Ask Anime Question of the Week:
We have this different preferences, but what anime you're not going to recommend despite of being popular due to its plot and genre?
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Redo of Healer... That anime came to my mind immediately. My good friend once recommended me this one, and being my trusting self before, I didn't bother to know what it's all about (partly because I've seen the cover and there are a lot of discussions about it that time). Well, that's my big mistake because I should have read the discussions. I wasn't new to that kind of genre, but I was shell-shocked at how disturbing and sick the plot is. I really dropped it the moment I realized there's no redeeming qualities for the mc—he's corrupted through and through, and I don't want to stress myself further. I really find it disturbing that it haunted me for days...ahuhuhuhu That's why I didn't trust my male otaku friend's recommendations again...
Is it bad that this has made me want to search it up?!?
It was traumatizing for me. The plot is definitely sick, for it's a combination of
hentai,abuse, vengeance, and gore—it's definitely heavy. I don't know what I'm thinking before, but I tried to see if the mc had a character improvement in manga... But I dropped it somewhere when I saw that he's just getting rotten chapter by chapter. I don't know if he'll have a redemption, but now I don't care about that one anymore. Because despite how they're hyped about it—I learned my lesson, and I've seen more than enough of its yeah, if you value your good perception about life, please don't watch it.Yeah,this made me want to search for it too. I have a think for sick characters and plot😞
Oh nooo...I also thought that way before I watched it, but the mc was just beyond rotten (can't blame him tho)—but suit yourself...but I warned you ahuhuhuhu. I have read sick plots just for character development before (I'm a guilty red flag enjoyer ahahhaha), but this one is different. I can't really fathom how red flag he is, and I think he's hate runs too deep now; that's why I dropped it.
Soooo the mangaka was a psychopath then?😞 Because imagining such hate,drawing and creating a story around must have come from somewhere! I knew we had psychopaths amongst normal people pretending to be normal,I knew it! I'm not an exception but I knew it!
I don't know, but the plot and characters that the creator made sure emanate much hate and vengeance... and that made me wonder also. I once used drawing as a channel for my unsaid thoughts (I even draw my enemy pregnant lol), but I never really got to this point...
One day if it coems up I'll maybe have a look. Probably won't hunt it out now 😅

This one is tough... Most of the popular anime are worth recommending, but if I could choose, I won't recommend Junji Ito's collection or other gory horror anime? It's only popular among a certain audience, but it might be disturbing for most people. Uzumaki by Junji Ito anime has just started... I haven't watched it, but I'm planning to. :) hahaha
Aside from horror... I wouldn't recommend Prison School. I personally enjoyed it, but others may find it offensive... and it's definitely not for kids. haha
Re zero
That anime almost gave me trauma
People who love simple anime and just want to watch something interesting and a good fight scene should just stay away from re zero
How come I have never done a review about it 😭😭😭
I don’t even know what made me stick with it to the end. At a point I stopped watching just to to continue again. It felt like I was repeating same episode after watching 3 episodes because it was actually repeated 😭😭😭
What you mean, I love ReZero, few very dynamic animes that goes from cutesy Moe to gory. I like the paradox that the anime has and the groundhog day effect. This is similar to what RPG gaming is about.
It also have super emotional episodes, the dialog is just so good sometimes.
I am super enjoying the new series of ReZero.
I also finish it
Like I said
Will you recommend it to someone that just starting anime or someone who just want to start?
I enjoyed it, like I said
I don’t even know what kept me going but it’s not an anime I can recommend to someone except an otaku or a weeb who would want to see the ending but if it’s someone that love simple and straightforward anime, good story like and all, they would never enjoy re zero
I think it was a wonderful story, not just an otaku, like I said, an RPG gamer will also resonate with this anime as the main character takes different decisions to get outcomes that will avoid get him killed.
But I agree it's a complex story that will get even more complex as it goes on. But I am old school. Hard hitting anime like Ghost in the Shell or Akira is how I got introduced to anymore in the early 90s.
Those are good anime too
I enjoyed watching Akira
I enjoyed re zero but the beginning almost made me give up.
There is this anime that people hype so much but I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch it, I stopped at ep 7
That’s “Monster”
OMG Monster is a classic, but it breaks all the anime rules. It's very western and very euro focused. No anime fractals, and could easily be a tv novel turned animation. It reminds me of those old movies about spies, the KGB and detectivesque movies.
You def need to be in the right state of mind as it's very very mysterious. The whole monster hides in the beautiful picture of an advanced society that reflects all the virtues of safe, clean and opulent cities where apparently nothing wrong happens.
This is one of the best built series although a bit long.
Yes, this is for the sophisticated taste, not your average Otaku that watches one punch man or Naruto and only wants to see action punches and kicks.
A current anime that I loved was Gimai Seikatsu, the cliche scenario of having your dad marry a woman with a daughter your age and have a taboo romance between step brothers. However the actual execution and dialog breaks the cliche and dives into deep character building too serious for the regular viewer.
Sounds like death note which I love
Might take my time to try it out again
I will definitely not recommend most popular animes because the story takes forever to advance. This includes once piece, soul eater, dragon ball. I think there is no need for 100+ episodes stories.
Hello otaku friends
For me, almost all the Dragon Ball movies are terrible, haha; I wouldn't recommend them, but I would also say that Dragon Ball GT was very bad, except for its soundtrack.
I enjoyed watching dragon ball actually
ok, I am referring to the movies and Dragon Ball GT.
Never even gave it a try 😅😅😂
I enjoyed DBZ, but I could say the same for GT... Hahahah
haha Very good friend
Perfect Blue
It is a work of genius, a beauty of a piece from the art to the sound track to the story.
But DAYUMMM if you ain't prepared that film will mess you up immensely. Like really mess you up.
But I will sneakily recommend it if you like the real messed up stuff! 😅
No downvoting me wittyzell 😉
Am I sick for saying I enjoyed every anime mentioned in the comments that y'all didn't like!?😭
I would not recommend hentai! Okay no,that doesn't count.Ha! I didn't really like Bastard and I don't think I'll recommend it to someone. It's a gory show with explicit scenes and an uncontrollable character. I doubt I finished it. I remember watching one episode halfway and then closing my laptop close. I might try rewatching it again,seems the psychotic part of me is wanting to explore again. But no,I definitely would not recommend this anime.
@theanimerealm, I'm refunding 0.144 HIVE and 0.028 HBD, because there are no comments to reward.