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RE: (ENG/ESP) Berserk (1997): How far are you willing to go to obtain power? / ¿Hasta donde eres capaz de llegar por obtener el poder?

in The Anime Realm2 months ago

As an overly sentimental/emotional person that I am, I suffered quite a bit watching it and I think it shows in the way I wrote in my post haha ​​it really made me feel a lot of pain seeing the poor characters go through so many hardships and injustices... that's why I don't really like "war" or dark plots, but as I mentioned, I'm able to watch them because I know that beautiful stories can be found in the middle of so much chaos and blood 😌 Thank you very much for visiting my post and for commenting, I'm very glad that you liked it 🤗💚

sue_smile corazon.png