Serigrafia lapiz graso - Screen printing grease pencil


❤️Serigrafia lapiz graso - Screen printing grease pencil❤️

hello hello to all this beautiful and creative people i hope you are doing great today i am going to show you the process of drawing on the screen printing mesh.
hola hola a toda esta ente hermosa y creativa espero que esten genial hoy les vengo a mostrar el proceso del dibujo en la malla de serigrafia.


first we have to have a screen printing mesh and a grease pencil that will prevent the ink from passing through and it will be something like a painting with lines in the colour of the paper. The printing method is the same.
primero tenemos que tener una malla tenzada y un lapiz graso que eso impidira que la tinta pase y quedara algo asi como una pintura con lineas color del papel. El metodo de impresion es el mismo.


this is the technique that I saw that was more similar to the drawing itself as it was freehand, in my case it was a landscape. To have everything ready I started to draw on the side where the ink is placed and then on the other side because I was a bit conflictive because I wasn't going to close them anymore.
esta es la tecnica que vi que se asemejaba mas a el mismo dibujo ya que era a mano alzada en mi caso fue un paisaje. Para tener todo listo empece a dibujar del lado donde se coloca la tinta y despues del otro lado porque me puse un poco conflictiva que no iba a cerrarlos mas.


At the moment to take them to the teller I printed normally in an octopus but with a cotton sheet and taking the normal ink and passing it with a racket at the moment to take out the sheet it is put in a dryer (of metal so that the wind makes it natural).
Al momento de llevarlos al taller imprimi normalmente en un pulpo pero con hoja de algodon y tomando la tinta normal y pasandola con una raqueta al momento de sacar la hoja se pone en un secador (de metal para que el viento lo haga natural)


Depending on the pencil this can last up to 100 prints, clearly after that we have to remove the ink without any fear of the ink that when it touches the water it feels very gracienta but with water little by little it comes out obviously also taking into account the PATIENCE.
Dependiendo del lapiz esto puede durar hasta 100 impresiones, claramente despues tenemos que retirar sin miedo alguno a la tinta que al tocar con el agua se siente muy gracienta pero con agua poco a poco sale obviamente tambien teniendo en cuenta la PACIENCIA.


Now you know the second technique I learned in screen printing and I will try to give you more knowledge so you can grow personally and experiment I give you a big kiss and I hope you continue creating.
Ahora ya saben la segunda tecnica que aprendi en serigrafia y les intentare dar mas conocimiento para que puedan crecer personamente y experimentar les doy un beso enorme y espero que sigan creando


redes sociales - social networks

Facebook: Andrea Pinzón

Instagram: @andeapinchon Gorjeo: @LaKeNoSePeina


It is excellent work, very impressive. 😍

A long, long time ago, I also made a silk box, it's super fun. I like your pattern!