River Nymph

in Alien Art Hive6 months ago

26 abril.png

Hoy tuve algo de tiempo libre y quería dibujar un poco, ha sido un día algo estresante pero bueno al final de todo, me inspire muchísimo para hacer este retrato de los colores que mas me gustan, recreando a River Nymph la cual hace mucho tiempo que no dibujaba y para ser sinceros, la primera versión que hice de esta carta no fue la mejor (al menos para mi) se veía un poco creepy y no creepy de la mejor manera jajaja, pero ya paso un tiempo de eso, hoy quise captar su esencia en un lindo retrato lleno de muchos tonos fríos, resaltando mucho el rasgo que mas me encanta exagerar que son los ojos, espero que les guste esta versión.

Today I had some free time and I wanted to draw a little, it's been a stressful day but good at the end of it all, I got a lot of inspiration to make this portrait with the colors I like the most, recreating River Nymph which I haven't drawn for a long time and to be honest, the first version I did of this card was not the best (at least for me) it looked a little creepy and not creepy in the good way hahaha, but it's been a while, today I wanted to capture her essence in a nice portrait full of many cold tones, highlighting a lot the feature that I love to exaggerate which are the eyes, hope you like this version.


River Nymph.png

Corazón banner (1).png


Realice el boceto y comencé a elegir los colores, esta vez muchos tonos azules y algunos morados para las orejas, en una nueva capa añadí mas tonos para que la piel tuviese más forma, luego tome un pincel duro y empecé a mezclar los colores, termine de darle mas suavidad usando un pincel difuso para obtener un resultado mas limpio, para el cabello, sustraje el color de la carta original solo que cambiando un poco el tono haciéndolo mas opaco.

I made the sketch and started to choose the colors, this time a lot of blue tones and some purple for the ears, in a new layer I added more tones so the skin would have more shape, then I took a hard brush and started to mix the colors, I finished giving it more softness using a diffuse brush to get a cleaner result, for the hair, I subtracted the color of the original card only changing a little the tone making it more opaque.

Agregue luces y sombras al cabello para un resultado mas realista y luego pinte su collar con morado, seguí con la ropa, la cual quise mantener igual a la carta original, aunque esta vez no quise que la ropa resaltara mucho ya que era un retrato, pinte la diadema en su cabeza y jugué un poco añadiéndole esta especie de rubor morado en sus mejillas, quise un fondo sencillo, asi que opte por un fondo de colores claros añadiendo algunos azules y morados y un efecto bokeh, finalice agregando luces en los ojos, nariz, labios y otras partes especificas que quería resaltar, además de hacer una edición de imagen, profundizando los colores.

I added highlights and shadows to the hair for a more realistic result and then painted her necklace with purple, I followed with the clothes, which I wanted to keep the same as the original card, although this time I didn't want the clothes to stand out too much since it was a portrait, I painted the headband on her head and played a bit adding this kind of purple blush on her cheeks, I wanted a simple background, so I opted for a light colored background adding some blues and purples and a bokeh effect, I finished adding lights in the eyes, nose, lips and other specific parts that I wanted to highlight, plus I did some image editing, deepening the colors.

Corazón banner (1).png

  • Photoshop CC 2022
  • XP-PEN deco 01 v2


  • Photoshop CC 2022
  • XP- PEN DECO 01 V2



I can see that when you're having a stressful day, drawing and creating your projects from the art relaxes you. Nicely done with the blue and purple hues. I like your still pose of the River Nymph facing forward instead of in a pose.

Thanks for sharing. Take care.

@alexa.art! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Yup, drawing is quite de-stressing, thank you very much for your comment, best regards! 🥰

Quedo muy hermosa! :"3 es uno de mis personajes favoritos!


Muchisimas gracias @sephiwolf 😄

Wooo que chulisimo

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