Very good to all anime lovers, browsing through series that come out like donuts in a bakery, the truth is that I started watching this anime for some strange details that caught my attention.
The first thing to note is that it is not an Isekai, the concept is that in the middle of the city of Japan overnight a typical dungeon of creatures came out, but despite this it is something like a strange event and not typical of society.
At the time military, archaeologists, scientists and endless specialists entered the dungeon to explore and thus generated a kind of (quote unquote vocation work), where anyone can enter the cave, kill creatures, collect gems and sell them at the security entrance of the labyrinth to people who manage the maze.
It's kind of like a diagonal yugi oh amusement park where you can enter and try your luck, although it's still a job so it's more about earning money than being a hero who saves the world.
version en castellano
Muy buenas a todos los amantes del anime, curioseando entre series que salen como donas en panadería, la verdad empece a ver este anime por algunos detalles raros que llamaron mi atención.
Lo primero a destacar es que No es un Isekai, el concepto es que en plena ciudad de Japon de la noche a la mañana salio un calabozo típico de criaturas, pero pese a esto es algo asi como un suceso extraño y no tipico de la sociedad.
En su momento militares, arqueólogos, científicos y un sin fin de especialistas ingresaron a la mazmorra para explorar y asi pues se genero una especie de (entre comillas vocación laboral), donde cualquier persona puede entrar a la cueva, matar criaturas, recoger gemas y venderlas en la entrada de seguridad del laberinto a gente que administra el laberinto.
Es algo asi como fuera un parque de diversiones diagonal yugi oh donde puedes entrar y probar suerte, aunque eso si, sigue siendo un trabajo asi que es mas en plan de ganar dinero que de ser un heroe que salve el mundo.

And why do I say so?
Our protagonist named Kaito Takagi is a high school student and has been working inside the labyrinth for 2 years, so he finishes his school day, then enters the dungeon, kills creatures, collects gems and sells them at the exit...and yet he is a level 2 character.
So let's say that this RpG adventure is not the forte of the series.
Kaito for security reasons stayed in the first level of the labyrinth killing slimes, I add that use aerosol repellents as poison to kill these beings, so he is technically in a comfort zone where there is no risk of dying.
version en castellano
Y porque lo digo?
Nuestro protagonista llamado Kaito Takagi es un estudiante de secundaria y lleva 2 años trabajando dentro del laberinto, osea termina su jornada escolar, luego entra a la mazmorra, mata criaturas, recoge gemas y las vende a la salida...y pese a todo es un personaje de nivel 2.
Asi que digamos que esto de aventura RpG no es el fuerte de la serie.
Kaito por motivos de seguridad se quedo en el primer nivel del laberinto matando limos, añado que usar repelentes en aerosol como veneno para matar estos seres, asi que esta técnicamente en una zona de conford donde no hay riesgo de morir.

The trauma is that Kaito previously entered the labyrinth with two friends from school and confident that this would be (like a video game) they entered level 2 where they were beaten by creatures called goblins, managing to escape he and his friends barely alive.
Their friends, discouraged by the beating they received, simply gave up on re-entering the dungeon and so Kaito continues in solitary mode exploring to collect gems and make a living from this.
version en castellano
EL trauma es que Kaito anteriormente entro al laberinto junto a dos amigos del colegio y pues confiados en que esto seria (como un video juego ) se adentraron al nivel 2 donde fueron apaleados por criaturas llamadas goblins, logrando escapar a duras penas con vida.
Sus amigos desanimados por la paliza obtenida simplemente desistieron de volver a entrar a la mazmorra y por eso Kaito sigue en modo solitario explorando por recoger gemas y vivir de esto.

It must be said that the Japanese company in charge of managing the labyrinth system has very high prices in their accessories for adventurers, so it is very difficult to acquire strong weapons or defense equipment to advance safely.
And if we talk about weapons such as crossbows, defense equipment such as suits, shields and other means to make things easier, so Kaito will simply enter with his formal clothes and some insecticides purchased at the entrance of the maze.
version en castellano
Cabe decir que la empresa Japonesa encargada de administrar el sistema de laberinto tiene unos precios demasiado altos en sus accesorios para aventureros, asi que es de por si muy difícil adquirir armas fuertes o equipos de defensa para avanzar de forma segura.
Y si hablamos de armas como ballestas, equipos de defensa como trajes, escudos entre otros medios para facilitar las cosas, asi que Kaito simplemente entrara con su ropa formal y unos insecticidas compradas en la entrada del laberinto.

Back to the topic after 2 years exploring Kaito meets a golden slime, a very rare creature in itself, after defeating it he acquires an item that is a card to summon a monster as a servant, here is where the protagonist comes into conflict with his economy, because he knows beforehand that the card creatures are extremely scarce and of very high value in the market, so he debates between selling it without using it to become a millionaire or try his luck and see what digimon he gets. XD.
version en castellano
Volviendo al tema luego de 2 años explorando Kaito se encuentra con un limo dorado, una criatura de por si muy rara, luego de vencerlo este adquiere un item que es una tarjeta para invocar un monstruo como sirviente, aquí es donde el protagonista entra en conflicto con su economía, pues sabe de antemano que las criaturas de tarjetas son extremadamente escasas y de muy alto valor en el mercado, asi que se debate entre venderla sin usarla para hacerse millonario o probar suerte y ver que digimon le sale. XD.
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After thinking about it with the pillow he decides to summon the creature of his card inside the labyrinth, initially the majestic beast was a giant woman with airs of being a Viking deity to take the name of Valkyrie, but soon took the bad luck that it is a beast in the form of a small infant.
Despite that the beast girl turned out to be an ideal battle partner, if we put it in context is like a pikachu that kills enemies with its magic with a single attack, the bad thing is that she needs to recharge her attack by eating the core of the beast defeated in battle (or crystal), so if we put it in a comparative plane is a constant loss of money, because what defeats and was to claim money (the crystal), the girl devours to continue attacking in the next turn of combat.
version en castellano
Luego de pensarlo con la almohada decide invocar a la criatura de su tarjeta dentro del laberinto, inicialmente la majestuosa bestia era una mujer gigante con aires de ser una deidad vikinga al llevar el nombre de valkiria, pero al poco rato se llevo la mala suerte de que es una bestia en forma de infante pequeño.
Pese a eso la chica bestia resulto ser un compañero de batalla ideal, si lo ponemos en contexto es como un pikachu que mata enemigos con su magia de un solo ataque, lo malo es que ella necesita recargar su ataque comiendo el nucleo de la bestia derrotada en batalla (o le cristal), asi que si lo ponemos en un plano comparativo es una perdida de dinero constante, pues lo que derrota y era para reclamar dinero (el cristal), la chica devora para seguir atacando en el próximo turno de combate.

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Luckily the monster girl has a radar ability to detect enemies from a distance, so instead of putting her to battle he uses her to track slimes and himself annihilate them with insecticides, thus obtaining many nuclei in a single day.
version en castellano
Por suerte la chica monstruo tiene una habilidad de radar para detectar enemigos a la distancia, asi que en vez de ponerla a batallar la utiliza para rastrear limos y él mismo aniquilarlos a base de insecticidas logrando asi obtener muchos nucleos en un solo dia.

I mean, that's what the job is all about - making a profit, not just wasting time.
The protagonist sells the cores at the entrance with the administration manager who is surprised by the high amount of items obtained.
Kaito has managed to level up to level 3 by killing slimes en masse.
version en castellano
Digo de eso trata el trabajo de obtener ganancias, no de perder el tiempo a lo tonto, el protagonista vende los nucleos a la entrada con la encargada de administración la cual se sorprende de la alta cantidad de items obtenidos.
Kaito ha Logrando subir a nivel 3 a base de matar limos en masa.

Already confident with his new assistant, the next day he enters the second level of the dungeon, this time equipped with a large shield (one of those of riot police) and a wooden sword.
"I guess it's the cheapest item with such high prices, it seems ridiculous to me a weapon like this to attack goblins, if it were a medieval club I wouldn't say anything, or even bring a baseball bat from home and save on spending equipment" Even so he manages to defeat several goblins, the girl has barrier defense magic, so the protagonist attacks from inside the barrier to avoid suffering damage from the goblins. Between killing creatures that are these goblins the protagonist manages to level up to level 4, then level 6.
He feeds the girl some cores and sells a few cores obtained from the goblins.
version en castellano
Ya confiado con su nueva asistente se adentra al otro dia al segundo nivel de la mazmorra, esta vez equipado con un gran escudo (de esos de policías anti disturbios) y una espada de madera
"Supongo que es el item mas barato con esos precios tan altos, pues me parece algo ridículo un arma asi para atacar goblins, si fuera un garrote medieval no diria nada, o de plano traerse un bate de béisbol de su casa y ahorrarse en gastar equipos" Aun asi logra vencer a varios goblin, la chica tiene magia de barrera de defensa, asi que el protagonista ataca desde dentro de la barrera para no sufrir daño de los gobling. Entre matar criaturas qye son estos duendes el protagonista logra subir a nivel 4, luego a nivel 6.
Da de alimentar a la chica nucleos y vende algunos pocos nucleos obtenidos de los goblin a la encargada de la entrada.

Unfortunately the physical exertion leaves him exhausted and unwilling to get out of bed. Well, he was used to spraying cans of poison, making him a melee warrior is not a subtle change.
version en castellano
Por desgracia el esfuerzo fisico lo deja agotado y sin ánimos de levantarse de cama. Bueno estaba acostumbrado a rociar latas de veneno, ponerlo a ser guerrero dando combate cuerpo a cuerpo no es un cambio sutil.

In his school life his classmates want Kaito to have his childhood friend as a girlfriend, so they are always trying to encourage him to go on a date with her, the problem is that Kaito is playing double standards, cheating on his friend but not from the point of infidelity, but to hide from her that he is an adventurer in the dungeon and works earning a living from it.
version en castellano
En su vida de colegio sus compañeros de clase quieren que Kaito tenga de novia a su amiga de infancia, asi que siempre estaran tratando de animarlo para que se lance a tener una cita con ella, el problema es que kaito esta jugando a la doble moral, engañando a su amiga pero no desde el punto de infidelidad, si no de ocultarle que él es un aventurero en la mazmorra y que trabaja ganandose la vida de ello.

The point given is that as I explained that when the dungeon first came out many scientists, military, civil defense people explored the maze for the first time, including the father of her friend, needless to say that this was an acclaimed character with great feats going into the maze and was the focus of admiration of many children (including his daughter and his friend Kaito), but as we well know the pioneers exploring are the first to die or disappear in action, so after her father was consumed by the dungeon she does not want anyone else to suffer that fate, so Kaito constantly lies about his own whereabouts of what he does after school.
version en castellano
El punto dado es que como explique que cuando salio por primera vez la mazmorra muchos científicos, militares, personas de defensa civil exploraron por primera vez el laberinto, entre ellos el padre de la chica, sobra decir que este era un aclamado personaje con grandes hazañas adentrándose en el laberinto y era el foco de admiración de muchos niños (incluido su hija y su amigo Kaito), pero como bien sabemos los pioneros explorando son los primeros en morir o desaparecer en acción, asi que luego de que su padre fuera consumido por la mazmorra ella no quiere que nadie mas sufra ese destino, por eso Kaito miente constantemente sobre su propio paradero de lo que hace después de clases.

At the beginning it is normal to see how this character distracts the attention of her friend's questions with excuses on the fly, although in the long run it becomes a bit cliche as the episodes progress. It should be clarified that what she is interested in is to know if Kaito has a girlfriend or is going out with his friends to meet other girls, because every excuse he invents simply awakens in her jealousy to imagine that he already has a girlfriend hidden there.
I'm not saying that this type of mechanics is bad, well at least from the girl's point of view she is forced to ask Kaito for a date to get out of her doubt and mark ground without another girl taking it away from her, so it's not a bad plot either since there is progress in this relationship and not just random excuses every time he sees her.
version en castellano
Al comienzo es algo normal ver como este personaje distrae la atención de las preguntas de su amiga con excusas sobre la marcha, aunque a la larga se vuelve algo cliche al avanzar los episodios. Hay que aclarar que ella lo que esta interesada es en saber si Kaito tiene novia o esta saliendo con sus amigos a conocer otras chicas, pues cada excusa que él inventa simplemente despiertan en ella los celos al imaginar que ya tiene una novia por alli escondida.
No digo que este mal este tipo de mecánica, bueno al menos desde el punto de vista de la chica se ve obligada a ella pedirle una cita a Kaito para salir de su duda y marcar terreno sin que otra se lo quite, asi que tampoco es una mala trama ya que hay avance de esta relación y no solo excusas random cada vez que la ve.

Kaito keeps training in the level two labyrinth and defeats many gobling and comes out tired every day for such feat, little by little he improves his equipment and manages to level up to level 4, then to 5, then he goes into the other levels of the dungeon going up to level 6...until he finally manages to reach the ninth level.
The point in this anime is the natural and progressive improvement of his characters, that is to say both he and his creature started from a low level (she from level 1 to be more exact), so to see a story where both emerge little by little is the interesting part of the story.
I mean we know that in every genre isekai is a japanese that is spoiled by a truck, the god of that universe reincarnates him in a hero with level 9999 unlocked from the beginning and all are characters friends of the god with super favoritism and broken attacks of killing final bosses without effort with an attack, so seeing an adventure that flows as it should be gives a break to the genre of these series so saturated of narrating the same thing.
version en castellano
Kaito sigue entrenando en el laberinto de nivel dos y derrota muchos gobling y sale cansado a diario por dicha hazaña, poco a poco mejora su equipo y logra subir a nivel 4, luego a 5, Después se adentra en los otros niveles de la mazmorra subiendo a nivel 6...hasta que finalmente logra llegar al noveno nivel.
El punto en este anime es la mejora natural y progresiva de sus personajes, es decir tanto él como su criatura empezaron de nivel bajo (ella de nivel 1 para ser mas exactos), asi que ver una historia donde ambos surgen de a poco es lo interesante de la historia.
Digo sabemos que en todo genero isekai es un japones que lo atropeya un camio, el dios de ese universo lo reencarna en un heroe con el nivel 9999 desbloqueado desde el inicio y todos son personajes amigos del dios con super favoritismo y ataques rotos de matar jefes finales sin esfuerzo con un ataque, asi que ver una aventura que fluya como debe de ser da un respiro al genero de estas series tan saturadas de narrar lo mismo.

The interesting thing is that, if the hero needs to train to improve, he will return to levels of the dungeon where he can gain experience in solo mode, or even accumulate gem cores in industrial quantities to feed his servant later, "because it is easier to defeat slimes than goblins" than fire wolves in other levels of the labyrinth that deliver the same core.
I add because if your servant casts magic you must feed it again to attack again, so you are forced to stock up on cores for it.
P.S.: the more you advance in the labyrinth the more money you will get for the core gems, but for the purpose of feeding a companion to recharge her magic, any basic core will do.
version en castellano
Lo interesante es eso, el heroe si necesita entrenar para mejorar se devolverá a niveles de la mazmorra donde puede subir experiencia en modo solitario, o de plano acumular núcleos de gemas por cantidades industriales para alimentar mas adelante a su sirviente, "pues es mas facil vencer limos que duendes" que a lobos de fuego en otros niveles del laberinto que entregan el mismo núcleo. Añado porque si su sirviente lanza magia debe de alimentarla de nuevo para que vuelva a atacar, así que esta obligado a abastecerse de núcleos para ello.
posdata: cuanto mas avance en el laberinto mas dinero le darán por las gemas de nucleo, pero para propósitos de alimentar a una acompañante para recargar su magia, pues cualquier núcleo básico sirve.

In itself is an interesting anime since the mechanics is more like an adventure where progress is little by little and naturally for the protagonist and his companions giving an entertaining story that gives no matter whether or not a level up to 99 to face the same Lucifer as other generic anime, because the plot is to collect gem cores and sell them to live from this.
version en castellano
En si es un anime interesante ya que la mecánica se ciñe mas a una aventura donde el progreso es poco a poco y de forma natural para el protagonista y sus acompañantes dando una historia entretenida que da igual si sube o no un hasta nivel 99 para enfrentarse al mismo lucifer como otros animes genericos, pues la trama es de recoger nucleos de gemas y venderlos para vivir de esto.

So if you find yourself bored and with nothing else to watch on tv just give a look to the first episodes of this anime because it will surely entertain you.
P.S.: some enemies are immune to magic so your companion won't be of much use, the arrows are limited as well as the inventory that is consumed (and because they are expensive enough to keep buying them all the time again), a weapon you get may be useful for a monster today, but useless against another creature the next chapter, so this uncertainty gives the adventure some variety since everything can change from one moment to another.
version en castellano
Así que si te encuentras aburrido y sin nada mas que ver en tv simplemente dale un vistaso a los primeros episodios de este anime pues de seguro te entretendrá.
posdata: algunos enemigos son inmunes a magias asi que su acompañante no servirá de mucho, las flechas son limitadas asi como el inventario que se consume (y pues porque son carisimos como para andar comprando estos a cada rato de nuevo), puede que un arma que obtenga sirva para un monstruo hoy, pero inútil contra otra criatura al próximo capitulo, así que esta incertidumbre le da aires a la aventura con algo de variedad ya que todo puede cambiar de un momento a otro.

resources Used
resources Used

- image captures: Tecno Spark 10 Pro
Due to the scarce source of internet images about this series I took screenshots with the mobile on TV, as well as taking screenshots from the mobile to the series on the same mobile device.
logos: @theanimerealm, #hive
name of the series in english version:
A Nobody’s Way Up to an Exploration Hero
This is quite an interesting Review 😂😂😂
I'll check the show out.
I've followed this anime up to the latest episode.
But my question is, can they (The Angel and The Devil) change into their adult mode (as shown in the Ending Song)?
Apparently they should do it, the doubt is a temporary evolution that they can take out at any time and then return to their base form.
I have the same doubt because although the main character went from level 2 to level 15, the girls only went up 1 level in all this time, so they are level 2, so to get that transformation at level 50 or 99 I see it difficult at the rate they will go.
So this season, they can only use that mode temporarily.
I thought they can change permanently this season
Collecting gems in a dungeon to sell them, Solo Leveling comes to mind (saving distances). Certainly there are some clichés of the genre in this anime, but I think it has elements that make it distinctive, it would be a matter of watching it to check it out.
Thanks for sharing this excellent review. Regards!
Thanks for sharing this excellent review. Regards!
thank you very much for reading it.
And yes, if you go to a dungeon after school to eliminate slimes, you earn 15,000 yen, which is about 100 dollars, it's not bad for personal expenses.
You could say it's a vocation or a job, that playing a hero for ego reasons is not necessary in anime, in itself the dungeon is there just to be explored, I don't see any enemy escaping from it to become a giant monster and destroy the city, XD.
Basically as long as we have heavy military weaponry is not a risk what happens in the maze, I mean the players are forced to carry crossbows and minimalist things and with that they defend themselves, so an American army could sweep the enemies if they carry real weapons.
lo estoy viendo y me parece interesante, la animación es linda y la historia se va desarrollando poco a poco pero bien desde mi punto de vista jeje. buen post!
I'm watching it and I find it interesting, the animation is nice and the story is developing slowly but well from my point of view hehe. good post!
Gracias por comentar...y si la evolucion va poco a poco, al heroe en un momento dado cuando gano el cuchillo magico pense (ya lo volvieron super poderoso), pero contra el mostruo de Agua tipo mostruo Nes la verdad de nada le sirbio el cuchillo.
El tipo para avanzar los proximos niveles del 7 en adelante necesita si o si compañeros de grupo por norma de seguridad del laberinto. Sus criaturas pese a que tienen magia solo pueden atacar 1 vez y se fatigan...y pese a todo su valkyria y su lucifera solo han subido 1 nivel, osea son Lv2. No me imagino que cantidad de experiencia necesitan si el heroe paso de Lv 2 a Lv 15 y ellas solo 1 nivel en todo ese tiempo.
Thanks for commenting...and if the evolution goes little by little, the hero at one point when he won the magic knife I thought (and they made him super powerful), but against the monster of Water monster type Nes the truth is that the knife was useless.
The guy to advance the next levels of the dungeon from 7 onwards needs if or if group mates for safety rule of the maze. His creatures even though they have magic can only attack 1 time and they get tired...and even though his valkyria and demon have only gone up 1 level, they are Lv2.
I can't imagine how much experience they need if the hero went from Lv 2 to Lv 15, and the girls only 1 level in all that time.
entiendo, si tienes razón, tiene que mejorar mucho para que ellas también suban de nivel rápido!
I understand, yes you are right, it has to improve a lot for them to level up fast too!
The idea of a labyrinth in the middle of the city and a protagonist who, far from being a typical hero, seeks to make a living is quite fresh, I didn't know it, good contribution! 👍
I think the Japanese are leaving behind the clichés of copying and pasting what has been seen in other anime and create something striking to entertain the public, I mean it is already saturated with monotonous scripts, so any curious anime that has a different mechanics is a good option to pass the time.
Este anime lo estoy viendo en emisión junto con varios porque me llama la atención que el protagonista no tiene ninguna habilidad rota ni ningún tipo de poder y que tiene que esforzarse bastante por mejorar y ser más fuerte, además que lo único roto que tiene son las cartas con sus sirvientas pero tienen su detalle del consumo de gemas que es prácticamente dinero para los aventureros, así que prácticamente le toca es valerse por sí mismo con lo que tiene. De resto, no tiene mucho de lo cual hablar, la verdad. Un anime de fantasía y comedia más para la lista.
Excelente post y reseña.