A tender school romance
An animated adaptation of the famous Shojo manga "Honey Lemon Soda" was recently released after years of its manga publication. The story revolves around the quiet Uka Ishimori, a quiet and shy girl who wants to change. When she was in high school, others made fun of her by calling her "Rock" for always being quiet and still, making many people dislike her for no apparent reason.
After finishing high school, she decides to change and have a fun life in high school, but right on her first day she is accidentally splashed in the face with lemon soda by Kai Miura, a serious boy with yellow hair similar to the soda. This event would change Uka's life, meeting new friends and getting closer to Miura's heart, thus developing a very pure and tender romance.
That's all for now, since only 3 episodes have been broadcast. I will try to keep you informed as the series evolves and generates opinions both for and against. Thank you very much to everyone.
Name | Honey Lemon Soda |
Year | 2025 |
Directed by | Hiroshi Nishikiori |
Written by | Akiko Waba |
Music by | Akira Kosemura |
Transmitted by | Fuji TV (+Ultra) |
I like shojio manga so much I think I will like this for sure 😃
Hola,sinceramente te lo recomiendo,tambien puedes esperar a que transmitan mas capitulos para que no te quedes con deceos de ver los demas.
Interesting anime, this is among those I'm watching this season and it really catches my attention because of the story and the way they manage to capture attention with good characters.
I'm very happy, I will continue watching it as more episodes are broadcast.
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A mi se me ha hecho esta historia muy linda y refrescante, de verdad, siento que vale la pena seguir viéndola. 😊
To me I found this story very cute and refreshing, really, I feel it's worth continuing to watch it. 😊
Saludos amiga ,me gusta que te guste jaja,es cierto lo que dices ,vale la peno continuar viendo y hasta a lo mejor tenemos alguna sorpres en el transcurso de la serie, gracias por tu comentario.