Splinterlands Art Contest Week 205 - Kralus

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago


What's up people, how are you, welcome to a new post, for the first time I bring a humanization as a fan art for splinterlands, I decided to make the card Kralus, he caught my attention a lot, the lore of the card is also quite nice and emotional however I didn't want to paint a tiger so I decided to adapt it to a human version, I hope you like the process.

Que pasa gente, como están? sean bienvenidos a un nuevo post, por primera vez traigo una humanización como fan art para splinterlands, decidí realizar a la carta Kralus, me llamo muchísimo la atención, el lore de la carta también es bastante bonito y emotivo sin embargo no quería pintar un tigre por lo que decidí adaptarlo a una versión humana, espero les guste el proceso.


Process / Proceso

First I had to get an idea of what elements I could keep or modify to make it look like kralus, the first thing was the wings, I don't hate to keep them on the back because of the shape of the pose, it would have been too uncomfortable and wouldn't draw as much attention, so I decided to move them to the ears and at the same time keep the tattoos on the body of kralus, also, sorry if the changes in the process can be somewhat abrupt, sometimes the program I use closes without warning and I lose much of what I have already painted, so I prefer to save little by little in the form of editable file.

Primero debía tener una idea de que elementos podía conservar o modificar para hacerlo parecido a kralus, lo primero eran las alas, no odia mantenerlas en la espalda por la forma de la pose, hubiera sido demasiado incomodo y no llamaría tanto la atención, así que decidí moverlas a las orejas y a su vez mantener por así decirlo los tatuajes en el cuerpo de kralus, ademas, disculpen si los cambios del proceso pueden ser algo bruscos, a veces el programa que utilizo se cierra sin avisar y pierdo gran parte de lo que ya he pintado, por eso prefiero ir guardando poco a poco en forma de archivo editable.







One of the things I spent the most time on was painting the hair, I spent a lot of time trying to make it look as realistic as possible, absolutely every little strand of hair is handmade, every single one of them, I easily spent over 8 hours on the hair, then painting the wings, I feel they were slightly more complicated but the area it covers of the canvas is not as large, hence I didn't last as long as with the hair.

Una de las cosas a las que mas le dedique tiempo fue a pintar el cabello, estuve mucho tiempo tratando de que se viera de la forma mas realista que me fuera posible, absolutamente todos los pequeños mechones de cabellos están hechos a mano, cada uno de ellos, fácilmente invertí mas de 8 horas en el cabello, luego pintando las alas, siento que fueron ligeramente mas complicadas pero el área que cubre del lienzo no es tan grande, por ende no dure tanto como con el cabello.





Overall all the skin work and textures I used I simply loved, to paint a kind of clothing covering Krula I placed some rather large feathers on the body, I wanted to make the eyes in a more interesting and striking way, that's why the painting resembles something metallic in that part.

En general todo el trabajo de la piel y las texturas que utilice simplemente me encantaron, para pintar una especie de ropa que tapara a Krula coloque algunas plumas bastante grandes en el cuerpo, quería realizar los ojos de una manera mas interesante y llamativa, por eso el pintado se asemeja a algo metálico en esa parte.





Without a doubt, this is my favorite work so far, hope you liked it, see you next time!

Sin duda, este es mi trabajo favorito hasta el momento, espero les haya gustado, hasta la próxima!


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @incublus ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Preciosísimo, perfecto, es lindísimo 💖

hahaha muchas gracias! me alegra que te gustara mi ilustración!

Whoaahh those hair strands! And that expression on the eyes! They're beautiful!

hahahahah relax, it happens to all of us, stay consistent!

Trying to be 🥲 but these days I'm just drawing as much as I can

Great, that's the way, also resting is important, if you want to practice the structure of the faces I recommend you to use the loomis method, it's very useful, if you have any doubt you can ask me :d

I use the Loomis method though since I never actually learned to use grid. Grid seems way too technical and it takes the fun out of art

eey yeah it's my favorite part, I love the way the eyes are made.

That's my current weakness in digital because I'm struggling with precision these days 🤣

El resultado de las alas y los detalles en los ojos y pestañas es simplemente increíble :D

gracias compadre, le eche muchas ganas a esta ilustración

Beautiful art 🎨🎨

woow amazing details😍

mira jordan yo se que tu hablas español oite, gracias bb

Fantastico mi hermano. Good to see your art again. You made it very detailed and perfect!

Thanks bro, it has been one of the best jobs I have done so far.

Dang! You took the whole angel theme to a next level. Brilliant idea to add those feathers with her hair. Nice work :)

thank you very much! it was interesting to find a place to put the wings!

Wow. 👀 Your brushwork is beautiful, I love the close up at the end. Stunning!

many thanks bro!!

@tipu curate

thanks for the support!

Sin duda, este es mi trabajo favorito hasta el momento. Felicitaciones.

muchas gracias marria!

Purito arte! ♥

gracias bb

Oh, I love her eyes💙

Thanks leeendah! nice to see you here, I really like your art!

Thanks ❣️

Me encanta... Amo esos ojos😍

gracias berlissana n.n que bueno verte por aqui

Awesome work
This is really lovely ❤️😍😍

 2 years ago  

This is so pretty, they should put this on a splinterlands card!