She dances in the sea and adapts to the changes in it. She tries to transmute the bad into good and has changing emotions. She carries the mystery with her. That is what the jellyfish inspires me.
Ella baila en el mar y se adapta a los cambios que hay en él. Trata de transmutar lo malo en bueno y tiene emociones cambiantes. Lleva el misterio consigo. Eso es lo que me inspira la medusa.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Como muchas veces he comentado, hace varios años, una de mis alumnas de informática que a su vez fue mi profesora de grafología, me comento sobre la existencia de los animales de poder y así averigüé los míos. Pero ella siempre me decía que debía tener uno de agua, que todos teníamos uno que viviera en el agua y no pude en ese momento encontrar cual era.
Cuando vivía en Argentina, si bien la ciudad estaba cerca del mar, en realidad se trataba de una ría y nunca iba a ella. Muy pocas veces fui a la playa y en sólo una de ellas me pico una medusa. Fue tal que más de treinta centímetros de mi pierna esta morada, la había pisado con todo el peso de mi cuerpo, tenía cinco años, lo recuerdo como si fuera hoy. Era mucho el dolor.
Pero luego nunca tuve contacto con ellas hasta que me mudé a España. Aquí las he visto de varios tamaños y colores, blancas, rojas, bordo y me parecieron tan bellas, más allá de que al tocarlas, a algunas, hagan tan mal.
Me han rozado en el agua, pero descubrí que no soy alérgica, sólo lo noto tiempo después de haber salido del agua. Me quedo extasiada viéndolas moverse, adaptándose a los cambios en el agua, pero también saben defenderse y eso me encanta.
Por eso creo que de las criaturas que viven en el agua es la que más me gusta, además son misteriosas. He hecho varios diseños en Photoshop con ellas, pero nunca las había pintado.
As I have often said, several years ago, one of my computer science students, who was also my graphology teacher, told me about the existence of power animals and so I found out mine. But she always told me that I had to have a water animal, that we all had one that lived in water and I couldn't at that time find out which one it was.
When I lived in Argentina, although the city was near the sea, it was actually an estuary and I never went there. Very few times I went to the beach and only once I was stung by a jellyfish. It was such that more than thirty centimetres of my leg was purple, I had stepped on it with all the weight of my body, I was five years old, I remember it as if it were today. It was a lot of pain.
But then I never had contact with them until I moved to Spain. Here I've seen them in various sizes and colours, white, red, on board, and they seemed so beautiful to me, even though when I touch them, some of them do so badly.
They have rubbed me in the water, but I discovered that I am not allergic, I only notice it some time after getting out of the water. I am ecstatic to see them moving, adapting to the changes in the water, but they also know how to defend themselves and I love that.
That's why I think I like them the most among the creatures that live in the water, and they are also mysterious. I have made several designs in Photoshop with them, but I had never painted them before.

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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Por todo ello, quise crear a la mujer medusa. No tengo ojos azules pero este autorretrato es simbólico.
También me llama la atención que muchas pasan desapercibidas en el agua, creo que también me gusta ser así, nada de llamar la atención o cosas parecidas. Pero no ataquen a mi o a los que quiero porque me convierto en una medusa roja, esas son peligrosas, creo que es instinto de defensa.
En esta ocasión, como en las demás, hice las líneas guías para situar ojos, nariz y boca, pero esta vez deseaba que hubiera medusas delante y detrás del rostro y que se entremezclaran con el cabello, como si del cabello surgieran las mismas. Por ello quise dibujar un rostro de semi perfil.
Dibujé primero los ojos, luego la nariz, que creo fue lo más desafiante del dibujo y también la pintura, y finalmente los labios. Realicé el contorno del rostro y situé las medusas sonde iban a ser pintadas, pero sin mucho detalle, porque al estar delante del cabello primero se pinta éste.
That's why I wanted to create the jellyfish woman. I don't have blue eyes but this self-portrait is symbolic.
It also strikes me that many go unnoticed in the water, I think I also like to be like that, no attention-seeking or anything like that. But don't attack me or those I love because I turn into a red jellyfish, those are dangerous, I think it's a defence instinct.
In this occasion, as in the others, I made the guide lines to place eyes, nose and mouth, but this time I wanted there to be jellyfish in front and behind the face and that they intermingle with the hair, as if they were emerging from the hair. So I wanted to draw a semi-profile face.
I first drew the eyes, then the nose, which I think was the most challenging part of the drawing and also the painting, and finally the lips. I made the outline of the face and placed the jellyfish where they were going to be painted, but without much detail, because being in front of the hair, the hair is painted first.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Un tip es que aprendí que primero se pinta lo que está en el fondo de la escena y luego lo que se va acercando. Y hoy rompí una regla propia, pintar de izquierda a derecha porque soy diestra. Como el fondo está a la derecha y detrás del rostro decidí pintarlo primero a riesgo me mancharme toda la mano, pero no pasó, pinté a mano alzada.
A tip is that I learnt that first you paint what is in the background of the scene and then what is getting closer. And today I broke a rule of my own, painting from left to right because I am right-handed. As the background is on the right and behind the face I decided to paint it first at the risk of staining my hand, but it didn't happen, I painted freehand.
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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
El fondo no tiene mayor complicación, ya que es agua, y usé colores como azul ultramar, azul talo, verde claro, algo de negro y blanco.
Luego pinté los ojos de la mujer, primero el contorno de los párpados, y luego hacia dentro del ojo y así también con el otro. Seguí por el rostro usando colores como color piel o carne, siena tostada y siena claro, algo de negro y mucho blanco. Como les comentaba la nariz hoy fue lo más complicado por los brillos y sombras que tiene la misma cuando está en semi perfil. Los labios los pinté usando siena tostada, carmín y blanco, con muy poco de negro.
The background is not very complicated, as it is water, and I used colours such as ultramarine blue, thalo blue, light green, some black and white.
Then I painted the woman's eyes, first the outline of the eyelids, and then towards the inside of the eye and so on to the other eye. I continued on the face using colours like skin or flesh colour, tan sienna and light sienna, some black and a lot of white. As I said, the nose was the most complicated part today because of the shadows and glitters that it has when it is in semi profile. I painted the lips using tan sienna, carmine and white, with very little black.

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SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Cuando el rostro estuvo listo me dediqué al cabello, el cual pinté en ondas, libre como las medusas, usando mucho blanco, algo de azul, gris y verde.
Sobre el cabello y entrelazando el mismo con las medusas, pinte éstas con naranja, carmín y blanco. Quería que el color resaltara sobre el azul y el blanco de lo demás y que tuviera casi el mismo color que los labios.
Fue interesante el tema del semi perfil junto con las medusas y la combinación. Creo que como siempre al terminar y mirar el cuadro me doy cuenta que le doy prioridad a los ojos y las medusas también tienen que ver con eso, con ver más allá, por lo que me gustó mucho el resultado final.
Muchas gracias a todos por ver y leer hasta aquí. Les envío un gran saludo. Hasta pronto.
When the face was ready, I did the hair, which I painted in waves, free like the jellyfish, using a lot of white, some blue, grey and green.
On top of the hair and intertwining it with the jellyfish, I painted them with orange, carmine and white. I wanted the colour to stand out against the blue and white of the rest and to be almost the same colour as the lips.
It was interesting the theme of the semi profile together with the jellyfish and the combination. I think as always when I finish and look at the painting I realise that I give priority to the eyes and the jellyfish also have to do with that, with seeing beyond, so I liked the final result a lot.
Thank you all very much for watching and reading this far. I send you a big hello. See you soon.
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Muy buenos dibujos de tu mujer medusa, sea blanca o roja. Su presencia es casi enigmática, lo que se logra, sobre todo, por sus ojos y algo de su boca. Saludos, @avdesing.
Muchísimas gracias por estas palabras!!! Muchas gracias por el apoyo!🤗
I'm sorry about what happened to you with the jellyfish, it must have been a very painful situation
What a beautiful piece of work, I love that you shared the step-by-step process of creation
Have a lovely afternoonHello, how are you @avdesing
It was very small and I didn't even see it! Thank you very much for this beautiful comment!🤗
#hive #art #surrealism #painting #AlienArtHive
She is a jellyfish and a gypsy woman. I loved it! 😍
No! No gypsy! hahaha here they scream a lot and I hate screaming hahaha better a mermaid with jellyfish hahahaha
🤣 Ok, ok ok ok... easy easy easy... a mermaid, then.
jajajaja es que aquí hay mucho gitano y gritan todo el día!!! jajaja y odio los gritos... es un trauma jajaja
Te quedó bellísima la ilustración, me gustó el resultado final en los ojos con los diferentes efectos de sombras y colores llamativos, saludos.
Hola! Muchas gracias me encanta pintar al óleo, y he retomado hace muy poco, gracias por tu hermoso comentario!!🤗
The jellyfish is a very interesting animal, it goes unnoticed, but when it is illuminated it attracts attention, but beware of them, their sting is very painful, well, with only 5 years you have experienced the pain of their sting, as beautiful as dangerous 😲
Even so I consider it very calm, like any animal, if it feels invaded or threatened, it will defend itself and it has its own tool to do so ❤️
Your drawing is beautiful 😍 you know, Medusa looking into the eyes of the panda haha 😂
Just don't touch my sisters or you will meet the jellyfish. Thank you very much Yami!😍
your self-portrait looks great with those jellyfish in her hair, when I was a child there was a time when it was fashionable at school to wear hair clips with butterfly hair clips, I would have liked to wear a jellyfish, it would have been very cool.
Jellyfish shaped accessories... I've never seen that before, it would be great, I want that!!!
A masterpiece! How long it took? What was the most difficult part to paint?
Between drawing and painting it took me about seven hours and the most difficult part this time was the nose, because of the glitter and the inclination. Thank you very much!🤗
Fantastic! And a lot of patience!
Thank you!!!🤗
Good morning @avdesing , I really liked this self-portrait, mysterious and dangerous.
Happy weekend.
I always come up with crazy things hahaha thank you very much and have a great weekend!!!!🤗
It's so rare that you come up with crazy things, very rare. 🤣 🤗
🤣🤣🤣🤣 eso va conmigo jajaja
Creo que sí... 🤣🤣🤣
Y la mamá, cómo va?
Va lento.... me cuesta use la muleta, pero bueno crema, masajes, no apoyar el pie... es muy activa, pero algo de caso hace...termino muerta al final del día jajaja
Poco a poco, recuerdo algún esguince bastante pesado, y cuídate, que la cuidadora también tiene que descansar.
What a shame that you had that traumatic experience with jellyfish as a child.
I love your self-portraits, especially the realism in the eyes and facial features, the work you do is admirable
Have a lovely afternoonHow are you, dear friend @avdesing
Yes, that's what your granddaughter was telling me yesterday, it was an experience I had with jellyfish... but it was a long time ago. Thank you very much for appreciating my art! Have a nice day!
Muy bonito diseño mi querida amiga :D
Muchas gracias!!! Me encanta pintar al óleo!
I enjoy the marine motifs of this beautiful piece.
My paint palette and it's a mess hahaha thanks!!!
Hello, very nice portrait about the jellyfish, I like the eyes, nice art my lady.👍👍👍
Thank you so so mucha Cholito!!💗
Muchas gracias Eve!!!😃
Un diseño espectacular @avdesing
Gracias Eve, me encantó pintar este cuadro!🤗