Say Hello to Mo! :-)
He and his story is the project I was working on very intensively during the last two weeks. This piece is one of the first three about Mo and I wanted to have them all finished, before I put them all up on OpenSea.
Yes, I have now a collection of NFT's on Ethereum! So exciting, we'll see how it goes :-)
If you want to take a look: https://opensea.io/collection/life-of-mo
A big part of the work on this collection was actually writing. I wrote a little story about Mo for every piece. It was really fun, I love writing, but it still takes me forever to write in English. I'm so happy to have my man who can read it over and correct the mistakes that I still make (I obviously use too many commas ^^).
He really helped me, mostly with getting my prices right. I was way too ambitious at first ^^ It is so good to have an experienced artist like him to learn from!
Thank you for sharing your time and being so kind and patient with me <3Also I want to thank @shortcut!
This is the sketch I've made, when Mo first came to my mind (I didn't know his name back then).
I still know exactly the situation. It was about two month ago while we had a power outage for three days and I couldn't work on the computer. So I did a bit of analog drawing instead and put some ideas on paper :-)
I think this Mo will always be my dearest. Though there are already two other paintings and stories (and I think there will be one or two more in the future), this one was the first, the birth of my Mo :-)

Here is the story of "Mo and the Egg-Bird":
And most of his mornings were always the same, a recurring routine that probably wasn't very different from what most people do after being woken up by the alarm clock.
This particular morning, Mo was still quite tired. And although he never complains about his daily tasks, today he wasn't at all motivated to get out of bed. We all have days like this, right?
So he was a lot slower in performing his morning routine than usual, and as a result, he had to hurry a bit in the end. He almost forgot to put on his hat even!
But eventually he was ready to leave. So he stepped outside, closed the door behind him and was about to go, when something suddenly bumped into his leg.
He looked down and saw ... well, he couldn't really make it out. It was something colorful and kind of egg-shaped, maybe a little bigger that an ordinary pineapple.
And it rolled around his feet!
Mo was so puzzled that he just stood and stared at that strange something performing its strange movements. He had never seen anything like it!
Suddenly the weird creature stood up (if you can call it that considering it was a rolling thing) and jumped up towards Mo's face but landed on his hand instead, more gracefully than Mo would have imagined.
And it stood still.
Mo (still stunned) could take a closer look at the odd thing now. It was indeed an egg-shaped creature! And it had feathers in all colors and a beak. So Mo figured that it must be some sort of bird. But he had never seen a bird without wings before that moved around rolling and jumping.
But there's a first time for everything, he thought.
As a further confirmation of his guess, the animal started making bird sounds. Nothing like any other bird though. Something between a croaking, tweeting and the sound of a washing machine that just finished a program. But still clearly the sound of a bird.
That Egg-Bird now seemed to feel pretty comfortable on the palm of Mo's hand. It didn't make but the slightest inclination to move or roll away.
And Mo, although he was already way too late, somehow didn't want to move either. This was a special moment and he kind of liked that weird bird on this hand. The bright colors of its feathers, its funny way of moving around, the strange sounds it made ... He couldn't help but smile. What wondrous things there are in the world!
So there they stood in the little front yard, Mo and the Egg-Bird.
Mo couldn't say for how long, he had lost track of time, but eventually he knelt down and carefully set the Egg-Bird on the ground where it turned around and looked at him.
"I have to go now, little Egg-Bird" said Mo, "But it was a pleasure to meet you and you are always welcome here. I would be glad to see you again!"
And the Egg-Bird seemed to understand. He once again made his croak-tweet-washing-machine sound, jumped a few times up and down and then toppled over and started rolling in circles towards the near forest.
From this day on, the Egg-Bird appeared in front of Mo's house every now and then; sometimes in the morning, sometimes it was already waiting for him when Mo came home in the afternoon. Mo enjoyed the company of this weird bird a lot. He had never laughed and smiled so much before. When he watched it rolling and jumping around and making funny noises, there was nothing bad left in this world. Everything was only joy, color and lightness.
Thanks so much for reading! <3
Und die meisten seiner Morgende liefen genau gleich ab, eine sich nie ändernde Routine, die sich vermutlich nicht sehr unterschied von dem, was die meisten Leute tun, nachdem sie unsanft vom Wecker aus dem Schlaf gerissen wurden.
An diesem besonderen Morgen war Mo nach dem Aufstehen noch recht müde. Er beschwerte sich niemals über seine täglichen Aufgaben, doch heute hatte er absolut keine Lust, aufzustehen.
Wir all kennen solche Tage, oder?
Somit war er um einiges langsamer in seiner morgendlichen Routine als sonst, was dazu führte, dass er sich am Ende ziemlich beeilen musste.
Er vergaß sogar beinahe, seinen Hut aufzusetzen!
Irgendwann jedoch war er bereit zum Aufbruch. Er trat aus dem Haus, schloss die Tür hinter sich und wollte sich gerade auf den Weg machen, als plötzlich etwas gegen sein Bein stieß.
Er schaute hinunter und sah ... ja, er konnte es nicht recht einordnen. Es war etwas Buntes und irgendwie ei-förmig, vielleicht etwas größer als eine normale Ananas.
Und es rollte um seine Füße herum!
Mo war so verwundert, dass er nur dastand und das seltsame rollende Etwas anstarrte. So etwas hatte er noch nie gesehen!
Plötzlich stellte sich die eigenartige Kreatur auf (wenn man es denn so nennen kann bei einem runden rollenden Ding) und sprang auf einmal in Richtung von Mo's Gesicht! Doch es landete stattdessen, viel eleganter als Mo es erwartet hätte, auf Mo's Hand.
Und da stand es still.
Mo (noch immer etwas verwirrt) hatte nun einen besseren Blick auf das komische Ding. Es war tatsächlich ein ei-förmiges Tier! Mit Federn in allen Farben und einem Schnabel. Somit vermutete Mo, dass es eine Art Vogel sein musste. Aber noch niemals hatte er einen solchen Vogel gesehen! Einen ohne Flügel, der sich rollend und springend fortbewegte!
Aber es gibt für alles ein erstes Mal, dachte Mo.
Wie als eine weitere Bestätigung seiner Vermutung, fing das Tier plötzlich an, Vogelgeräusche von sich zu geben. Allerdings keine normalen Vogellaute. Mehr wie eine Mischung aus Krächzen, Zwitschern und dem Piepen einer Waschmaschine, die gerade ein Programm beendet hat. Aber doch klar das Geräusch eines Vogels.
Dieser ei-förmige Vogel nun schien sich recht wohl zu fühlen auf Mo's Handfläche. Er machte nicht die geringsten Anstalten, sich wegzubewegen (oder wegzurollen).
Und Mo, obwohl er schon viel zu spät dran war, ging es ebenso. Dies war ein besonderer Moment und irgendwie mochte er den kleinen komischen Vogel auf seiner Hand. Die bunten Farben seines Gefieders, die lustige Art und Weise wie er sich herumbewegte, sein merkwürdiges Gezwitscher ... er konnte nicht anders als lächeln.
Welch wundersamen Dinge es doch gibt auf der Welt!
So standen sie da, Mo und der Vogel.
Mo konnte nicht sagen wie lange, er hatte komplett sein Zeitgefühl verloren. Aber irgendwann kniete er sich hin und setzte den Vogel vorsichtig auf den Boden. Das Geschöpf drehte sich um und schaute ihn an.
"Ich muss jetzt gehen, kleiner Ei-Vogel", sagte Mo, "Aber es war mir eine große Freude, dich kennenzulernen. Du bist hier immer willkommen, ich würde mich sehr freuen, dich wiederzusehen!"
Und der Vogel schien zu verstehen. Er machte noch einmal sein Krächz-Zwitscher-Waschmaschinen-Geräusch, sprang ein paar mal auf und ab, fiel dann auf die Seite und rollte in großen Kreisen auf den nahen Wald zu.
Von diesem Tage an tauchte der Ei-Vogel immer öfter vor Mo's Haus auf. Manchmal am Morgen, machmal wartete er bereits, wenn Mo am Nachmittag nach Hause kam.
Mo genoss die Gesellschaft dieses komischen Vogels sehr. Wenn er ihn beobachtete, wie er herumrollte und -hopste, wenn er sein lustiges Zwitschern vernahm, da gab es nichts Schlimmes mehr in der Welt.
Alles war nur noch noch Freude, Farbe und Leichtigkeit.
My Art-Portfolio on Creary: https://creary.net/@anafae/projects
My brand-new account on Twitter: https://twitter.com/anafae_art
My gallery on NFT-Showroom: https://nftshowroom.com/anafae/gallery
My gallery on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/life-of-mo
all images by me
You did a strong work. Your story complements the art you drew. It's like a fairytale. I think it would be nice to see this story in audio version also. Thank you!
Oh, wow, you think so? Maybe a good idea for the future, an audio record as an unlockable.
Thank you so much for your kind words!
ps: I'm so sorry, I didn't see your message on nft-showroom in time!! I'm checking more often now.
No problem)
I did this for one of my artworks on NFT Showroom. It hasn't been sold yet, I believe :<)
Well done I'm so impressed - you are selling well on Hive, and now you have work on Opensea, brilliant. Not too much fees I hope. Those should come down soon to facilitate our work much more on ETH.
Thank you so much <3 Yes, NFT-Showroom was really good to me lately, so happy! I will see how it goes on OpenSea. I diving into twitter a lot right now, trying to get a few people to see my art ^^
The fee was quite high when I minted (about 100$), but fortunately I only have to pay it one time. And I'm working hard to get it back :-)
Well done there, I presume you just factor the gas fee into your price that you ask for the artwork. Well done for pursuing your art and sales with the passion required to succeed. we are our own curators, agents, advertising and everything, which is very empowering.
Yes, the pricing there caused a little bit of headache ^^ But now I'm feeling quite good. I'm spending a lot of time working out this twitter thing. I seems to be very important to have a good presence there. Like you said, we are our own advertising, so it's all part of the "job". And it's fun as well :-)
I thought the gas fees for sold art on Opensea were paid for by the buyers ( but perhaps you talked about the gas paid for the initial minting ).
Very true :<)
I love it!
Cool, Thanks! :-) Yeah, I've put a lot of love in this whole collection and it really feels like me <3
Great work, keep it up! Always happy to help :-)
Thanks a lot <3
Thanks dear @ewkaw! <3
My pleasure :)
I like this a lot and it also shows what an electricity outage can be good for. Your success is an example for many of us. It sure is inspiring!
Love this art!✨