order for one hub to patent and sell their findings. So multiple places could be funded and working on the same thing, but, each one hides their notes from the others. If the government just said. "No, from now on, all research and efforts are being made public instead of private." Imagine how quickly we'd advance.
Yeah it's cool that they're looking into already existing medications though and giving them new uses, for treatments like that.
Damn. Those pictures are mind blowing. I've spent my free trial sessions with MidJourney, but your pictures and those of a friend of mine make me want to pay that subscription. At first, I was looking at AI art as something that doesn't make any sense, but seeing what it can do from only a few words, it's amazing.
I hope you get well, man. I've been in the military for several years, was about to go in a warzone as well, but started asking myself some hard questions, and figured it wouldn't do good for me as a human being to go there. I knew I wasn't going to be the same afterwards, so I eventually decided not to go, and quit the army. It was the hardest decision I've ever taken in my life, and the only one I regret today. Though even without any combat, after quitting, I've had sort of an identity crisis for about 2 years.
Can't imagine what you've been through and what you've seen over there, but I hope you get to terms with those memories and get well up in there. Wish you the best. Keep on creating, art seems to help with these things.
Thanks man. It's been a long healing process for my mind. The last couple years, my wife and I have been putting in a lot of work. We will get there one day. Welcome to Hive and I hope you enjoy your time here.
This AI looks like a fabulous tool to us for self expression and I have also always liked Dali's art. Should the Ketamine treatment be of a great help to you, please let me know as I also have tons of PTSD.
I will definitely do some posts on the Ketamine treatments once I start. It is a very interesting process and I have seen it work wonders for people.
Holding thumbs that it will work for you!
Man, Mid journey is literally best one for people who picture a lot of things in mind. I personally do same thing most of the time when have thoughts In mind.
And always Get shock after seeing accuracy! Indeed, Future is going to be Awesome.
Ya, it will be cool to see how much better the AI gets over the years.
Maybe not traditional art, but these are amazingly emotional...
Thank you. They are pretty cool how detailed they are.
Man I want to try this now. I can't draw or paint worth a damn either, would love to be able to express some things that photography is ill suited for.
PTSD is a bastard, I'm curious to know how the ketamine treats you.
MidJourney has a free trial which allows you to create a few images but then it goes to a subscription model of $10-$30 a month.
I found my way to their discord, fixing to experiment with it once I understand how it works better. Did you do these with the trial or did you subscribe?
These were all with a subscription. I think the trial will only get you a handful of images to make. It is really only enough time to scratch the surface of what you can do.
Gotcha. The instructions were a bit on the vague side, wasn't sure how you got what you did, much less in a few images.
It’s a lot of experimenting with different prompts to get what you want. You have to find different words to tweak the images and if you run the same prompts again, you will get a different result. It is just a lot of trial and error. It takes some patience to learn.
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It is so fascinating to see what is possible….
Love the atmosphere in them. It does portray your thoughts and feelings well.
Somehow they all fit together so well.Stunning @derangedvisions 😎🤩 LOVE them 🥰
Looks like I should try it one day too 🤓
Thanks for sharing, have a great evening!
I have always tried to produce beautiful things and he is very good at dramatic things. When I look at the photos, I see really sad scenes. As I always say, it's very rare for humans to produce something like this, but AI can do it in seconds.