"Anime is Satanic"

in The Anime Realm2 years ago (edited)

This may not be a good topic to go into as the first thing to post in over a year, but I wanted to express my take on it while it's still relevant.

Basically Matt Walsh (a right-wing political commentator) was asked on a podcast about anime and he said "I have no argument for it, I have no argument for why it's satanic, it just seems that way to me".

To say that people overreacted to this is an understatement, some people talked about the lives of animators who poured their sweat and blood into making anime, it all makes you think Matt Walsh threatened to nuke anime studios or something, when all he did was express his brief opinion in a matter of seconds and even admitted he has nothing to back it up in an argument.

What makes this even more ridiculous though, is that people didn't consider that the guy was being sarcastic to begin with, and yet articles made by people who hate him for political reasons, managed to manipulate this community into making a big deal out of it, just to give Matt more hate.

Now I don't care about the politics, I'm here to talk about the anime community, and how people are apparently still insecure about anime being hated.
Haven't we lived our whole lives knowing that people have a bad impression of anime? Whether they thought it was for kids or judged you for being a nerd. Today anime has become mainstream and almost everyone watches it, we're already living the dream, so why are people so offended by one man not liking anime?

The moral of the story, please stop being over-sensitive, it's hard to see people lacking in critical thinking being manipulated so easily. I hate politics getting into things that I like.

(Quick note: I'm not talking about this community on ecency, I'm talking about the anime community on the internet as a whole, specifically youtube and twitter).


I don't know who Matt is but if that's the story I have to run with, I can't find it even worth making a fuzz about as it's just an opinion from someone that I can disagree for a moment then move on. Whatever generates controversy brings in views, and people like views.

Exactly, all I know is that Matt Walsh is infamous for political reasons, so people look for any excuse to attack him, but the problem is with those who ride the wave unaware of its purpose, they just embarrass themselves.

It's funny how to push your own culture into another one. Since we live in a Judeo-Christian media and we think on Jesus and God and Devil. But in Japan this just doesn't fly, so when you aim at calling something satanic in Japan is like... you need to be more specific since there are many gods in Japan and there is no concept of the devil. So calling something demonic, is like just showing your own baggage.

Is like calling someone a cannibal vampire religion, also known as catholic when they say we should eat the body of christ and drink his blood to be saved. Yet in that same culture we see Zombies and Vampires and evil entities.

Also defining satan in a christian context is very different from an akuma or an Oni in a Japanese context where there are many deamons and tricksters and devils that take on the japanese society.

So whenever someone called something satanic might have more to do with his personal issues than what it is.

What are you on about? 😅 I'm pushing my culture on others? I need to be specific when I call something satanic? Cannibal Vampire religion?!
Let me state the obvious, if you had read anything past the title of my post you would've known that:

  • This wasn't my statement, it was Matt Walsh's.
  • He was joking.
  • He wasn't talking to a Japanese audience, so their interpretation of satanism doesn't matter.

That's sort of what I said on the comment. Is a bit irrelevant interpretation because of the culture disconnect. An 'Oni' or 'Akuma' is not the same as the christian view of Satan.

Then what does that have to do with anything? 😂 You mention something out of nowhere and then admit it's irrelevant!

I mentioned why is irrelevant. Anyway I never said you were that guy. I understand this was something that happened in a podcast to someone I don't know. But from the looks, is irrelevante. Just take the engagement.

I mentioned why is irrelevant.

You're the one who brought it up in the first place 😑

Anyway I never said you were that guy.

You were literally saying "you" which can only be referring to me.

Just take the engagement.

What does that even mean? Sorry but your English is hard to understand, I can respect you practicing the language to get better at it, but please don't argue with people until you can speak properly.

Anime haters are very toxic maybe even more toxic than BTS fans
To be honest I haven't come across this interview and I don't really know any Mat's 😂😂 but when you think about it, there are some anime's that are a bit dark.
But to call the whole genre Satanic, bro his weed must be weeding 😂😂

He was joking though.

I see😂
A pretty expensive joke, don't you think?