Dear friends of the Aliens community, have a happy day, my digital work today is an opening to other worlds, spaces that cross the border of the imagination, a world only created by the mind.
Spaces limited by the imaginary vision of the conscience, portals that sometimes we are afraid to cross, in them reign dark looks or rays of light that seem to come from a beyond, the doors of the imagination open, sometimes there is fear, but it is enough to stop to cross those fears and pour the light before our eyes.
Spaces dominated by color and texture, invite us to dream, they are not spaces for fear, they are spaces created by imagination, to make the day to day different, those doors are nothing more than a different vision of what others do, remember that no one in the world is equal to the other, the difference is made by ourselves.
All digital images have been created with the portable Photoshop program.
Thank you very much to all of you for rating and voting this post.
Apreciados amigos de la comunidad Aliens, tengan todos un feliz día, mi obra digital de hoy es una abertura hacia otros mundos, espacios que cruzan la frontera de la imaginación, un mundo solo creado por la mente
Espacios limitados por la visión imaginaria de la conciencia, portales que a veces se siente temor de cruzar, en ellos imperan miradas oscuras o rayos de luz que parecen provenir de un mas allá, las puertas de la imaginación se abren, a veces hay temor, pero solo basta detenerse para cruzar esos miedos y verter la luz ante nuestra mirada.
Espacios dominados por el color y la textura, nos invitan a soñar, no son espacios para el miedo, son espacios creados por la imaginación, para hacer diferente el día a día, esas puertas no son mas que una visión diferente de lo que los demás hacen, recuerda que nadie en el mundo es igual al otro, la diferencia la hacemos nosotros mismos.
Todas las imágenes digitales han sido creadas con el programa Photoshop portable
Muchas gracias a todos por valorar y votar este post.
Antonio Evies, May 2024
Title: | Doors of imagination |
Technique: | Digital art with photoshop portable |
Author: | Antonio Evies |
Measures: | 120 dpi. 2133 x 1778 px |
Year: | May 2024 |
Location: | Barquisimeto. Venezuela |


All proceeds from this and other posts by the author are donated to help the elderly suffering from Alzheimer's disease who are cared for by private institutions in Venezuela.


All proceeds from this and other posts by the author are donated to help the elderly suffering from Alzheimer's disease who are cared for by private institutions in Venezuela.

All proceeds from this and other posts by the author are donated to help the elderly suffering from Alzheimer's disease who are cared for by private institutions in Venezuela.