Ever since I was a small boy I have wanted to own a small friendly local game store. There was not a lot of money in my family so, when I would sneak off when my mother was getting her nails done, I'd by the comics from the discount bins. I honestly didn't know any better and, what really stuck, everyone was nice to me. Those torn covers held amazing stories I could bring back to our family farm and read over and over again.
Everything was so interesting there. The comic book were windows into worlds that left me enthralled, fascinated, and curious about the world outside my small town. I quickly noticed the older kids were playing a card game and, before I knew it, I was running my very first deck ever. It was full of Plague Rats, a brand new Lab Rats, and a old and very cherished Lord of the Pit and it took me aobut 10 minutes to lose my first tournament with it.
Over the coming decades there were many local game stores and it seemed like each had such unique charm and character. I always knew I wanted to someday try to run a store of my own and somehow, I knew it was going to happen in some sort of nontraditional way.
Unfortunately the realities of the modern world have not been kind to the Friendly Local Game Store and many of our favorite stores have closed. These days I'm playing a lot more Splinterlands than any other game for that reason. For this reason I've started a crazy plan: A true Virtual Games Store that we can all hang out around.
If you want to visit it in a more real way head on over to EBAY and check out really rare and unique card game boxes we currently offer. I currently carry a variety of very rare Chinese Marvel, One Piece, Goddess Story, Dragon BallDragon Ball, and SCP Foundation trading card games. I will very soon be expanding into Magic The Gathering, Flesh and Blood, and a few other more unique games.