Platinum End, an anime about what life, happiness, and death are. —eng/esp

in The Anime Realmlast year

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Buenos días, buenas tardes o noches, damas y caballeros. ¿Cómo se encuentran? Yo sinceramente no sé qué pensar, podría decirse que tengo un leve dolor de cabeza al momento de escribir esto pero también podría decirse que el anime que vi me dejó muy pensativo por un momento de la mañana, tenía tiempo que no llegaba a pasarme algo así, ver algo que me dejara reflexionando acerca de la vida y el funcionamiento del mundo, aunque para serte sincero no me lo esperaba en lo absoluto de este anime, ya que al principio parece tener una trama más enfocada en las peleas al más puro estilo battle royale hasta que llega a la mitad y adquiere un tono más filosófico, puede que quizás haya sido un poco iluso, conociendo las obras anteriores de los autores de este anime debí de habérmelo pensado un poco más, total estamos hablando de los creadores de Death Note (Tsugumi Ōba y Takeshi Obata), que volviendo a tocar el tema acerca de los dioses y los ángeles era porque algo se traían entre manos, tanto que saben que se me hizo imposible no comparar el comienzo de las dos obras, donde en ambas se hablan sobre convertirse en Dios para posiblemente cambiar el mundo, podríamos decirse que es un tema recurrente de parte de ellos. Así que sin más dilación, hablemos sobre Platinum End.

Good morning, good afternoon or evening, ladies and gentlemen. How are you doing? I honestly don't know what to think, one could say that I have a slight headache as I write this, but it could also be said that the anime I watched left me very pensive for a moment in the morning. It had been a while since something like this happened to me, seeing something that made me reflect on life and how the world works. Although, to be honest, I didn't expect it at all from this anime, since at first it seems to have a plot more focused on battles in the purest battle royale style until it reaches the middle and takes on a more philosophical tone. Maybe I was a bit naive, knowing the previous works of the creators of this anime, I should have thought about it a little more. After all, we're talking about the creators of Death Note (Tsugumi Ōba and Takeshi Obata). Speaking of gods and angels, it was because they had something up their sleeves, so much so that it was impossible for me not to compare the beginnings of the two works, where both talk about becoming God to possibly change the world. It could be said that it's a recurring theme for them. So, without further ado, let's talk about Platinum End.



El anime nos pone en la piel de Mirai Kakehashi, un chico que ya ha perdido todas las esperanzas para vivir por ende no decide otra cosa más que suicidarse porque no encuentra la felicidad en ningún aspecto de su vida, además de que es maltratado por sus compañeros de clases y sus tíos quienes le adoptaron ya que sus papás murieron en un accidente, pero justo cuando está a punto de morir habiendo saltado de un edificio, Mirai es salvado por lo que parece ser un ángel, quien le dice tener la solución para sus problemas otorgándole "herramientas" que le ayudarán a recuperar la felicidad que perdió hace ya muchos años. Entre esas herramientas estarán unas alas que le permitirán a Mirai viajar de un lugar a otro en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, una flecha roja que le permitirá "encontrar el amor" enamorando a cualquiera que se la clave, haciendo que la persona esté dispuesta a hacer todo por ti y por último una flecha blanca capaz de matar a cualquier persona sin que sufra. Estos beneficios están encadenados a una condición, a quien se le otorguen deberá participar en un juego para decidir quién será el próximo Dios, siendo considerados como candidatos, todos ellos personas que hayan perdido toda esperanza en vivir y que quieran provocar un cambio en la Tierra, siendo todos de Japón por ser el lugar en el mundo donde más suicidios ocurren. Así Mirai tendrá que luchar para mantener su felicidad y en el proceso no perder la vida que ahora ha comenzado a valorar.

The anime puts us in the shoes of Mirai Kakehashi, a boy who has already lost all hope for living and therefore decides to commit suicide because he cannot find happiness in any aspect of his life. He is also mistreated by his classmates and his adoptive uncles who took him in after his parents died in an accident. But just as he is about to die, having jumped off a building, Mirai is saved by what appears to be an angel, who tells him that they have the solution to his problems by granting him "tools" that will help him regain the happiness he lost many years ago. Among these tools are wings that will allow Mirai to travel from one place to another in the blink of an eye, a red arrow that will allow him to "find love" by making anyone who is hit by it fall in love and be willing to do anything for him, and finally, a white arrow that can kill anyone without them suffering. These benefits are tied to a condition: those who are granted these tools must participate in a game to decide who will be the next God, with all the candidates being people who have lost all hope in life and who want to bring about a change on Earth, all of them from Japan, as it is the country with the highest rate of suicides in the world. And so, Mirai will have to fight to maintain his happiness and in the process, not lose the life that he has now begun to value.



Durante el transcurso de la trama veremos diferentes propuestas de diferentes personas acerca de qué es lo que debería hacer un Dios, por quienes debería velar, a quién ayudar, obviamente habrá gente con propósitos viles y hasta banales, queriendo un mundo donde nada más existan los ricos causando la muerte de los pobres aunque también habrán quienes desearán acabar con los males de las personas, para que puedan tener un final tranquilo. Un tema recurrente en la obra es el de la felicidad, ¿qué es la verdadera felicidad y cómo podemos conseguirla? ¿Puede existir un mundo donde todos seamos felices? ¿Se puede ser feliz simplemente haciendo felices a otras personas? Queda bastante claro que la felicidad para cada persona es un tema bastante ambiguo, cada quién será feliz haciendo algo diferente pero para poder descubrir lo que verdaderamente te causa felicidad tienes que estar con vida, siendo la felicidad una de las pocas cosas que le da un sentido. Ya el siguiente tema creo que es muy obvio para todos, donde se cuestiona la existencia de Dios, aunque se esté compitiendo para quién será el siguiente Dios el tema sale a la luz, algunos comentando que es obvio que no existe y es una creación del ser humano, otros aferrándose fervientemente a él y otros que no creen pero que piensan que su existencia es más un bien que un mal para que las personas tengan algo a lo qué aferrarse ante cualquier adversidad.

During the course of the plot, we will see different proposals from different people about what a God should do, who they should watch over, who they should help. Obviously, there will be people with vile and even trivial purposes, wanting a world where only the rich exist and causing the death of the poor. However, there will also be those who wish to end the sufferings of people, so they can have a peaceful ending. A recurring theme in the work is happiness. What is true happiness and how can we achieve it? Can there be a world where everyone is happy? Can we be happy simply by making others happy? It becomes quite clear that happiness for each person is a rather ambiguous topic. Everyone will be happy doing something different, but in order to discover what truly brings you happiness, you have to be alive, as happiness is one of the few things that gives life meaning. The next topic is, I think, very obvious to everyone: questioning the existence of God. Even though there is competition for who will be the next God, the topic is brought up. Some comment that it is obvious that God does not exist and that it is a creation of humans, while others cling fervently to Him. There are also those who do not believe, but think that His existence is more of a good thing than a bad thing, as it gives people something to hold onto in the face of any adversity.



La muerte también está presente en Platinum End, ¿está bien matar personas para conseguir un bien mayor? ¿está bien matar personas para acabar con su sufrimiento o es mejor ayudarlos a salir de eso? ¿está bien tomar la vida de otras personas para cumplir tus propios deseos? ¿Lo que le da sentido a la vida es la muerte? ¿La humanidad le perdería sentido al vivir si en algún momento fuéramos inmortales? Muchas son las preguntas a los que Platinum End de cierta forma le intenta dar una respuesta y formular preguntas que insten a pensar al espectador, ya que los valores morales y opiniones de cada persona total, son diferentes. Una de las cosas que de verdad no comprendo es cómo este anime no fue popular en el momento en que salió, la propuesta es bastante interesante y te atrapa con un anzuelo para luego soltarte una charla acerca de la vida misma, más sabiendo que era de los creadores de Death Note, no tiene sentido que no hubiera habido algún revuelo. Supondré que una de las tantas cosas que afectó es que el estudio de animación era un tanto desconocido aunque es una sucursal de uno más grande como lo es Production I.G., siendo así que en diversos puntos del anime la animación flaquea llegando a usar un CGI un poco feo, a pesar de eso llega a ser decente y cumplidora. Me encanta lo distintivo que pueden llegar a ser los personajes creados por Ōba, habiendo un antagonista en específico que te recordará a cierto personaje. En fin, lo recomiendo para todo aquel que quiera quedarse reflexionando acerca de la vida después de terminar de ver este anime.

Death is also present in Platinum End, is it okay to kill people to achieve a greater good? Is it okay to kill people to end their suffering or is it better to help them out of it? Is it okay to take the lives of others to fulfill your own desires? Does death give meaning to life? Would humanity lose meaning in living if we were immortal at some point? There are many questions that Platinum End tries to answer in a certain way and formulates questions that prompt the viewer to think, since moral values and opinions of each person are different. One of the things I really don't understand is how this anime wasn't popular when it came out, the concept is quite interesting and it hooks you with a bait and then goes on to talk about life itself, especially knowing that it was created by the same creators of Death Note, it doesn't make sense that there wasn't any buzz. I'll assume that one of the many things that affected it is that the animation studio was somewhat unknown although it is a branch of a larger one like Production I.G., so in various points of the anime the animation falters and even uses slightly ugly CGI, despite that it is still decent and fulfilling. I love how distinctive the characters created by Ōba can be, especially a particular antagonist that will remind you of a certain character. Anyway, I recommend it to anyone who wants to reflect on life after finishing watching this anime.

Manga: Tsugumi Ōba / Takeshi Obata
Animation studio: Signal.MD

Traducido con ChatGPT / Translated with ChatGPT via


Mirai is saved by what appears to be an angel

Seems an interesting plot and the protagonist becomes a Cupid. The cupid thing is what I am interested in.

You could say it's kind of like a cupid, yes, but I think they're more like demi-gods who can control people for their own ends, whether they're good or bad.

muy interesante este anime, realmente se cuestiona la muerta el matar por un bien mayor no es justificación, la muerte va a la mano con la vida, quien vive sabe que en algún momento morirá, pero sin que esta sea quitada.

very interesting this anime, it really questions the dead, killing for the greater good is not justification, death goes hand in hand with life, who lives knows that at some point will die, but without it being taken away.

Lots of questions, everyone will have their own answers and opinions, the only thing we shouldn't do is try to impose our thoughts on other people, that's another of the things we're taught in this anime.

It leaves many questions to think about life, death, happiness and sadness, the meaning of life.

It intrigues me how this anime can cover all those questions and the way it carries them out, what is happiness? what are you willing to do to get it? Quite interesting plot 👌🦉

The truth is that I didn't even think that this anime was about all that, until halfway through it gets very philosophical, it really surprised me, obviously it has some flaws here or there but it is not something that affects the message at all, plus it has an ending that if it catches you off guard it blows your mind.

Wow, this anime tells the reality of many people who make the decision to take their own lives because they are not having a good time. It's a very complicated subject. I haven't seen this anime, but it catches my attention. I want to watch it, hopefully I have time. Thanks for sharing it.


Yes, it shows different points of view of characters with depression and how they somehow regain hope by obtaining wings and arrows. It is certainly an interesting work.

Quite interesting anime, and how they bring together different people who wanted to commit suicide giving each one a different perspective on how they would like the world to be so that what happened to them would not happen. I'm curious more than anything besides being from the creators of Death Note how will the main character be? maybe well planner maybe. Really the anime made you get thoughtful HAHAHAHAH in seeing that it's the right way the world should work. I'll put it on my list to watch, good post bro <3.

In reality the protagonist is a nice guy who would never kill anyone, but the antagonist has a crazy resemblance to Kira, you have to see him in action.

I have not seen this anime yet but I have seen the trailer long ago and I have liked it very much and again I am reading about it got me more interested to watch this anime.

I think I will watch it later for now it’s in my list.

I also had planned to watch this anime a long time ago but I forgot, as it usually happens to me to wait for all the chapters to come out and well, I ended up watching it this year.

I'll wait for your opinion when you decide to watch it.

Btw you m are doing great !!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/5) @ayamihaya tipped @syberia

hola... uff este anime lo vi en emisión y fue un 10/10, hay tantas cosas que se cuestionan, que te dejan muy pensativo sobre la existencia misma. es curioso como aunque fueron algunos elegidos, tenía el poder de matar para un bien personal, cuando se supone que dios no haría eso o eso dicen...

De verdad que este anime da para una larga conversación existencial

They killed for personal good because they were still human (besides serving as a method to eliminate the other candidates, the tools were to be used in battle, to protect themselves or to kill others), then when they are supposed to be God, they are said to do nothing, just create life and observe, then the rather unexpected plot twist occurred.

Or well, that's what I understood. The truth is that the plot of the anime gives for many interpretations.

This anime sounds very interesting, and well, there are many good series that go unnoticed, I didn't know that the creators of Death Note had made another story that seems to be quite good, I should take a look at it. Thanks for sharing!

Suena muy interesante éste anime, y bueno, hay muchas buenas series que pasan desapercibidas, no sabía que los creadores de Death Note había hecho otra historia que parece ser bastante buena, debería echarle un vistazo. Gracias por compartir!

I had knowledge about this work from the creators of Death Note but I had never had the opportunity to see it until now, by the way they have another work that deals with what it is like to be a mangaka, it is very good too.