A small manga collection and something more... 👺⛩️🍥🏯🎌❤️

in The Anime Realm5 months ago


Hello friends of Hive and The Anime Realm community, I hope you are very well in this new week that begins; in the vast world of manga and anime, there are many productions that mark the reader and the audience, no doubt Japan, has exported to the world a culture that has caught young and old, immersing us in incredible stories and characters through the years, leaving great life lessons as learning and knowledge.

In case you are wondering, I am more of anime than manga, but it is well known that manga tend to develop much more key elements that make the narrative something fascinating and obsessive for many. Since I was a child I have watched anime, if my memory serves me correctly, one of the first I saw was Mazinger Z, my excitement upon returning from school to see this robot in action was endless. I came to know the manga as an adult, I did not know they existed until one day in a comic book store I saw that they had all the episodes of my favorite anime of all time .... Dragon Ball.

It should be noted that I am not a born collector of manga, what you will see below, are some that I bought out of simple curiosity, some I knew, others I didn't, so today I want to present this small collection that although it is small, I treasure it very much. Anime lovers, to start this week with a lot of energy I invite you to join me in this brief adventure.... Let's Rock! 🔥🔥🔥

Hola amigos de Hive y de la comunidad The Anime Realm, espero se encuentren muy bien en esta nueva semana que inicia; en el basto mundo del manga y anime, existen muchas producciones que marcan al lector y a la audiencia, sin duda alguna Japón, ha exportado al mundo una cultura que a grandes y chicos ha atrapado, sumergiéndonos en historias y personajes increíbles a través de los años, que dejan grandes lecciones de vida como aprendizaje y conocimiento.

Por si se preguntan, soy más de animes que de mangas, pero es bien sabido que los mangas suelen desarrollar mucho más elementos claves que hacen de la narrativa algo fascinante y obsesivo para muchos. Desde pequeño he visto animes, si mi memoria no falla, uno de los primeros que vi fue Mazinger Z, mi emoción al regresar de la escuela para ver a este robot en acción no tenía fin. Los mangas los vine a conocer de adulto, no sabía que existían hasta que un día en una tienda de cómics vi que tenían todos los episodios de mi anime favorito de todos los tiempos... Dragon Ball.

Cabe resaltar que no soy coleccionista nato de mangas, lo que verán a continuación, son algunos que he comprado por simple curiosidad, unos los conocía, otros no, así que hoy les quiero presentar esta pequeña colección que a pesar de que es pequeña, la atesoro mucho. Anime lovers, para empezar esta semana con mucha energía les invito a que me acompañen en esta breve aventura... ¡A Rockear! 🔥🔥🔥

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Dragon Ball (Akira Toriyama) volume 35, Panini publishing house, Spanish version for Latin America /
Dragon Ball (Akira Toriyama) volumen 35, editorial Panini, versión en español para Latinoamérica.

Goku and Dragon Ball defined my adolescence mainly; this wonderful anime has many manga published by various publishers, in this case the publisher Panini brings us in this volume the saga of Cell, with great illustrations that take us to the tournament where Goku and his friends battle to the death against this powerful enemy, being Gohan in the end who surprises us with his skills and great power in a very epic way. This volume is called “Farewell Warriors” and has 12 great chapters that tell the whole story of this anime arc. It was the first manga I bought and for obvious reasons its value is incalculable.

Gokú y Dragon Ball definieron mi adolescencia principalmente; este maravilloso anime cuenta con muchos mangas publicados por diversas editoriales, en este caso la editorial Panini nos trae en este volumen la saga de Cell, con unas geniales ilustraciones que nos llevan al torneo donde Gokú y sus amigos batallan a muerte contra este poderoso enemigo, siendo Gohan a la final quien nos sorprende con sus habilidades y gran poder de una forma muy épica. Este volumen se llama "Adiós Guerreros" y cuenta con 12 capítulos grandiosos que relatan todo este arco del anime. Fue el primer manga que compré y por obvias razones su valor es incalculable.

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The Seven Deadly Sins (Nakaba Susuki) volume 1, KC Magazine, Spanish version for Latin America /
The Seven Deadly Sins (Nakaba Susuki) volumen 1, KC Magazine, versión en español para Latinoamérica..

I was lucky enough to find the first chapters of this anime in this manga; in this 1st volume consisting of 5 chapters with color and black and white illustrations, we get into the adventure of Meliodas and the 7 deadly sins personified in very particular characters. I met this anime a couple of years ago and I started watching it on Netflix but I still have to finish it because I really liked it.

Conté con la suerte de encontrar los primeros capítulos de este anime en este manga; en este 1er volumen que consta de 5 capítulos con ilustraciones a color y en blanco y negro, nos adentramos en la aventura de Meliodas y los 7 pecados capitales personificados en personajes muy particulares. Este anime lo conocí hace un par de años y lo empecé a ver en Netflix pero tengo pendiente culminarlo ya que me gustó mucho.

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Chainsaw Man (Tatsuki Fujimoto) volume 5, Jump Comic Digital, Spanish version for Latin America /
Chainsaw Man (Tatsuki Fujimoto) volumen 5, Jump Comic Digital, versión en español para Latinoamérica..

I must confess that in the middle of 2024, I have not seen this anime and it was highly recommended to me some time ago; I have seen many AMVs of Chainsaw Man and I have not spent the time to get to know it as it deserves. This volume 5 of the manga has 9 episodes where there are too bizarre characters and some interesting fights with very well done black and white illustrations. With what I saw in this manga I know that there is a lot of action and a good psychological content in its characters (don't worry, I didn't make too much spoiler to myself hehe).

Debo confesar que en pleno 2024, no he visto este anime y me lo recomendaron mucho hace algún tiempo atrás; he visto muchos AMV de Chainsaw Man y no he dedicado el tiempo a conocerlo como se merece. Este volumen 5 del manga cuenta con 9 episodios donde hay personajes demasiado bizarros y unas interesantes peleas con ilustraciones muy bien hechas en blanco y negro. Con lo que vi en este manga sé que hay mucha acción y un buen contenido psicológico en sus personajes (tranquilos, no me hice mucho spoiler jeje).

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Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (Akira Amano) volume 30, Panini publishing house, Spanish version for Latin America /
Katekyo Hitman ¡Reborn! (Akira Amano) volumen 30, editorial Panini, versión en español para Latinoamérica..

Some time ago I read somewhere on the internet that this manga didn't have anime, but it does and it looks great, I started watching it and I must continue because I really liked the plot; if you like Boku No Hero (only this anime is about the mafia), this anime will immerse you for a long time in the life of Tsuna, the main character who is trained by Reborn (a baby killer with great skills) to be the next boss of the mafia. The illustrations of this manga are very cool and it has the information you need to understand what the 10 chapters of this volume 30 are about, it has action, a lot of humor and a very cool plot, highly recommended if you don't know this story. I got this manga at a good price in a very famous super market chain here in Colombia, right in the books and magazines section.

Hace un tiempo atrás leí en algún lugar de internet que este manga no tenía anime, pero sí lo tiene y se ve genial, lo empecé a ver y debo darle continuidad porque su trama me gustó mucho; si te gusta Boku No Hero (solo que este anime trata sobre la mafia), este anime te sumergirá un buen tiempo en la vida de Tsuna, el personaje principal quien es entrenado por Reborn (un bebé asesino con grandes habilidades) para ser el próximo jefe de la mafia. Las ilustraciones de este manga están muy chéveres y tiene la información que necesitas para entender de que van los 10 capítulos de este volumen 30 que tiene acción, mucho humor y una trama demasiado genial, muy recomendado por si no conoces esta historia. Este manga lo conseguí en un buen precio en una cadena de super mercados muy famosa aquí en Colombia, justo en la sección de libros y revistas.

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Demon Slayer (Koyoharu Gotouge) volume 1, published by Panini, Spanish version for Latin America /
Demon Slayer (Koyoharu Gotouge) volumen 1, editorial Panini, versión en español para Latinoamérica..

In an old post I went so far as to comment that my 3 favorite anime so far are: Dragon Ball, Naruto and this one.... Kimetsu No Yaiba; I know they are very mainstream, but I just love them. I think Demon Slayer needs no introduction as it has been a worldwide phenomenon, it's a great story with great characters that will be remembered by many as the years go by. Soon I will bring you a collection I own of figures, clothes and a katana of one of the pillars that already went into action in season 4. This volume 1 brings 7 chapters, from the murder of Tanjiro's family, to his encounter with Sabito. It has beautiful illustrations and a very nice book mark that you can see in the pictures.

En un antiguo post llegué a comentar que mis 3 animes favoritos hasta el momento son: Dragon Ball, Naruto y este... Kimetsu No Yaiba; sé que son muy mainstream, pero simplemente los amo. Creo que Demon Slayer no necesita presentación ya que ha sido un fenómeno mundial, es una gran historia con grandes personajes que será recordada por muchos al pasar de los años. Pronto les traeré una colección que poseo de figuras, ropa y una katana de uno de los pilares que ya entró en acción en la temporada 4. Este volumen 1 trae 7 capítulos, desde el asesinato de la familia de Tanjiro, hasta su encuentro con Sabito. Tiene unas bonitas ilustraciones y un marca libro muy bonito que pueden ver en las fotos.

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Demon Slayer (Koyoharu Gotouge) volume 20, Jump Comic Digital, Spanish version for Latin America /
Demon Slayer (Koyoharu Gotouge) volumen 20, Jump Comic Digital, versión en español para Latinoamérica.

If you're a fan of Demon Slayer, you'll know what this manga is about when you see the cover; I bought it recently and I didn't want to make spoilers, but here's what's coming soon in the anime. This volume 20 has 9 very revealing episodes whose titles have already made me anxious hahaha, the truth is that there are epic battles coming that will bring Tanjiro and the pillars even closer to Muzan. The chibi keychains in the image were brought by Amazon with the katana of one of the pillars, unfortunately as you can see, some of them arrived broken, but I still keep them as relics.

Si eres fan de Demon Slayer ya al ver la portada de este manga sabrás de qué trata; lo compré recientemente y no me he querido hacer spoilers, pero aquí esta lo que viene próximamente en el anime. Este volumen 20 cuenta con 9 episodios bien reveladores cuyos títulos ya me generaron ansiedad jajaja, lo cierto es que vienen batallas muy épicas que acercarán más aún a Tanjiro y a los pilares con Muzan. Los llaveros chibi de la imagen los traje por Amazon con la katana de uno de los pilares, lamentablemente como pueden apreciar, algunos llegaron rotos, pero igual los conservo como reliquias.

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Paradis Army Scouting Corps Necklaces /
Collares del cuerpo de exploración del ejército de Paradis.

This part of the post is very special to me. The year before last, my nephew was at an otaku fair in another city, where they were selling a lot of anime merchandise; upon his return he brought me this gift, a necklace (well 2 actually) of the Attack On Titan exploration unit. The truth is that he told me to keep one half and him the other and that we should use those necklaces when we go together to one of these fairs, we haven't gone to an event together yet due to time constraints, but when we do, rest assured that I will use this beautiful gift.

Esta parte del post es muy especial para mi. El año antepasado, mi sobrino estuvo en una feria otaku en otra ciudad, donde vendían mucha mercancía de anime; a su regreso me trajo este regalo, un collar (bueno 2 en realidad) del cuerpo de exploración de Attack On Titan. Lo cierto es que me dijo que conservara una mitad y él la otra y que usáramos esos collares cuando fuéramos juntos a una feria de estas, todavía no hemos ido a un evento juntos por motivo de tiempo, pero cuando lo hagamos, tengan por seguro que usaré este regalo tan bonito.


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Dear friends, it has been a pleasure to bring you this small collection of manga and something more, to enjoy it together. Any comment will be welcome, even if there is something that I don't know and that you think is pertinent to comment on these manga, let me know without shame because as I mentioned at the beginning I am not very involved in the world of manga; also any important observation by the moderators of the community will be very well received.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making it to the end of the post, I send you a warm hug and wish you a great week full of success 🙏❤️.... See you soon 🙌😀💛.... You Rockkkk!!! 👊😎🔥👺⛩️🍥🏯❤️🌟🍻💥💫

Queridos amigos, ha sido un placer traerles esta pequeña colección de mangas y algo más, para disfrutarlo juntos. Cualquier comentario será bienvenido, incluso si hay algo que desconozca y que crean pertinente comentar sobre estos mangas, háganmelo saber sin pena porque como les mencioné al inicio no estoy muy metido en el mundo de los mangas; igualmente cualquier observación importante por parte de los moderadores de la comunidad será estupendamente recibida.

Gracias de todo corazón por haber llegado hasta el final del post, les mando un cálido abrazo y les deseo una grandiosa semana llena de éxitos 🙏❤️... Nos vemos pronto 🙌😀💛... You Rockkkk!!! 👊😎🔥👺⛩️🍥🏯❤️🌟🍻💥💫

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Edición de fotos / Photo editing: Inshot.
Separadores de texto / Text separators: Canva
Goku Chibi Image: Meliodas Image: Chainsaw Man Image:
Reborn Image: Tanjiro Image:
Nezuko Image: Attack On Titan Logo:
Dispositivo de fotografías / Photography device: Huawei P30 Lite.
Contenido propiedad de fernanblog / Content owned by fernanblog.

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You have an awesome collection! Everything is great, especially the mangas. Hope you can get more stuff to make it grow

Thank you very much Mandys, little by little I will make this collection grow, although I have others in progress hehehehe. Greetings and thank you for your valuable visit 🙏❤️... You Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

wow, that little collection is smooth bro, I haven't had the opportunity to buy mangas, but if I had, I would buy Shin Mazinger Zero, good post 👍

What memories when I anxiously awaited the release of the next issue of the manga I followed and bought them immediately haha today due to cost issues they are out of my reach, but I have something 😂

Impressive your mangas, well taken care of, I loved the SNK necklace, I have seen a great variety of necklaces of those emblems, but double never and it's great the idea of your nephew, hopefully you can attend an event together soon and show off those necklaces ❤️

Have a nice day 🦉

Holaaaa... I hope you are feeling great, thank you very much for visiting me; I don't collect manga but the few I have are valuable, they are not at all friendly in terms of economic value, I understand you very well 😅. Those necklaces are such a special gift that I want to use it with him in an anime event, I know it will happen, we have been patient, but we will enjoy to the fullest when it happens since we have many similar tastes, both in anime and in our love for video games. A big hug for you and Buhitooo 💖.... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

Dentro de todos los mangas que compartiste -que son geniales y que aún los conserves en buen estado es mas genial aún- la colección que más me gustó fue el regalo que te hizo tu sobrino, ojalá puedan usarlo y compartir un momento inolvidable juntos.

Te mando un cálido abrazo amor mío ❤️ te amo.

Amorsote si, ese regalo vale oro, más que todos los mangas juntos 🙏❤️... sé que lo usaremos juntos ya verás 🙌😀💛... Un abrazo grandote mi vida, Te Amo 🌹😘💖... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

que genial y como las conservas tan bien! super de verdad

how great and how you preserve them so well! super really!

Hola Yasmarit un gusto tenerte por acá, muchas gracias y sí, los he cuidado full jeje 🙌😀💛... Saludos... 👍😎🔥❤️

All the manga you show here are iconic, I'm sure many of us here have seen most of them.

By the way, I find it amazing that you have a chainsaw manga, but you haven't seen the anime, you really need to.

Thanks for sharing this interesting collection with the community. See you around!

Watch Chainsawman anime... to do list 📝... I won't let it go anymore, I assure you hehe 🙂.... How cool that you liked this post, it's a pleasure for me to share it with all of you my friend; thanks for the support and for enjoying this content with me too 🙏❤️... ahh I must also watch the Reborn anime 😅.... Greetings and a big hug 🙌😀💛.... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

That's an amazing collection! I mostly read manga online or through an app subscription, but I'd love to have some physical copies of my favorites. I'm glad to see Katekyo Hitman Reborn! I've never seen the anime, but I was so into the manga version almost 15 years ago. I feel like reading it again when I get the chance. :D

How great your visit, thank you very much and hey, I hope you can get your hands on one of your favorite manga in physical format 🙌😀💛. Reborn in anime is awesome, you must watch it as soon as you can, I'm really liking it. A warm hug for you and thanks again 🙏❤️... You Rockkkkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

It's a pleasure to check your blog... I hope so, too... I'm thinking of Haikyuu! and Dr. Stone for that matter. :) Did they finish the anime or Reborn? I miss Hibari Kyoya!!! hahaha

Hugs back and see you around! (^^,)/

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That's just great 🙌😀💛... Let's go for more 🔥🔥🔥... thank you very much for always being my friend from @hivebuzz 🙏❤️... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️

Keep up the amazing work, and you'll hit that next milestone in no time. 👍

You're on fire @fernanblog! 🔥🔥🔥