Beyond the Edge

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago


A Prologue of sorts..

"...Almost at the very periphery of all that was known, a young, tiny creature was unable to grasp what it was seeing. It was perched atop a large flat stone, which lay on a damp, leafy forest floor.


Far above, autumn sunlight rippled down through an ancient forest canopy. A chilly wind was coming into the Forest, from the world beyond the Universe.
The beetle had taken to coming out here, far away from the safety of the Tree. It knew this world beyond was real. It had always been real, for the Beetles of the Tree, but here it was: real.
The tiny beetle perched on it's little lookout stone had also seen the World Beyond changing. It was growing, shifting towards the Forest.


The tiny beetle wondered if it could leave the Universe and enter this strange Outer World....."