Buenaas amigos blogeros!, espero esten teniendo un excelente dia y con ello vengo a presentarles mi ultima ilustracion digital.
En esta ocasion he querido inspirarme un poco en seres cyberneticos, androides, inteligencias artificiales. plasmando asi mi propia idea sobre un ser que que ve mas alla de las posibilidades.
busca plantear a traves de la mirada profunda una escena que muestra desinteres por el mundo que lo rodea, viendose asi rodeado de oscuridad, pero emanando de el una desbordante energia.
Good morning blogger friends, I hope you are having a great day and with this I come to present you my latest digital illustration.
This time I wanted to be inspired a little in cybernetic beings, androids, artificial intelligences. thus capturing my own idea about a being that sees beyond the possibilities.
I try to show through the deep look a scene that shows disinterest for the world that surrounds him, being surrounded by darkness, but emanating from him an overflowing energy.
Como sabran me gustan los estilos cyber punk, y los seres mecanizados, se me hacen bastante atractivos a la vista sobre todo por que permiten desarrollar formas nuevas y visiones de como podrian verse los humanos o los robots a futuro.
En este inicio pueden ver parte del boceto. y la paleta de colores base que utilice para darle vida a este trabajo, aunque en un principio buscaba darle mas un toque oxidado, conforme paso el desarrollo lo dote de mas luz y mas color para que pudiera mostrarse un poco mas vivo.
As you know I like cyber punk styles, and mechanized beings, they are quite attractive to the eye especially because they allow me to develop new forms and visions of how humans or robots might look like in the future.
In this start you can see part of the sketch and the base color palette that I used to give life to this work, although at first I wanted to give it more of a rusty touch, as the development went on I gave it more light and more color so that it could show a little more alive.
En esta seccion ya iba separando un poco mas las zonas del rotro con las de la parte posterior del craneo cosa que mas adelante le daria una caracteristica muy resaltante dando a entender que no es un ser cualquiera si no de una poderosa maquina capaz de almacenar todo la informacion del mundo en si misma
In this section I was already separating a little more the areas of the face with those of the back of the skull which later would give it a very prominent feature implying that it is not just any being but a powerful machine capable of storing all the information of the world in itself.
Aqui ya habia mas detalles sobre como iba a quedar este trabajo, buscando asi la creacion de un ser cybernetico capaz de diferenciarce del resto. con esas enormes protuberancias en su cabeza con un brillo atrapante y un rostro lleno de desinteres gracias a saber todo lo que ha sucedido en el mundo en toda su historia y la que falta
Here there were already more details about how this work was going to be, looking for the creation of a cybernetic being capable of differentiating from the rest, with those huge protuberances on his head with a catching glow and a face full of disinterest thanks to know everything that has happened in the world in all its history and the one that is missing.
Saludos @abstrads , excelente trabajo. Es un placer conocer tu arte. Felicidades y éxitos.