Rising ❤️ Amonet (EN-ES)

in Alien Art Hive6 days ago

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separador sencillo 2.png

Process in pictures - Proceso en imágenes


separador sencillo 2.png

The view from above brings many different ways of seeing, beautiful things, life itself, seeing from the heights, soaring.

From above, flying, the world looks different, under a different prism, we can move through different places like a balloon that takes us only with the air, as if flying over the realities that many people live.

Looking from the outside helps to see differently and to understand different situations.

separador sencillo 2.png

Design process

The design is made with 9 images and 21 layers in Photoshop.

As a background I used an image of the starry sky and on it the image of the moon in three layers with mergers of overlay, darker colour and focal light.

Afterwards, I placed each hot air balloon in different positions, duplicated them and changed the scale and position of the second layers. The first ones will be to apply movement in the animation and the second ones to generate a fixed style.

Then I worked on the image of the woman in three layers deleting most of the last one and using the mergers of darker colour, focal light and normal with brightness.

Finally I worked on the two flower images on the woman's hair in several layers each and with mergers of brightness, darken and strong light.

The animation is done completely in After Effects, working on the opacity of each layer and adding lights in the form of clouds for better contrast.

I send you all a big hello and see you next time.
Thanks for watching and reading this far.

Amonet - AV Design

separador sencillo 2.png

version español rosa.png

separador sencillo 2.png

La mirada desde lo alto trae muchas formas de ver distintas, cosas hermosas, la vida misma, ver desde las alturas, elevándose.

Desde lo alto volando el mundo se ve distinto, bajo otro prisma, nos podemos trasladar por diversos lugares como un globo que nos lleva solo con el aire, como sobrevolando las realidades que viven muchos.

Mirar desde fuera ayuda a ver de forma distinta y comprender distintas situaciones.

separador sencillo 2.png

Proceso del diseño

El diseño está realizado con 9 imágenes y en 21 capas en Photoshop.

Como fondo usé una imagen del cielo estrellado y sobre ella la imagen que tiene la luna en tres capas con fusiones de superponer, color más oscuro y luz focal.

Posteriormente, coloque cada globo aerostático en distintas posiciones, dupliqué los mismos y a las segundas capas les cambie la escala y la posición. Los primeros serán para aplicarles movimiento en la animación y los segundos para generar un estilo fijo.

Luego trabajé la imagen de la mujer en tres capas borrando gran parte de la última y usando las fusiones de color más oscuro, luz focal y normal con brillo.

Finalmente trabaje las dos imágenes de flores sobre el cabello de la mujer en varias capas cada una y con fusiones de luminosidad, oscurecer y luz fuerte.

La animación está realizada completamente en After Effects, trabajando la opacidad de cada capa y agregando luces en forma de nubes para un mejor contraste.

Les envío un gran saludo a todos y hasta la próxima.
Gracias por ver y leer hasta aquí.

Amonet - AV Design

Separador Amonet rosa.png

Eye logo created by me in Corel Darw - Logo Ojo creado por mí en Corel Darw
Design made in Photoshop CS6 - Diseño realizado en Photoshop CS6
Separators created by me in Photoshop - Separadores creados por mí en Photoshop
Animation in After Effect - Animación en After Effect
Used translator Deepl.com free version - Traductor utilizado Deepl.com versión gratuita

Video Intro
Night - Noche
Moon - Luna
Globe 1 - Globo 1
Globe 2 - Globo 2
Globe 3 - Globo 3
Globe 4 - Globo 4
Woman - Mujer
Flower 1 - Flor 1
Flower 2 - Flor 2
Music Unlimited de Pixabay

Separador Amonet rosa.png

▶️ 3Speak


Se me ocurrio que podemos hacer un viaje en uno de estos globos con Buhito, @aibi93, @stellamartinez y @sugeily2 y llevamos a @promete0sz y lo tiramos del globo 🦉 ups, asi no era 👀 jajajaja

kyc!! me dejaste afuera de la casa toda la noche 😑😑

Bien merecido, en algún momento vas a aprender... como sea...

jodedoras.... tenian que ser hermanas 😑😑

Por supuesto, unidas somos más fuertes!

No te va a hacer mal dormir afuera una noche jajajajjaajajajaja

Tenés una excelente idea, con el final incluido.... que así sea, voy preparándolo todo 🤣

Se termina el virus panda muajajajaja

Totalmente... le viene bien dormir afuera😂

Esto me agrada jajajajajajajajajajajajaajajjaja Tenga su like!

Gracias tia 🦉❤️

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Tha you very much @hivebuzz 😃

Hello lady @avdesing
What a great editing job this video has, I like how you give movement to the images until creating this beautiful work.

Thank you so much @miprimerconcurso 😃

Wow! 😳 So beautiful ❤️

Tahnk you very very much!!!💗💗💗

How are you dear friend @avdesing
Your videos are always very impressive, the way you edit them is great

It's always good to see things from above, to see the whole picture.

Have a lovely afternoon

The big picture helps to make better decisions in the face of life's events. Thank you always!😃

Flying is a great adventure that makes those on it see from a higher realm

It's a good view from up there, thank you!😃

I liked this look from above, I'm sure that from up there you can see your achievements better.

Best regards @avdesing

The view from the heights offers many panoramas! Thank you very much!😃

That's right, and this time it's not until tomorrow, I hope to see you in a few hours...

Hoy esta moderando Stella, pero yo paso siempre... ya me conoces jajaja

It is such a beautiful whole and the word that comes to my mind as I look at it is ‘compassion’. Thank you little star that shines for everyone in this firmament.

Beautiful word! And may we all shine always, we are all stars, some just don't realise it.🤗

I think that flying in a balloon must put your brain to a thousand plus if it is the first time, is it that being up there you feel your mind more giant than normal or one thinks how small we look from above and how bad we are and we think we are great and know that we are not, I mean the humans.

We are part of the beautiful universe, and looking at ourselves from the perspective of height, makes us see ourselves as we really are, a whole with everyone. Thank you Monica!😃

I liked the use of the balloons. It gave the piece a nice Victorian-cyberpunk feel.

I liked the final result and doing something with balloons! Thank you very much!💗

Que bonito tu arte y la manera de expresarte, es verdad desde arriba podemos ver todo más detallado y lindo y desde afuera con más claridad 💕

Es otro punto de vista y ayuda mucho, gracias Nay!!💗

Muchas gracias Eve!!!💗💗💗💗