🩺 Young Black Jack 🩺 A medical prodigy / Un médico prodigio [ENG|ESP]

Best regards Hive community. 🎬📽️

Un saludo cordial comunidad de Hive. 🎬📽️

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Image edited by me, using photoshop / Imagen editada por mí, con photoshop

Fuente 1

Fuente 2

I am at a stage where I am giving myself the opportunity to explore new animated series. Since my repertoire is quite small and generic.

Estoy en una etapa donde me estoy dando la oportunidad de explorar nuevas series animadas. Ya que mi repertorio es bastante pequeño y genérico.

I decided to start watching a series that I had pending a few months ago. Called Young Black Jack. That had caught my attention because of its plot and its number of chapters. Since it only has 15 and I like when they are short series.

Decidí empezar a ver una serie que tenía pendiente hace unos meses. Llamada Young Black Jack. Que me había llamado la atención por su trama y por su cantidad de capítulos. Ya que solo posee 15 y a mí me gusta cuando son series cortas.




It was funny because after watching a couple of chapters, I discovered that I wasn't watching something so unknown. At the beginning I thought it was an isolated series of only 15 chapters, with no more content. I was very surprised to find out that there was much more related to this anime. As far as I know, there is a movie, more anime series, OVAS and EVEN A LIVE ACTION MOVIE.

Fue gracioso porque luego de ver un par de capítulos, descubrí que no estaba viendo algo tan desconocido. Al inicio pensé que se trataba de una serie aislada de solo 15 capítulos, sin más contenido. Me sorprendí mucho al enterarme de que existían mucho más relacionado con este anime. Hasta donde sé, existe una película, más series animadas, OVAS y HASTA UNA PELÍCULA LIVE ACTION.



Another thing that surprised me is that the creator of this story is Osamu Tezuka, the father of manga. Who coincidentally is the same creator of Dororo. A series that I saw a few months ago and I loved it. And the best thing is that in Young Black Jack there is a character that is a direct reference to Hyakkimaru.

Otra cosa que me sorprendió es que el creador de esta historia es Osamu Tezuka, el padre del manga. Que casualmente es el mismo creador de Dororo. Una serie que vi hace unos meses y me encantó. Y lo mejor es que en Young Black Jack hay un personaje que es una referencia directa a Hyakkimaru.



This series is about Kurō Hazama a prominent medical student. With a rather strange appearance. Since his body is composed of multiple very noticeable scars. It is later revealed to us that they were because of an accident he had when he was a child.

Esta serie trata sobre Kurō Hazama un destacado estudiante de medicina. Con una apariencia bastante extraña. Ya que su cuerpo está compuesto por múltiples cicatrices muy notorias. Más tarde se nos revela que fueron a causa de un accidente que tuvo cuando era un niño.

I guess this series is to show us how was the origin of the prestigious doctor Black Jack. To show us how he became the character everyone previously knew.

Supongo que está serie es para mostrarnos como fue el origen del prestigioso médico Black Jack. Para enseñarnos como se convirtió en el personaje que todos conocían previamente.



The plot focuses on the fact that our protagonist during his daily life encounters different medical cases that force him to have to operate without having finished his medical degree. At the risk of never being granted the license to practice.

La trama se centra en que nuestro protagonista durante su vida cotidiana se encuentra con distintos casos médicos que lo obligan a tener que operar sin haber terminado la carrera de medicina. Arriesgándose a que nunca le otorguen la matrícula para ejercer.

What really surprised me was that Kurō Hazama's first operation was on a child who had lost an arm and a leg in a train accident. It was quite amazing that a medical student in his first operation was able to do something as complicated as the reattachment of 2 limbs. It was something that managed to capture my attention.

Lo que me sorprendió mucho es que la primera operación de Kurō Hazama fue a un niño que había perdido un brazo y una pierna en un accidente de tren. Fue bastante asombroso que un estudiante de medicina en su primera operación haya podido hacer algo tan complicado como la reinserción de 2 extremidades. Fue algo que logró captar mi atención.



You could say that this series has some similarities with Dr house. Both have as protagonist a medical prodigy who sees things that others cannot. Both have the methodology of solving cases that last 1 or maximum 2 chapters. It could be said that one series is inspired by the other.

Se podría decir que esta serie tiene algunas similitudes con Dr house. Ambas tienen de protagonista a un prodigio de la medicina que ven cosas que los demás no pueden. Ambas tienen la metodología de resolver casos que duran 1 o máximo 2 capítulos. Se podría decir que una serie se inspira en la otra.

Honestly, I didn't quite get caught up in the series. It's not a bad production, far from it. But I feel like it's not so much my style. I didn't really like the pacing. I feel like they take a lot of things for granted and leave others to interpretation. Although it could be because this series was the last thing that came out about Black jack.

Honestamente, no me logró atrapar del todo la serie. No es una mala producción, ni mucho menos. Pero siento que no es tanto mi estilo. No me terminó de gustar su ritmo. Siento que dan por sentadas muchas cosas y que dejan otras a interpretación. Aunque puede ser porque esta serie fue lo último que salió sobre Black jack.




Thank you very much for reading my review. It is a pleasure to share with you. I look forward to posting in this community in the future. I send you all a big hug and hope you are having a good day.🎞️🎬

Muchas gracias por leer mi reseña. Es un placer compartir con ustedes. Espero poder publicar en esta comunidad en un futuro. Les mando un fuerte abrazo a todos y espero que estén teniendo un buen día. 🎞️🎬

Translator Deepl.com
All images edited by me using Photoshop

Traductor Deepl.com
Todas las imágenes editadas por mí usando Photoshop


Todos mis links aquí 👇 / All my links here 👇



I agree with you in certain parts, this anime didn't really grab me for many reasons, although I must say it's not a bad anime. I was very excited to see it because I had never seen an anime focused on this world of medicine, which is strange because I love this world in series outside the anime, Greetings!

A bad anime it is not. For me it's far from that. But even if it's only a few chapters, I doubt I'll finish the series haha. For now I'm on the fourth one.
Now that you say it, this is the only anime I know of focused on medicine. I don't think there are many more.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Greetings and Merry Christmas. 🎅

I like that you mention the connection to "Dr. House" as both characters have a unique approach to solving medical problems. While I understand that you weren't completely drawn to it, I think it has a special charm in its character development and cases. Thanks for sharing your review!

It is that if you analyze coldly. Both series are quite similar in their dynamics. Even their protagonist.
I would bet that one series was inspiration for the other.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting my friend.
Have a great start of the year.

se ve interesante, lo tendré presente a ver, buen post!

looks interesting, I will keep it in mind to see, good post!

Totalmente, te lo recomiendo.
Saludos y Feliz Navidad n.n

Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!

Thank you for your support. I feel very comfortable in this community.
Happy Holidays.

Si tú la recomiendas, debe ser muy buen anime; creo haber escuchado de este anime y parece interesante,aunque si es de medicina, como que no me llama mucho la atención, jaja.

Te comento que nos parecemos en eso de ver series con pocos capítulos , jaja . Me pasa lo mismo con doramas y animes; me gustan con pocos episodios porque cuando son muy largos como que me aburren o simplemente hacen relleno y me dejan de interesar, jaja.

Fuerte abrazo y besos, chico lindo. Felices fiestas. 🙏💋💋

Pensamos igual entonces. A mi se me hace muy complicado ver series largas porque por lo general esas tienen mucho relleno como decis. Como por ejemplo, con One Piece. Que la mitad es relleno jaja.
Muchas gracias por pasar y comentar linda.
Saludos y felices fiestas.