COLOR RETRO 80S - Tokyo Ghoul - | Ken Kaneki |

in The Anime Realm3 years ago

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& English




Hola amigos de la colmena, hoy quise publicar un diseño de el personaje Ken Kaneki de Tokyo Ghoul, espero que le gusten y disfruten de este post.


Hello friends of the hive, today I wanted to publish a design of the character Ken Kaneki of Tokyo Ghoul, I hope you like and enjoy this post.



Cuando era niño, Kaneki comenzó a desarrollar la personalidad tímida y avergonzada que mantendría hasta su vida universitaria. Esto se debía a haber crecido sin su padre, junto a una madre sobre trabajadora. Por otro lado, luego de la muerte de su madre, vivió con su tía, la cual no lo trató como se debía. Hideyoshi Nagachika, su mejor amigo, fue un apoyo para él.

Como estudiante

Como estudiante universitario, Kaneki era un joven escuálido con poca o ninguna fuerza atlética, ya que prefería leer libros. En su tiempo libre, llevaba ropa casual, suéteres principalmente. Después del trasplante y tras unirse a Anteiku, utiliza el uniforme de camarero de la cafetería, que consiste en pantalones negros, un chaleco gris sobre una camisa blanca y una corbata marrón. Debido a que no podía controlar adecuadamente la activación de su Kakugan, que se manifiesta en su ojo izquierdo, llevaba un parche medicinal blanco en el ojo para cubrirlo.

Tras su secuestro y pos-tortura, Kaneki se unió al Aogiri (evento que solo ocurre en el anime) dandose como desaparecido en ese tiempo. No volvería tras el giro de su vida en Tokyo Ghoul:re



As a child, Kaneki began to develop the shy and embarrassed personality that he would maintain until his college life. This was due to having grown up without his father, along with an overworking mother. On the other hand, after the death of his mother, he lived with his aunt, who did not treat him as he should. Hideyoshi Nagachika, his best friend, was a support for him.

As a student

As a college student, Kaneki was a scrawny young man with little or no athletic strength, preferring to read books. In her spare time, she wore casual clothes, sweaters mainly. After the transplant and after joining Anteiku, he wears the cafeteria waiter's uniform, which consists of black pants, a gray vest over a white shirt and a brown tie. Because he could not properly control the activation of his Kakugan, which manifests itself in his left eye, he wore a white medicinal patch on his eye to cover it.

After his abduction and post-torture, Kaneki joined the Aogiri (an event that only occurs in the anime) and became missing at the time. He would not return after the turn of his life in Tokyo Ghoul:re


Kaneki siempre fue un chico tímido, con Hide como su único amigo. Pasaba la mayoría del tiempo leyendo, generalmente, novelas que su padre le dejó. Era una persona gentil y aparentaba ser optimista casi siempre. Fue influenciado en gran medida por su madre, se tomaba de buenas maneras la culpa y los castigos de sus iguales, se veía como alguien incapaz de lastimar o hacer daño. Sin embargo, con esta falta de picardía que lo caracterizaba, normalmente conseguía que lo maltrataran sacando ventaja de él. No obstante, detrás de su generosa y gentil forma de ser había un miedo desgarrado a estar solo. Desde que su madre murió, Kaneki tomó una personalidad muy parecida a la de su progenitora. Despreciaba la idea de estar solo, por lo que trataba en gran medida de proteger a aquellos que apreciaba, así no tendría que afrontar su miedo a estar solo en el futuro.

Después de que se convirtió en un medio-ghoul, se afianzó a su lado humano. Para mantener su vida en el mundo de los mismos, comenzó a trabajar en Anteiku y construyó una relación de amistad entrañable con los ghouls que había allí. Por sus experiencias, había comenzado a tener interés en volverse más poderoso como Ghoul, por lo que comenzó a leer libros de artes marciales, así él podría protegerse por sí mismo a las personas cercanas a él.


Kaneki was always a shy boy, with Hide as his only friend. He spent most of his time reading, generally, novels that his father left him. He was a gentle person and appeared to be optimistic almost always. He was greatly influenced by his mother, he took the guilt and punishments of his peers in a good way, he saw himself as someone incapable of hurting or doing harm. However, with this lack of mischief that characterized him, he usually got mistreated by taking advantage of him. However, behind his generous and gentle way of being was a torn fear of being alone. Since his mother died, Kaneki took on a personality very similar to that of his mother. He despised the idea of being alone, so he tried very much to protect those he cherished, so he wouldn't have to face his fear of being alone in the future.

After he became a half-ghoul, he took hold on his human side. To maintain his life in the world of them, he began working in Anteiku and built a relationship of close friendship with the ghouls that were there. From his experiences, he had begun to have an interest in becoming more powerful as a Ghoul, so he began to read martial arts books, so that he could protect himself from people close to him.


Fisiología Medio-Ghoul

Después de ser convertido en un hibrído mitad Ghoul, Kaneki ha mostrado un factor de curación único, así como un Kagune Rinkaku que consta de un mayor poder físico. Debido al vigor híbrido, las habilidades de Kaneki son más potentes que las de un Ghoul puro.

Fuerza sobrehumana

Mientras Banjou visitaba a Anteiku, Kaneki lo dejó inconsciente accidentalmente con un codazo. Kaneki pudo arrancar un poste de luz del asfalto y golpear a uno de los hermanos Bin con él. Al luchar contra Ayato Kirishima, Kaneki aplastó a Ayato a través de varios pisos del edificio del distrito 11. Durante sus sesiones de entrenamiento con Banjou, Kaneki lanzo al Ghoul sin mucho esfuerzo, a pesar de la diferencia de tamaño.

Velocidad sobrehumana

Mientras se enfrentaba a Yukinori Shinohara, Kaneki se movia a una velocidad inmensa, lo suficientemente rápido como para que Shinohara no pudiera rastrear su ubicación. Durante su confrontación en el tunel V14, Kaneki fue capaz de evadir los proyectiles condensados de Narukami mientras atacaba a Arima. En su pelea contra Kanae, Haise pudo maniobrar y esquivar sus rápidos ataques, acercándose rápidamente a ella desde atrás hacia el final de su movimiento. Kaneki también ha demostrado la capacidad de detener y evadir los numerosos ataques de la Quinque Búho de Arima mientras se enfrentaba a él en Chochlea. En su camino para reunirse con Takizawa, Ayato y Kurona para su infiltración en el laboratorio del CCG, Kaneki fue perseguido por agentes de V y logró esquivar sus ataques mientras escapaba al mismo tiempo.

Resistencia sobrehumana

Al ser un híbrido mitad Ghoul, el cuerpo de Kaneki es inpenetrable para cualquier cosa que no sea un Kagune o una Quinque. Durante su segundo encuentro con Nishiki, Kaneki (estando debilitado y hambriento) pudo soportar múltiples golpes del Ghoul. Cuando estaba luchando contra Shachi, Kaneki mantuvo la conciencia después de ser aplastado a través del piso y las paredes del Laboratorio de Kanou. Después de haber sido perforado en el abdomen por Amon, Kaneki aún pudo sobrevivir y recuperarse de sus heridas, aunque consumió parte de la carne de Hide. Durante su encuentro con Arima en el V14, Kaneki continuó luchando a pesar de sus graves heridas en la cabeza, que serían fatales incluso para un Ghoul. Como Haise Sasaki, sobrevivió al ser atravesado por el Kagune de Serpiente, y finalmente venció al Ghoul a pesar de estar gravemente herido.

Combatiente cuerpo a cuerpo experto

Kaneki es extremadamente hábil en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo. demostrando lo aprendido en sus entrenamientos con Touka y Renji contra unos Ghouls matones, en primera instancia para evitar el uso de su Kagune. Como Haise Sasaki, pudo luchar y dominar a todo el escuadrón Quinx.


Medium-Ghoul Physiology

After being turned into a half-Ghoul hybrid, Kaneki has shown a unique healing factor, as well as a Kagune Rinkaku consisting of increased physical power. Due to the hybrid vigor, Kaneki's abilities are more powerful than those of a pure Ghoul.

Superhuman strength

While Banjou was visiting Anteiku, Kaneki accidentally knocked him unconscious with an elbow. Kaneki was able to tear a light pole off the asphalt and hit one of the Bin brothers with it. Fighting Ayato Kirishima, Kaneki crushed Ayato through several floors of the 11th district building. During his training sessions with Banjou, Kaneki threw the Ghoul without much effort, despite the size difference.

Superhuman speed

MWhile facing Yukinori Shinohara, Kaneki was moving at an immense speed, fast enough that Shinohara could not track his location. During his confrontation in the V14 tunnel, Kaneki was able to evade Narukami's condensed shells while attacking Arima. In her fight against Kanae, Haise was able to maneuver and dodge her quick attacks, quickly approaching her from behind towards the end of her move. Kaneki has also demonstrated the ability to stop and evade the numerous attacks of Arima's Quinque Owl while facing him in Chochlea. On his way to meet with Takizawa, Ayato, and Kurona for infiltration into the GCC laboratory, Kaneki was pursued by V's agents and managed to dodge their attacks while escaping at the same time.

Superhuman endurance

Being a half-Ghoul hybrid, Kaneki's body is unpenetratable to anything other than a Kagune or a Quinque. During his second encounter with Nishiki, Kaneki (being weakened and hungry) was able to withstand multiple blows from the Ghoul. When he was fighting Shachi, Kaneki maintained consciousness after being crushed through the floor and walls of kanou's Laboratory. Having been pierced in the abdomen by Amon, Kaneki was still able to survive and recover from his injuries, although he consumed some of Hide's flesh. During his encounter with Arima in the V14, Kaneki continued to fight despite his serious head injuries, which would be fatal even to a Ghoul. As Haise Sasaki, he survived being pierced by the Snake Kagune, and eventually defeated the Ghoul despite being seriously injured.

Expert Melee Fighter

Kaneki is extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat. demonstrating what he learned in his training with Touka and Renji against some thuggish Ghouls, in the first instance to avoid the use of his Kagune. Like Haise Sasaki, he was able to fight and dominate the entire Quinx squad.


El programa que se uso es Photoshop.
The program used is Photoshop











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