Code Geass: The Zero hour for anime[ENG/SPA]

in The Anime Realm4 months ago

Hello everyone, it's the last day of the week and my joy knows no bounds, knowing I won't have to be rushing out by 7am to go to class tomorrow. I have been thinking of writing a review about this anime for a long time now. I saw it around August this year and it's been sitting pretty somewhere in my head,waiting for me to talk about it.

Code Geass is an anime with a captivating blend of mecha action, political intrigue, and psychological drama. It spans two main seasons: "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion" and "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2." In total, there are 50 episodes, and it also has several OVAs and spin-offs, but let's focus on the core story. Its first episode aired sometime in October,2007 and it was written by Ichirō Ōkouchi.

The plot centers around Lelouch Lamperouge, a former prince of the Holy Britannian Empire, who seeks revenge against the empire for the death of his mother and the suffering of his sister, Nunnally. One fateful day, he encounters a mysterious girl named C.C., who grants him the power of Geass, allowing him to command anyone to do his bidding just by making eye contact. With this newfound power, Lelouch adopts the name/ alter ego, "Zero" and leads a rebellion against Britannia, aiming to create a world where his sister can live in peace.

As Lelouch rises to power, he comes face to face with numerous challenges, including having to go against his best friend, Suzaku Kururugi, who is determined to uphold the law and fight against Zero's methods. Suzaku is unaware that Zero is Lelouch because of the mask he wears. The series is filled with twists and turns, including betrayals, unexpected alliances, and the moral dilemmas that come with wielding such immense power. One of the most shocking moments is when Lelouch's true identity is revealed, leading to a catastrophe in the relationship with his friends.

The humor in Code Geass often comes from the absurdity of the situations Lelouch finds himself in, like when he tries to balance his life as a high school student with his responsibilities as a revolutionary leader. It didn't make any sense cause Lelouch was so smart. He should've known that definitely, there'd be instances he'd be forced to reveal himself or he'd be put in a really difficult position. Fun fact is,he did and he let it anyway!

I genuinely liked Lelouch. In a way he believes the world needs to be fixed,not saved. These two adjectives have entirely different meanings. I'd classify Lelouch as a Byronic hero.Had to check Google real quick cause it quickly came to my realization that Lelouch was in fact not an Anti hero. A Byronic hero is flawed and brood,with a tint of rebellion and passion. Lelouch's love for Nunnally and desire for justice drives him into acting against the Britannia empire. His past traumas including his mother's death and his father's rejection, he wanted retribution in a way. Although,it wasn't really said in the anime.

Such a fine man😔❤️

Oh well. Code Geass is a very stunning anime. The animation, the characters and how they developed,the random flash backs in a creative and less interrupting way. This anime is up there in my chart of top animes and I'd definitely recommend it.
Thanks for reading...

Hola a todos, es el último día de la semana y mi alegría no tiene límites, sabiendo que no tendré que salir corriendo a las 7 am para ir a clase mañana. Hace tiempo que pienso en escribir una reseña sobre este anime. Lo vi en agosto de este año y ha estado en algún lugar de mi cabeza, esperando a que hable de él.

Code Geass es un anime con una cautivadora combinación de acción con mechas, intriga política y drama psicológico. Abarca dos temporadas principales: "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion" y "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2". En total, hay 50 episodios, y también tiene varios OVAs y spin-offs, pero centrémonos en la historia principal. Su primer episodio se emitió en algún momento de octubre de 2007 y fue escrito por Ichirō Ōkouchi.

La trama se centra en Lelouch Lamperouge, un ex príncipe del Sacro Imperio Británico, que busca venganza contra el imperio por la muerte de su madre y el sufrimiento de su hermana, Nunnally. Un fatídico día, se encuentra con una misteriosa chica llamada C.C., que le otorga el poder del Geass, lo que le permite ordenar a cualquiera que cumpla sus órdenes con solo hacer contacto visual. Con este nuevo poder, Lelouch adopta el nombre/alter ego, "Zero" y lidera una rebelión contra Britannia, con el objetivo de crear un mundo donde su hermana pueda vivir en paz.

A medida que Lelouch asciende al poder, se enfrenta a numerosos desafíos, incluido el de tener que enfrentarse a su mejor amigo, Suzaku Kururugi, quien está decidido a hacer cumplir la ley y luchar contra los métodos de Zero. Suzaku no sabe que Zero es Lelouch debido a la máscara que usa. La serie está llena de giros y vueltas, incluidas traiciones, alianzas inesperadas y los dilemas morales que conlleva ejercer un poder tan inmenso. Uno de los momentos más impactantes es cuando se revela la verdadera identidad de Lelouch, lo que lleva a una catástrofe en la relación con sus amigos.

El humor en Code Geass a menudo surge de lo absurdo de las situaciones en las que se encuentra Lelouch, como cuando intenta equilibrar su vida como estudiante de secundaria con sus responsabilidades como líder revolucionario. No tenía ningún sentido porque Lelouch era muy inteligente. Debería haber sabido que definitivamente habría casos en los que se vería obligado a revelar su identidad o se vería en una posición realmente difícil. Un dato curioso es que lo hizo y lo permitió de todos modos.

Realmente me gustó Lelouch. En cierto modo, cree que el mundo necesita ser reparado, no salvado. Estos dos adjetivos tienen significados completamente diferentes. Yo clasificaría a Lelouch como un héroe byroniano. Tuve que buscar en Google rápidamente porque rápidamente me di cuenta de que Lelouch, de hecho, no era un antihéroe. Un héroe byroniano es imperfecto y melancólico, con un matiz de rebelión y pasión. El amor de Lelouch por Nunnally y su deseo de justicia lo llevan a actuar contra el imperio de Britannia. Sus traumas pasados incluida la muerte de su madre y el rechazo de su padre, lo llevaron a buscar venganza de alguna manera. Aunque, en realidad, no se dijo en el anime.

¡Qué buen hombre! 😔❤️

Bueno, Code Geass es un anime impresionante. La animación, los personajes y cómo se desarrollaron, los flashbacks aleatorios de una manera creativa y menos disruptiva. Este anime está en mi lista de los mejores animes y definitivamente lo recomiendo.
Gracias por leer...


This anime caught me from the beginning, Lelouch was a difficult character to understand for me as the story progressed, only at the end I could understand what he intended, he surprises you in each chapter and honestly I did not expect such a development, that's why I liked it haha 😂

Honestly,from the first episode i didn't see it as much to be honest. The anime has been in my flashdrive since last year. I tried watching it that year but I wasn't feeling it,at all. Had to try again this year cause I was really desperate for an anime to watch and then I realized that I had something fire in that particular flashdrive all these while and I deliberately ignored it and pushed it aside😂. His development is amazing to be honest. I don't know what was going through the mind of its mangaka but Lelouch is THAT guy.

Definitely Lelouch is the soul of this anime, but beyond that it has a good plot that involves mecha, politics, among other things that for me make it a historical anime, I was very impressed when I saw it.

Thanks for sharing with the community!

At first,I didn't like that it had a taste of politics. I'm not a fan of anything to do with politics so at first,I was discouraged but as time passed,I realized it was so much more. Yes,you are correct it does give the vibe of a historical anime. I was impressed as well.

Thanks for sharing with the community!

Welcome welcomeee... You guys can never get rid of me,lol🙂‍↔️

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