Hello, how are you friends of the community? Today I have the pleasure to share with you another of my fan art drawings inspired by the anime world. This time I decided to paint a chibi version of Kakashi-sensei, which, as the title indicates, is angry and in a fighting position. This character is one of my favorites of the series because of his calm and serene style that made him look like the main characters of the current series. But let's move on to the important thing, which is the story behind this drawing.
It turns out that team number 7 decided to celebrate Sakura's birthday and invited her beloved teacher Kakashi. The party was to have a pink theme and Kakashi just thought to wear a light red cape so as not to unravel. The problem arises when they go to cut the cake and they send Kakashi to the kitchen to get a knife, and he is delayed a lot because he is reading the end of a chapter of one of those novels he always reads.
Hola, ¿qué tal amigos de la comunidad? Hoy tengo el placer de compartir con ustedes otro de mis dibujos fan art inspirados en el mundo del anime. En esta ocasión decidí pintar una versión chibi de Kakashi-sensei, el cual, como bien indica el título, está enojado y en una posición de pelea. Este personaje es uno de mis favoritos de la serie debido a su estilo tranquilo y sereno que lo hacía lucir como los protagonistas de las series actuales. Pero pasemos a lo importante, lo cual es la historia detrás de este dibujo.
Resulta ser que el equipo número 7 decidió celebrar el cumpleaños de Sakura e invitaron a su querido maestro Kakashi. La fiesta tendría una temática rosa y a Kakashi solo se le ocurrió ponerse una capa de color rojo claro para no desencajar. El problema surge cuando van a cortar el pastel y mandan a Kakashi a buscar un cuchillo a la cocina, y este se demora un montón por estar leyendo el final de un capítulo de esas novelas que siempre lee.

Upon his return, Kakashi was carrying a huge knife that it is still unknown where he got it from, but the trigger for the problem was a mocking comment made by Sasuke. The little Uchiha mocked his sensei by saying that, for being considered the second fastest ninja in Konoha, he was quite slow at some things. This comment wouldn't have mattered if it wasn't accompanied by Naruto and Sakura's mocking laughter.
Immediately, the protagonist of this story blew back the red cloak that covered him and with knife in hand invited his disciples to check whether he was really fast or not. Many are of the opinion that Kakashi had no bad intentions, but I'm sure the members of Team 7 were in for a surprise that night. Kakashi-sensei, as they started calling him since that incident, made it clear to them why they call him the Grim Reaper.
Al volver, Kakashi portaba un enorme cuchillo que aún no se sabe de dónde lo sacó, pero el detonante del problema fue un comentario burlón que hizo Sasuke. El pequeño Uchiha se burló de su sensei diciendo que, para ser considerado el segundo ninja más rápido de Konoha, era bastante lento en algunas cosas. Este comentario no hubiese tenido importancia si no viniese acompañado de las risas burlonas de Naruto y Sakura.
Inmediatamente, el protagonista de esta historia hizo volar hacia atrás la capa roja que lo cubría y con cuchillo en mano invitó a sus discípulos a comprobar si de verdad era rápido o no. Muchos opinan que Kakashi no tenía malas intenciones, pero estoy seguro de que los integrantes del equipo 7 se llevaron una sorpresa aquella noche. Kakashi-sensei, como lo empezaron a llamar desde ese incidente, les dejó bien claro por qué lo llaman el Grim Reaper.

Materials // Materiales
✔️ A4 sheet of white paper | ✔️ Hoja de papel blanco A4 |
✔️ "Crayola” colored pencils | ✔️ Lápices de colores "Crayola" |
✔️ HB drawing pencil | ✔️ Lápiz de dibujo HB |
✔️ Black ink pens | ✔️ Bolígrafos de tinta negra |

Step by step // Paso a paso
I started by drawing the outline of the head, including the hair and the bandana on the forehead. Then I added the shape of the body with the combat pose mentioned above. Just when I was about to start adding the details, I realized that I had not chosen the pencil well and that's why you can barely see the drawing. I apologize for that.
Comencé dibujando el contorno de la cabeza, incluyendo el pelo y la bandana que porta en la frente. Luego agregué la forma del cuerpo con la pose de combate mencionada anteriormente. Justo cuando iba a empezar a agregar los detalles, me doy cuenta de que no había escogido bien el lápiz y es por eso que apenas se ve el dibujo. Ruego me disculpen por eso.
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Adding the details, I tried to be as faithful as possible to the original design of the series, but being a small version there are things that must be changed in terms of proportion and body shape. The uniform I did the same, but the weapon in her hand I reinvented it for a future story. After adding all the details to the piece, I went over each line with a black ink pen and then erased the graphite strokes.
Agregando los detalles, traté de ser lo más fiel posible al diseño original de la serie, pero al ser una versión chica hay cosas que se deben cambiar en cuanto a la proporción y forma del cuerpo. El uniforme sí lo hice igual, pero el arma que porta en la mano sí la reinventé para de ahí sacar una futura historia. Luego de agregar todos los detalles a la pieza, repasé cada línea con un bolígrafo de tinta negra y seguidamente borré los trazos del grafito.
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When it came to color, I started by applying a dark black to the bandana and the mouth cover. Then I applied the characteristic light peach color that I gave to the skin of my characters. I painted the hair light gray and a darker gray the metal plate of the bandana that carries the symbol of the village of Konoha.
In the case of the eyes, I was undecided what color to paint the right eye because in the series it has always been black, but I wanted to give it an opaque blue color to contrast with the sharingan of the left eye. Let's remember that Kakashi, despite not being an Uchiha, carries a sharingan inherited from Obito.
A la hora de dar color, empecé aplicando un negro oscuro a la bandana y el cubrebocas. Luego apliqué el característico color durazno claro que le di a la piel de mis personajes. Pinté de gris claro el pelo y un gris más oscuro la placa de metal de la bandana que porta el símbolo de la aldea de Konoha.
En el caso de los ojos, estaba indeciso de qué color pintar el ojo derecho porque en la serie siempre ha sido negro, pero quería darle un color azul opaco para que contrastara con el sharingan del ojo izquierdo. Recordemos que Kakashi, a pesar de no ser un Uchiha, porta un sharingan heredado de Obito.
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The rest of the body I drew using three variations of gray and two variations of light black, except for the vest, which is a rare olive green color, which, luckily, I have in my scarce color collection. On the back, as I said at the beginning, I wore a light red cape-coat and I painted the ground using two shades of brown, as well as the handle of the knife.
To finish, I highlighted some lines and darkened some areas, as well as added several new gray streaks in the hair to simulate the marking and direction of the hair fibers.
El resto del cuerpo lo dibujé utilizando tres variaciones de gris y dos de negro claro, a excepción del chaleco, que es de un raro color verde olivo, el cual, por suerte, tengo en mi escasa colección de colores. En la espalda, como conté al inicio, portaba una capa-abrigo de color rojo claro y el suelo lo pinté utilizando dos tonos de color café, al igual que el mango del cuchillo.
Para finalizar, remarqué algunas líneas y oscurecí algunas áreas, al igual que agregué varias rayas nuevas con el color gris en el pelo para simular el marcado y dirección de las fibras capilares.
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Finished Drawing // Dibujo Terminado
And that would be all for today. I hope you liked the drawing, as well as the story that brings them to life. Remember that these stories are a product of my imagination and are not directly related to the development of the characters I draw or to the anime series to which they belong. Without further ado, I bid you a happy next day. See you next time.
Y esto sería todo por hoy. Espero que les haya gustado el dibujo, así como la historia que les da vida. Recuerden que estas historias son producto de mi imaginación y no están relacionadas directamente con el desarrollo de los personajes que dibujo o con las series de anime a las cuales pertenecen. Sin más que agregar, me despido deseándoles una feliz y próxima jornada. Hasta la próxima.
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Credits and Resources // Créditos y Recursos
Cover page created in Canva
Translated by DeepL
Images captured with my Samsung Galaxy A53

Cover page created in Canva
Translated by DeepL
Images captured with my Samsung Galaxy A53
The drawing was very good. The coloring and the strokes look very good, and the sharingan is also very nice!
Thank you very much. That compliment makes me very happy coming from someone so talented.
Este es uno de mis personajes favoritos Dee la saga. Te quedo increíble. Lo adore
Muchas gracias amiga. Me alegro de que te gustase.
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que lindoo te quedo genial!
how cute you look great!
Thanks ☺️
Don't make Kakashi mad, he's super fast and I don't think they want to find out haha very funny story and very cute drawing 😊❤️
Thanks, I guess the story will be continued because someone must be looking for the knife that Kakashi had in his hand.
Keep sharing your creations! I'm sure many in the community will enjoy it as much as I do. The idea of an angry Kakashi chibi is great, cheers!
Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed the drawing. It's still amateur work, but I do it with a lot of love.
Oye te quedo genial el dibujo Asere !! Buen trabajo bro 😉👌!!
Gracias Javi. Por ahí vi tu maceta pintada y quedó hermosa. Un trabajo bien profesional.