DanDaDan's 7th episode - Resume and Review - When a terrifying ghost moves you

in The Anime Realm4 months ago (edited)

This posts is in both English and Spanish.



If you don't like spoilers and you haven't seen episode 7 of DanDaDan I recommend you NOT to continue reading this post. If you have already seen it or don't care about spoilers, you can continue reading.

Hello, Hive friends.

I know it's been almost two weeks since its premiere, but I wanted to tell you about episode 7 of DanDaDan.

In the previous episode we got to meet Acrobatic Silky, a yokai who is obsessed with Aira Shiratori, following her for 10 years thinking she is her daughter.

During this episode, Okarun and Momo engage in a fight with Acrobatic Silky seeking to save Aira from the clutches of the yokai, however, after they manage to defeat her they realize the girl has passed away and try, with no luck, to revive her.

Turbo Granny tells them that there is no point in trying anymore since being a normal girl she lost her aura when she was devoured by the yokai and nothing can be done for her anymore. Upon hearing this, Acrobatic Silky intervenes and offers her own aura to save the life of Aira, whom she considers her daughter and whom she wishes to protect.

At first Okarun and Momo doubt her intentions and think it is a trap to eat her again, to which the yokai responds by tearing her own jaw assuring she cannot eat anyone, showing herself totally vulnerable.

Still hesitant, Momo accepts the offer and uses her psychic powers to join the auras of the yokai and Aira to perform the "operation" to save the girl's life. However, in doing so, an unexpected side effect occurs.

By touching the aura of Acrobatic Silky, Momo was able to see her life before she died and what led her to become a yokai.

Acrobatic Silky was a cheerful woman who dedicated her life to her daughter, teaching her ballet movements and dedicating herself to difficult and degrading jobs in order to offer her a good quality of life.

However, on one occasion she decides to take some money belonging to her employers to buy a dress for her little girl, so the members of the mafia decide to go to her house, beat her up and kidnap her daughter to teach her a lesson.

In an attempt to get her daughter back, she decides to run after the van but her efforts are in vain and the gangsters disappear with what she loved most in her life.

With her hopes lost, she decides to climb to the top of a building, dance for the last time under the rainy night and, in desperation, decides to jump into the void to end all her pain.

When she "regained consciousness" she found herself standing in the street, with no memory of her life but with a feeling of emptiness that indicated that she had lost something important and that did not allow her to continue on her way to afterlife.

It is not known how long she was wandering in that state, but everything changes when a little girl approaches her and calls her "mom" by mistake, thinking it was her mother, who had recently passed away due to an illness.

This fleeting encounter awakened the ghost woman's maternal instinct, causing her to become obsessed with Aira Shiratori, becoming yokai and following her around for 10 years waiting for the girl to see her again and call her "mom" again.

After seeing the life (and death) of the yokai through her aura, Momo feels compassion and cannot hold back her tears, and at the end of the "operation", Aira comes back to life and the yokai begins to disappear as she lost all her spiritual strength when it was transplanted into Aira's body.

Momo asks what will happen now with Acrobatic Silky to which Turbo Granny replies that she will simply disappear and be consigned to oblivion, since she was never able to resolve her unfinished business.

Aira, hearing this and knowing all that the yokai had to live through, rushes to her crying, hugs her around the waist and thanks her by calling her "mom" again, thanking her for everything and allowing the yokai to disappear in peace reaching nirvana.

This episode is a masterful blend of good animation, exciting action and is quite emotionally charged.

I've watched it several times and cried every time watching everything Acrobatic Silky went through and what led her to become a yokai obsessed with Aira calling her mom, to the point that she's willing to eat her to be together forever.

Hands down one of the best episodes of the season so far, and dare I say it, one of the best of all of 2024.

If you haven't seen DanDaDan and you've read this far, I highly recommend you watch this masterful series, which has an interesting story and characters, incredible animation and a special mix of emotions that are transmitted with each episode. Truly, you won't regret it.

All images in this post are screenshots taken directly from episode 7 of DanDaDan.
Spanish translation made with DeepL.



Si no te gustan los spoilers y no has visto el episodio 7 de DanDaDan te recomiendo que NO sigas leyendo este post. Si ya lo viste o los spoilers te dan igual, puedes continuar leyendo tranquilamente.

Hola, amigos de Hive.

Ya sé que ya han pasado casi dos semanas desde su estreno, pero quería hablarles sobre el episodio 7 de DanDaDan.

En el episodio anterior pudimos conocer a Sedosa Acrobática, una yokai que está obsesionada con Aira Shiratori, siguiéndola por 10 años pensando que es su hija.

Durante este episodio, Okarun y Momo se enfrascan en una pelea con Sedosa Acrobática buscando salvar a Aira de las garras de la yokai, sin embargo, luego de que logran vencerla se dan cuenta de la chica ha fallecido e intentan, sin suerte, reanimarla.

Turbo Abuela les dice que no tiene sentido seguir intentando ya que al ser una chica normal perdió su aura al ser devorada por la yokai y ya no se puede hacer nada por ella. Al escuchar esto, Sedosa Acrobática interviene y ofrece su propia aura para salvar la vida de Aira, a quien considera su hija y a quien desea proteger.

Al principio Okarun y Momo dudan de sus intenciones y piensan que es una trampa para volver a comérsela, a lo que la yokai responde rasgando su propia mandíbula asegurando no poder comerse a nadie, mostrándose totalmente vulnerable.

Aún con dudas, Momo acepta la oferta y usa sus poderes psíquicos para unir las auras de la yokai y de Aira para hacer la "operación" y así salvar la vida de la chica. Sin embargo, al hacer esto ocurre un efecto secundario inesperado.

Al tocar el aura de Sedosa Acrobática, Momo fue capaz de ver su vida antes de morir y lo que la llevó a convertirse en una yokai.

Sedosa Acrobática fue una mujer alegre que dedicaba su vida a su hija, enseñándole movimientos de ballet y dedicándose a trabajos dificiles y degradantes para poder ofrecerle una buena calidad de vida.

Sin embargo, en una oportunidad decide tomar un dinero perteneciente a sus empleadores para comprar un vestido a su niña, por lo que los miembros de la mafia deciden ir a su casa, golpearla y secuestrar a su hija para enseñarle una lección.

En un intento de recuperar a su hija, decide correr detrás de la van pero sus esfuerzos son en vano y los mafiosos desaparecen con lo que ella mas amaba en su vida.

Ya con las esperanzas perdidas, decide subir a lo más alto de un edificio, bailar por última vez bajo la noche lluviosa y, en su desesperación, decide saltar al vacío para acabar con todo su dolor.

Al "recobrar conciencia" se encuentra parada en la calle, sin recuerdos de su vida pero con una sensación de vacío que le indicaba que había perdido algo importante y que no le permitía seguir su camino al otro mundo.

No se sabe cuánto tiempo estuvo vagando en ese estado, pero todo cambia cuando una pequeña niña se le acerca y la llama "mamá" por error, pensando que era su madre, quien había fallecido recientemente debido a una enfermedad.

Este fugaz encuentro despertó el instinto maternal de la mujer fantasma, haciendo que se obsesione con Aira Shiratori, convirtiendose en yokai y siguiéndola por 10 años esperando a que la chica pueda verla de nuevo y vuelva a llamarla "mamá".

Luego de ver la vida (y muerte) de la yokai a través de su aura, Momo siente compasión y no puede contener sus lágrimas, y al finalizar la "operación", Aira vuelve a la vida y la yokai empieza a desaparecer ya que perdió toda su fuerza espiritual al ser transplantada al cuerpo de Aira.

Momo pregunta qué sucederá ahora con Sedosa Acrobática a lo que Turbo Abuela responde que ella simplemente desaparecerá y será relegada al olvido, ya que nunca pudo resolver sus asuntos pendientes.

Aira, al escuchar esto y sabiendo todo lo que tuvo que vivir la yokai, se avalanza a ella llorando, la abraza por la cintura y le da las gracias llamándola "mamá" nuevamente, dándole las gracias por todo y permitiendo que la yokai pueda desaparecer en paz alcanzando el nirvana.

Este episodio es una mezcla magistral de buena animación, acción emocionante y tiene una carga emocional bastante grande.

Lo he visto varias veces y he llorado cada vez al ver todo lo que sufrió Sedosa Acrobática y lo que la llevó a convertirse en un yokai obsesionado con que Aira la llame mamá, hasta el punto de que está dispuesta a comérsela para estar juntas para siempre.

Sin lugar a dudas es uno de los mejores episodios de la temporada hasta ahora, y me atrevo a decir que es uno de los mejores de todo el 2024.

Si no has visto DanDaDan y leíste hasta acá, te recomiendo encarecidamente que veas esta serie magistral, que cuenta con una historia y personajes interesantes, una animación increíble y una mezcla especial de emociones que transmiten con cada episodio. De verdad, no te arrepentirás.

Todas las imagenes de este post son capturas de pantalla tomadas directamente del episodio 7 de DanDaDan.
Traducción al español hecha con DeepL.


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What do you do with a car whose wheels are completely worn out?
You re-tire it.

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Wow, three badges in a row, that's awesome @okarun! 🎉🎉🎉

Thank you again 😊

I didn't know this anime at all, but how crazy it looks. How many caps does it have? now I really want to see it, it looks amazing

It is on air right now, 8 episodes has been aired so far. You can watch it on Netflix.

This EP seemed a bit sad to me, and probably all the characters who have curse abilities should have the same content.

The emotions that this episode transmit means that is a well done work. A magistral work. And yes, I agree with you. All characters should have episodes like this, yokais and aliens too.

The taste and need for survival is seen in every case or will I say phase in life.

The descriptions used in the movie made me compare life is different aspects.

Glad you enjoy this movie.
It is intriguing 🤔
And can make you eager to see what the next episode brings.

You're totally right, and It is a very interesting series. It's a mix between humans with powers, ghosts and aliens but it also has comedy and emotional episodes like this. I really recommend to watch it.

I will try.

This will leave me thinking a lot 😂😂😂

Great. Tell me your opinions when you do it. If you do it 🤭

First I will have to find a way to charge my phone 😂🫣

Right, you have that problem 😅😩

Yes, I do.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @zakludick tipped @okarun

Este anime es de los mejores que he visto de su estilo durante varios años, la verdad. La forma en la que desarrolla a cada uno de sus personajes es excelente y cómo todo esto es acompañado con un trabajo audiovisual increíble generan esas ganas de verla con ganas de más.

Buenas reseña.

You're right. This anime has everything to be a masterpiece. I hope they don't ruin it at the end.

Thank you very much.

Let's hope they don't screw it up. Apparently the new episode that will air will be very cancelable. 🥴

Well, I haven't read the manga so I don't know what's coming next, but lets see what happens.