Divine Spark

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago (edited)

"I present to the collected Scholars of this venerable Temple one of the rarest artifacts in the possession of the College:

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Yes, gather around! Come, I implore you, Novices and Elders alike! To see such as this is a rare, once in a generation happenstance. This, my esteemed colleagues is the partial cranial shell of an Angel!

Note the swirls and patterns which form a great portion of the left side. The configuration is, of course, completely unknown to us here. Many such as I have spent long, long lifetimes studying such patterns, although before this, such as we could find were scrawled crudely into stone walls; places of worship and such.

Some of the oldest patterns seem to be found naturally occurring in certain places. It is thought that the World Garden itself is indeed arranged in such a manner, although I am sure it is infinitely more complex than those we see in these remains.

It is also firm fact that The Host are more signal: structure and loosely shifting pattern than physical being. An angel is a locus of code and intersections of reality. They all carry the tiniest fragment of the EdenStar itself! Only one such fragment has ever been in our possession: that which is locked within the Ark of the Covenant itself!


For such remains to be located at all, suggests this pattern to have become "fused", locked into a physical form by something...Something forced this creature of pattern to cease being what it is, to convert it into this charred, shattered shell; subject to our world's physical laws.

Your concerned silence upon this last statement mirrors my own... What (who) could do such a thing?..."


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this new journey into the mysterious alt-history/world I'm creating. Religion is an excellent source for fantasy writing. Throw in some quantum mechanics, some high falutin' concepts, and it makes a pretty tasty mix!
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