Half a month ago I watched the continuation of Mede in abyss, at that point I couldn't think of anything anime, it totally enchanted me and was buried in the story after nearly two hours of continuous development.
I remember my constant evolution here in light of the fact that I don't usually do this. I cannot sit and watch the anime for long periods of time, and there is not much animation that can sit in front of the screen to complete it in one meeting. It's also the drive to try not to watch movies due to the length of the show.
Regardless, after I finished watching the movie, I thought about what I could discuss. I previously needed to scrutinize the film to try to clarify the mystical feelings I had while watching. I needed to portray the state of my events and the way I sat in front of the screen as if I was watching "Advanced Saints" for the first time on SpaceStone.
I thought about what I could discuss, and my drafts consistently pushed me to one idea; Yes, I was totally bewitched by what was happening in front of me in terms of events, and yet I was apprehensive, which is more uncommon to me than the minutes I choke on anime and totally follow it all at once.
Why am I not watching horror?
The way atrocity relies on exaggerated violence and terrible trauma, foolish and weak characters, and humble stories that you just can't cooperate with trying to terrify you "modest" push me away from it.
In fact, even Junji Ito's manga - however I realized his incredible creativity and ability to play with basic feelings of fear - couldn't influence me much. The kind of stories that he's written and their heavy reliance on crude apprehensions make me a better scenario that "annoys" me about what I see, rather than generally "apprehensive" about what will happen.
The main reason these works prevent me from affecting me is that they do not prevail in terms of bringing me to the workplace, nor do they allow me by the way to understand the characters and get to know them enough to be influenced by what is new. With them.
This is the thing that makes so diverse in my view, despite the fact that it depends on the horrible thing that generally does not work with me, it is very fruitful, and most of all is building a supernatural world and it can capture my thinking while watching, I can interact with characters That goes on the trip, and don't try to play with my feelings just after you've done this compilation and connection.
Characters like Ozen, Mimi, and Bondrade can live in my memory even after I watched the anime and it has been more than two years since it ended, regardless of the limited time they appear on screen compared to the main characters, only in light of the fact that the way they are presented on occasions And the general working environment can persist in this matter. The show stirred these characters in my memory in an extraordinary way.
The story
In the world of Made in Abyss, there is a group of extraordinary individuals, these are the only ones who discovered how to reach the sixth layer of the emptiness and below it, Uzen's mother, Bondred, and Lisa Rico are the only individuals we know constantly that there is a white whistle in the first part of the anime, And they are the characters the main part of the journey.
On the main scale, the way townspeople and fledgling miners take whistles in white whistle carriers is closer to the way in which saintly individuals see in illusions as if they were other pure animals, and on the second plate there is the appearance of more experienced miners, and the perspective of the individuals who ran These myths are straightforward, showing them from a completely unusual point.
Lisa confined and neglected. She constantly seized an opportunity with her impending comrades' lives to fulfill her passion for investigating a void, and was not completely fair to her mates and even those closest to her. Uzen has no sympathy for anyone trying to investigate the chasm, and the solitary explanation behind her for pretending to be careful and respectful of Reg and Rico is her own vision of Jesus.
On the account of Lisa and Ozen, we can understand the issue, as the two actually have a piece of the human race, by no means as evidenced by what we see from the occasions, but for Bundred, the issue is so different as it is difficult to understand someone who tortures and turns children To monsters, whatever his goal.
Why is it difficult to obtain a Bondrade?
What she says predicts that the family should work through direct relationships. I don't think it's true. A sympathetic heart is what makes a gathering of people a family. Blood doesn't help much this way. It's passion, love, Nanachi.
It's not hard to allude to Bondred as "another crazy anime character" and to avoid the circular part completely connected in the movie, and this is based on trying to understand his inspiration and the way he deals with the world is by no means simple. From the start he's been called smart, and the story is made to be the friendliest person. The "horror" is among all the characters that have appeared in it so far - even among the monsters that live in the chasm.
Unlike other white informants, Bondred did not allow another person to make amends to have the option to jump into the depths of the pit, rather, he wanted to abandon himself and live under the weight of the apparatus that conveyed his consciousness. At the gatherings of his aides. Elsewhere, this is a gentleman's story that gives Bondred a higher profile than the rest of the white whistle holders.
Despite this, the influence of the apparatus that a hundred used to circulate his knowledge among the various bodies was not a magician, and his humanity gradually discarded, until her two most magnificent pieces remained; The great side that led him to give himself up for someone else, and the curious side that lured him into the abyss anyway.
Bondred treats children with great kindness, even before he puts them on the operating table to turn them into sources of energy for his own weapon, even after they try and expose them to a pit lesion, and even after they are gone; He remembers their names, dreams, desires and attempts no matter what was expected to show them some kind of interest before their death.
At the same time, he has the enthusiasm to look at the scourge of the Void to obtain it, and this energy is what inspires him to work constantly so that he can obtain the "preference" for the chasm that has appeared in Nanachi, and further push him to implement the abominations he offers to the little ones.
Bondred is the real person, as I would like to think, which appears when he runs Nanashi, the solitary person in this world who can act with him as he is without a contradiction between his caring side and his attention. Time knows her as his child and his family.
The difficulty that makes Bondrade difficult to understand, as I see it, is that he is not trying to position himself as a morally stable individual, nor is he trying to legitimize his activities just like any decent person in any way. Imagination, such that it does not interest him fundamentally, interest is the only inspiration and it is the only thing he can comprehend in this world. The moment you see his activities from that point, from the point of view of what remains of his humanity, you will see that what he does is more "rational" and that his activities make more sense. You will not identify with him, for he is in all its details a frightening killer and butcher, but you will realize him more. This is the thing that makes him the most "worrisome" character I see.
How about a brave woman?
The way the three main characters in this story have led me to view it as a "teenage journey" in a structure, and going as children achieve emptiness as they search for their characters - regardless of whether sexual or scientific - strengthens this confidence in me. The chasm, which has a strict character in this work, raises in Rico many views that she did not know existed, and caused her to reach reality in relation to this world.
Rico's journey in this story is an impression of the myths blown by her mother's winds and other white whistling carriers, and the only contrast between Rico and the other white vectors is that she in particular will not completely revisit from the surface - at the end of the day, she's the only one who understands the rigorous journey to the point The pivot of the void, not because of her fear of the infamous, but rather of her longing to move forward.
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