Dororo - Anime recommendation [ENG/SPN]

in The Anime Realm4 months ago (edited)



Hello Hive friends.

I recently watched Dororo, a 2019 anime that since it was on air I put it on my to-watch list to watch later, but for various reasons I hadn't seen it yet. I recently reviewed said list and and since I had time available to watch a series, I decided to watch this one.

Imagine that your father, in his desire for power and prosperity for his people, decides to make a pact with the demons in which he gives something precious to him in exchange, and as a result of this pact you are born without eyes, nose, skin or limbs and you are condemned to die by your own father, and although you manage to survive and get a prosthetic body, you are condemned to fight with these demons to recover the parts of your body that were taken away from you.

Sounds tragic and complicated, right? Well, that's exactly what happened to Hyakkimaru, the protagonist of this samurai series set in an ancient Japan where monsters and demons exist.


The main character is Hyakkimaru, a boy born with a curse thanks to his father's ambition. He was born without eyes, nose, skin, limbs and without his senses, so he cannot see, hear, taste, smell or feel, and although he somehow managed to survive and get a prosthetic body, he is doomed to fight with demons to recover his body.

Hyakkimaru with the swords in his prosthetic arms.

Before watching the series we could think that this character would be called Dororo for being the character on whom the main plot revolves and for the name of the series, but in reality Dororo is the child who accompanies him during his journey.

This boy is an orphan and despite his youth, he has lived one tragedy after another due to the war and has had to learn to live alone in the world, but when he meets Hyakkimaru he is curious about him and decides to accompany him on his journey, however, he has his own secrets that we will know throughout the story.


Among other characters we have Hyakkimaru's adoptive father, a doctor who found him as a baby and gave him his prosthetic body, a mysterious priest who crosses paths with our protagonists frequently, a girl who takes care of other orphaned children, also the demons and finally Hyakkimaru's biological family.

I don't want to give more details about the series because I would like you to watch it and draw your own conclusions about it, but if you ask me, I would say that I liked it quite a bit.

It's a story with a good plot, good character development and several plot twists that leave you speechless at times when certain revelations are made.

It is also very thoughtful and has lessons with profound messages. I really invite you to watch it if you haven't seen it, and if you have, I'd like you to leave me comments with your opinions below.

By the way, I should warn you that the series is quite a bit graphic and there is quite a bit of gore. It's up to the individual's discretion.


Hola amigos de Hive.

Recientemente vi Dororo, un anime del año 2019 que desde que estaba al aire lo puse en mi lista de pendientes para ver luego, pero por diversos motivos no había visto aún. Hace poco revisé dicha lista y lo vi y como contaba con tiempo disponible para ver una serie, decidí ver esta.

Imagina que tu padre, en sus ansias de poder y prosperidad para su pueblo, decide hacer un pacto con los demonios en el que le entrega algo preciado para él a cambio, y como consecuencia de dicho pacto naces sin ojos, nariz, piel ni extremidades y eres condenado a morir por tu propio padre, y aunque logras sobrevivir y consigues un cuerpo protésicos, estás condenado a luchar con dichos demonios para recuperar las partes de tu cuerpo que te fueron arrebatas.

Suena trágico y complicado, ¿Cierto? Pues, es justamente lo que le sucedio a Hyakkimaru, el protagonista de esta serie de samurais ambientada en un Japón antiguo en donde existen los monstruos y demonios.


El personaje principal es Hyakkimaru, un chico nacido con una maldición gracias a la ambición de su padre. Nació sin ojos, nariz, piel, extremidades y sin sus sentidos, por lo que no puede ver, oír, saborear, oler ni sentir, y aunque de alguna forma logró sobrevivir y conseguir un cuerpo protésico, está condenado a luchar con los demonios para recuperar su cuerpo.

Hyakkimaru con las espadas en sus brazos protésicos.

Antes de ver la serie podríamos pensar que este personaje se llamaría Dororo por ser el personaje en quien gira la trama principal y por el nombre de la serie, pero en realidad Dororo es el niño que lo acompaña durante su viaje.

Este niño es huerfano y a pesar de su juventud, ha vivido una tragedia tras otra debido a la guerra y le ha tocado aprender a vivir estando solo en el mundo, pero al conocer a Hyakkimaru siente curiosidad por éste y dedice acompañarlo en su viaje, sin embargo, tiene sus propios secretos que conoceremos a lo largo de la historia.


Entre otros personajes tenemos al padre adoptivo de Hyakkimaru, un doctor que lo encontró de bebé y le dio su cuerpo protésico, a un sacerdote misterioso que se cruza con nuestros protagonistas con frecuencia, una chica que cuida a otros niños huérfanos, también los demonios y finalmente la familia biológica de Hyakkimaru.

No quiero dar más detalles sobre la serie porque me gustaría que la vean y saquen sus propias conclusiones al respecto, pero si me preguntan, diría que me gustó bastante.

Es una historia con buena trama, buen desarrollo de personajes y varios giros de trama que te dejan boquiabierto por momentos cuando se hacen ciertas revelaciones.

También es muy reflexiva y tiene lecciones con mensajes profundos. De verdad los invito a verla si no la han visto, y si ya la vieron, me gustaria que me dejaran comentarios con sus opiniones acá abajo.

Por cierto, debo advertirles que la serie es bastante un poco gráfica y se ve bastante sangre. Queda a discreción de cada quien.

Technical data:

DirectorKazuhiro Furuhashi


Source: Youtube.

Opening 1:

"Kaen" (火炎), by Queen Bee.
Source: Youtube.

Ending 1:

"Sayonara Gokko" (さよならごっこ), by Amazarashi.
Source: Youtube.

Spanish translation made with DeepL.
Traducción al español hecha con DeepL.


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Thank you very much 😊🎉

Keep aiming higher @okarun, there's no limit to what you can achieve.

I'm on it 💪🏻 Thank you again 😊

Dororo es una historia buena y reflexiva, me gustó mucho cuando la vi, excelente post!

Dororo is a good and thoughtful story, I really liked it when I saw it, excellent post!

Thank you very much. Indeed, is very thoughtful.

Buena reseña, bro.
Tuve la suerte de ver este anime el año pasado. Y me encantó. Me gustó que con el pasar de los capitulos, el protagonista iba consiguiendo su humanidad. Lo que si, no me gustó mucho el final. Siento que lo podia haber hecho mejor.

Thank you. Indeed, it is a very good anime with great plot and great character's development.

I liked the end because they left it open. I mean, this end works well as an end but it keeps the chance of a possible continuation.

Welcome to The Anime Realm community.

Dororo is an anime that will always have a good presence in the anime world, I think most of us know it and that's because it has a good plot and therefore a good story.

On the other hand, remember that it is important to visit and support other users' posts, that will make us keep growing as a community.

See you soon!

Thank you very much. I'm a newbie around here and I'm still learning how all this works lol. But I'll be checking the community posts so I get to know more anime lovers.

Este anime es magistral, tanto trama, peleas e historia son bastante impresionante. Se que es un remake del mismo anime retro de blanco y negro de los años upa, pero si se les noto el empeño de cristalizar la obra de manera eficaz.

Es una buena serie y la verdad muy recomendada para aquellos que deseen disfrutar una buena experiencia.

This anime is masterful, both plot, fights and story are quite impressive. I know it is a remake of the same retro black and white anime of the dinosaur years, but I noticed the effort to crystallize the work effectively.

It is a good series and highly recommended for those who want to enjoy a good experience.

Indeed, it is. There are some changes in comparison with the classic version, but it keeps the essence and as you say, everything on it is very good.

Yo tengo que ver este anime porque muchas veces he leído reseñas anteriormente de otros hablando bien de esta serie pero siempre se me olvida buscarla para verla. Está interesante tanto la historia como los personajes principales. Haré lo posible para verla pronto.

Excelente reseña.

Thank you very much 😊

Indeed, it is a very good anime and, for me, it is a 'must watch' for everyone that likes samurai's stories. Although I must say it is a 'must watch' for everyone that likes anime.

¡Este anime es único, muy buena reseña!

Thank you very much. Indeed it is a very good anime. I'm thinking about reading the manga, but idk yet.