Summary of the film, Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade./Resumen del film ,Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade. [EN - ES]

in The Anime Realmlast year (edited)

Little Witch Academia:
The Enchanted Parade





In the world of anime, there are stories that manage to captivate millions of viewers around the world. On this occasion, we enter a universe full of emotions and adventures with the film,

Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade
, this work of Japanese animation has conquered the hearts of fans of all ages thanks to its fascinating plot, endearing characters and charismatic.

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Little Witch Academia, is a short that presents the life of Akko, a young witch who studies at the New Moon Magic Academy, to one day become a witch, apparently magic is something that can simply be learned since according to the story she She doesn't have witch parents and she simply entered the magical academy of her own free will. Akko is not alone in her magical adventure. She has her two best friends, she has her friend Lotte, who is the typical nerdy ninja who loves to learn and is the friend who keeps things in order. There is also Sucy who accompanies her without hesitation in everything. her adventures.

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On the other side of the coin is the sociopath with the dirty name. The film lasts very little, only 53 minutes, and focused more than anything on the interaction of the characters, and especially Akko with the magical world that surrounds her. So that kind of movie that from the moment you start watching it, you know that it is more of a visual spectacle so much so that the first two minutes of the animation have almost no dialogue and are more of a visual spectacle in the Disney fantasy, the colors , sound effects and movements help us create an atmosphere of magic and fantasy that leaves you with your head in the clouds. The story is the simplest thing you can get in a fantasy world, it can be summed up in one word: Wizard School, Everything you see in the animation is simply the daily life of a bunch of witch girls. It's like combining your regular school comedy and adding a little magic and witchcraft.
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Another very strong aspect of its soundtrack is that type of innocent music with a spirit of adventure and search for knowledge that children's story-style stories have, and it reminds me of the music like that of the calmest moments of the Hobbit or Harry Potter. That music that makes you feel nostalgic for your home and that you could listen to as the musical background of your life without much problem. The Trigger studio has always had a good musical team and they don't show us off with this soundtrack full of magic. I must admit it. Little Witch Academia is not a work that makes you think or philosophize about life. You can even see some of its plot directions from the beginning.
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If I had to compare it to anything, I would compare it to the feeling it was to watch the first Harry Potter movie, or read the first three books, before it made the decision to become so dark and dramatic. That feeling of, in reality, being witness to that magical world in which you can do things that a person or evil could not, that feeling of, not finding a better word, magic that makes you feel like a little child. So those things that when you were little you knew could happen. My final verdict is something unique that is almost never seen. It is a very American style for telling a story, but with that oriental touch that anime has, which results in a unique animation with characters that you will want to see and that you will like without much problem. It's a very good animation, which if you have half an hour of your free day you definitely have to watch So, what are you waiting for? Go to the, sit like a child again and experience the magic again. I'm @yoani and I say goodbye until next time, but not before thanking you for your comments.
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NameLittle Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade
Directed byYô Yoshinari
Written byMichiru Shimada
Music byMichiru Ōshima
Produced byTrigger Studio

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Versión en Español

Little Witch Academia:
The Enchanted Parade





En el mundo del anime, existen historias que logran cautivar a millones de espectadores alrededor del mundo. En esta ocasión, nos adentramos en un universo lleno de emociones y aventuras con la película, Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade ,esta obra de la animación japonesa ha conquistado los corazones de fans de todas las edades gracias a su fascinante trama, personajes entrañables y carismaticos

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Little Witch Academia , es un corto que nos presenta la vida Akko, una joven bruja que estudia en la Academia Mágica Luna Nueva, para algún día convertirse en una bruja, aparentemente la magia es algo que simplemente se puede aprender ya que según la historia ella no tiene padres brujos y simplemente se metió a la academia mágica para sus propia voluntad.Akko no está sola en su aventura mágica. Tiene a sus dos mejores amigas, tiene a su amiga Lotte, quien es la típica ninja nerd que le encanta aprender y es la amiga que mantiene las cosas en orden, También esta Sucy que la acompaña sin dudarlo en todas sus aventuras.

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Al otro lado de la moneda está la sociópata de nombre sucia. La película dura muy poco, solamente 26 minutos, y se centró más que nada en la interacción de los personajes, y especialmente de Akko con el mundo mágico que la rodea. Entonces esa clase de película que desde que la empiezas a ver, sabes que más bien es un espectáculo visual tanto así que los dos primeros minutos de la animación casi no tienen diálogo y son más bien un espectáculo visual a la fantasía de Disney, los colores, los efectos de sonido y los movimientos nos sirven para crear una atmósfera de magia y fantasía que te deja con la cabeza en las nubes. La historia es de lo más simple que se puede agarrar en un mundo de fantasía, se puede resumir en una palabra: Escuela de magos, Todo lo que se ve en la animación es simplemente la vida diaria de un montón de niñas brujas. Es como combinar tú comedia escolar común y corriente y agregar un poco de magia y brujería.
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Otro aspecto muy fuerte de su banda sonora es ese tipo de música inocente y con espíritu de aventura y busca de conocimiento que tienen las historias con el estilo de cuento para niños, y me recuerda a la música como la de los momentos más calmados del Hobbit o Harry Potter.Esa música que te hace sentir nostalgia a tu hogar y que podrías escucharla como el fondo musical de tu vida sin mucho problema. El estudio Trigger siempre ha tenido un buen equipo musical y no nos presume con este soundtrack cargado de magia. Debo admitirlo. Little Witch Academia no es un trabajo de que te haga pensar o filosofar sobre la vida. Incluso algunos de sus direcciones argumentales las puedes ver desde el principio.
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Si la tuviera que comparar con algo, la compararía con el sentimiento que era ver la primera película de Harry Potter, o de leer los primeros tres libros, antes de que tomara la decisión de volverse tan oscuro y dramático. Ese sentimiento de, en realidad, estar presenciando ese mundo mágico en el que se puede hacer cosas que una persona o mal no podría, ese sentimiento de, al no encontrar una mejor palabra, magia que te hace sentir como un niño pequeño. Entonces esas cosas que cuando eras pequeño sabias que podían pasar. Mi veredicto final es algo único que casi nunca se llega a ver. Es un estilo muy americano para narrar una historia, pero con ese toque oriental que tiene el anime, lo que da como resultado una animación única con personajes que vas a querer ver y que te van a gustar sin mucho problema. Es una animación muy buena, que si tienes media hora de tu día libre definitivamente tienes que ver Así que, ¿qué esperas? Vayan a la, siéntense como niño nuevamente y experimenten de nuevo la magia. Soy @yoani y me despido hasta la próxima, no sin antes agradecer sus comentarios.
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NombreLittle Witch Academia:
DirectorYô Yoshinari
EscritorMichiru Shimada
MusicaMichiru Ōshima
ProduccionTrigger Studio

Mis Redes Sociales

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I haven't seen the movie yet, although I have seen some episodes of the series and it seemed a little childish to me, I really liked the music.

Thank you very much, I really appreciate your comment and I agree with you in all aspects. Thank you for everything.👍

I still have not see the movie but I see all the series, it was nice because its an anime that i can watch with my kid we both enjoyed it ❤️

It makes me very happy to know that, like me, you also enjoy watching series with your little one, in my house we watch anime or any other series or movie all together and that way the little ones enjoy it more and learn.

I have watched this movie and loved how the story went. The animation is the almost the same with Do Re Mi that one of the TV network here in the Philippines played.

I'm very glad you liked it, thank you for your words.

I didn't know about this anime, but as I've been interested in the magic and wizardry genre lately, I might go for it. Thanks for the review.

Yes, that's right, this anime is full of magic, you should give it a chance and watch it and maybe you'll learn some magic haha

It seems like this was made for children, it looks interesting though.

Yes, that's the same, it's a somewhat childish series, that's why it's an opportunity to watch it in the company of the little ones in the house. Thank you for your comment.

no lo he visto pero por la animación y lo que hablas se ve interesante!

I haven't seen it but from the animation and what you talk about it looks interesting!

Es una anime con sus propias caracteristicas que la hacen un poco diferentes,solo viendla un ratro te daras cuenta

When I saw this video the first thing came to my mind is Harry Potter I think I would love to watch this kind of animes.


Truly the resemblance to Harry Potter is great, except for some differences but yes, it is similar


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(4/5) @ayamihaya tipped @yoani

I think what you are reviewing is the test episode rather than the film, because the film as such is 53 minutes long. And well, if you liked it, I highly recommend the full anime, which has 25 chapters, a gem from beginning to end, long live the anime version of Harry Potter.