WOW! A @castleberry POST!!!! Sweet deal. You have a lot of cool art pieces showcased here today. Love them all. Lašiotica was of particular interest to me do to the cool lines and black and white style. Excellent! I was staring at it for a while and then fell over because I got dizzy.. hehehe.. Awesome when the art starts moving without the use of drugs.
I have a few of this card and that, but I also have several sealed packs of Garbage Pail Kids and a whole box of the Giant Stickers - also garbage pail. I think there are three packs with 'Atom Bomb'. Recently they have been going for around $100 USD a pop. We'll see.. not ready to part with them just yet.
I wouldn't want to part with them either! hahaha Garbage Pail Kids bring back some of my best memories of better times!
My dad used to say that he wished i was around making art back in the sixties and seventies for their psychedelic nature. I think that there is something optical and cerebral about the repetitive use and nature of lines. I really enjoy the analog art process and now there are digital options to embellish with as well. The Lašiotica is purely hand-drawn and scanned into a digital file. No manipulation or post-production editing or embellishing.
Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment and appreciate the post!
Cheers bro
Oh you really would have been good at that! You dad was right indeed.
I'll have to do a post on those garbage pail kids cards some day in the future. I originally bought them to flip, then decided against it.