Wild Plot Wednesdays #1 : Share Your Original Anime Plot

in The Anime Realm8 months ago


Introducing a new weekly activity for the The Anime Realm Community. This is part of the series of mini events happening within the community on a weekly to monthly basis.

#askanime - weekly #mangamondays - weekly #animerealmquest - monthly

Wild Plot Wednesdays:

Create an anime plot based on the theme for the week with only 100-250 word count. Think of it as pitching in your own show using what you learned from anime tropes.

We encourage you to make a separate post about the contest but commenting your entry is also fine.


Let's start with an easy theme of isekai. Share your isekai inspired anime plot.


  1. Make a separate post or comment under this post pitching in your wild plot and title. If you had to make a separate post, use the tag "wildplotwednesday1" for easy screening.

  2. The deadline for entries will be at this post's payout. But expect the winner's announcement will come a few days late or depending on the availability of curators.

  3. Your official entry under a separate post or comment should be 100 - 250 words. I'm only asking for a short plot summary not an entire fictitious anime review. If you want to continue building on the plot, I suggest making an entire separate post because this event also serve as a weekly contest prompt.

  4. Rewards for the entries can take in the form of setting the participants and as beneficiaries for succeeding posts OR providing liquid rewards from the @theanimerealm account or my own account. The rewards will just pile up even if no entry for the week.

  5. The use of extra materials to expound your idea is fine. These include sharing preexisting images, music videos, tropes that convey a similar or same theme as what your plot is trying to sell.

  6. No AI assisted or plagiarized work please. While it can be difficult to spot AI written entries at times, it's not like one can get away with it for long. I'm telling you it's not worth losing your reputation if you resort to using AI than your imagination. We've been curating for a while and part of the screening practice is weeding out AI works.

The Anime Realm Monthly Quest for June


It's going to include participating in Manga Mondays Post
Wild Plot Wednesdays are planned to be added on the future quests.

The Anime Realm Discord Server

Thanks for your time.


Isekai is really popular in this community. haha Though I haven't watched a lot, let me give this one a try...

Anime Title: 生きろ (Ikiro or Live)

Plot: A couple of childhood friends, Kei and Aki aim to tick some entries on their bucket list. They're both adrenaline junkies, so a number of them involved extreme activities like wingsuit flying, cliff diving and so on. On one of their planned adventures, cave diving, Kei unfortunately couldn't make it due to unforeseen circumstances. Although disappointed, Aki decided to go through with the plan alone, but he never returned. Kei desperately traced his friend's whereabouts and found himself underwater in a mystical sand cave. Once he entered deeper, something strange happened. And the last thing he saw were fragments of the cave collapsing. When he regained consciousness, he was welcomed by a very familiar face in an unfamiliar world.

Then the theme song of this anime would be Ikiro by NEWS.


Nice nice!

hahaha... salamuch! <3


A new one... Isekai huh...

Lemme give this a try😂😂

Another Rebirth


Rio is a mage who wanted the greatest magic of all... Love.
To fulfill this request, he summons the supreme deity and asks to be granted one wish.
The supreme deity, grants this wish but takes it a bit further.
Rio awakens, in an unfamiliar land facing a beauty.

He falls in love with her and watches her die, only for him to meet her again and watch her die again.
The cycle continues of he falling in love and watching her die.
A blessing or a curse?

@adamada Hi! One question, can I generate images with some tool to give some context of the series I imagine, as well as to create an attractive cover?

can I generate images with some tool

Sure, as long as it's specifically mentioned how the image was generated, or saying it as AI generated.