welcome to quenasabor's 21st name that tune contest!
think this will be a fairly easy one for many.
So, for in case there are multiple guesses, the other suggestion was to wait until contest closes in the 3rd or 4th week (I cant remember which but its on the azl schedule) and enter thr names of all correct guesses into a random name selector! super cool! so I also cant remember if i said "first to name it" in the video or not, but inprobaboy did out of habit. This will not be the case for this one, enter your guess anytime uo until the contest closes!
a while back (like june 2021, i think), @quochuy suggested trying something a little easier to get more participation. this is the first free slot ive had since then to try this, so i'm giving it a shot here today...at least, I
ok thats it!
thank you!
▶️ 3Speak
Somewhere over the... Window. (I don't want to win.)
Hey, we got a wi- oh, wait, never mind! LOL just kidding this round I switched to a drawing for the winner. Since I started the challenge, I’ve had a lot of people that knew but wouldn’t answer cuz they didn’t want to take it from someone else, so I’m hoping this will help alleviate such concerns. Super awesome that you checked it out, and I guess it goes without saying that you nailed it, so good deal there! Thank you for taking a look and commenting!
Somewhere over the Wicked Witch of the West's head.
Too easy. Hit us with a tough one!!!
🌈 🍀 🏳️🌈
p.s. Cool Tats. 😎
LOL! Thanks! Yeah I decided to try a super easy song and just roll all the correct guesses into a drawing - hoping this will draw more guesses and add to the fun a little bit :) …upcoming challenges will vary in difficulty, so if you’re into the harder songs, stick around and they’ll come up for sure.
Thank you for checking it out!
Music fanatic. I'll be back!
Thanks for the info. :)
Yay!!! I’m excited to see you around!
A classic beautifully played! wow!
Thank you!
Awesome man. I have been actually been thinking about getting a wooden flute. I got so much free time at the moment and want to learn something fun.
Holy crap! I can’t advocate for it enough. I picked it up two years ago and now I take it everywhere. I can help with selection if you have preferences in sound type or ease of getting off the ground, so to speak.
Where did you get yours from? I am hoping to learn to play some Irish or Scottish type music with it.
I get a lot of them from boliviamall.com and alpacamall.com; these are good sources if you’re interested in getting a quena (my personal favorite) and want to help support makers/sellers where the flute actually comes from.
If you’re interested in easy to learn (but not as much room to grow), you might like a Native American flute. Douglas Thunderhorse makes great flutes that can be purchased online through weed path music shop.com, or wind dancer flutes (Roger McGee) can also be found by web search.
If you’re particular to the Irish flute, honestly I’ve seen a lot of good deals on flutes of all kinds on eBay. Irish flute is one I haven’t had the chance to try yet, but I imagine it’s similar in many ways to the Quena.
Oh also, if you do decide to pickup a flute and find yourself having questions, you can either let me know in a comment or post them in the quenasabor community, and me or one of the more experienced flutists in the community can probably put together a video or post to help dampen the learning curve :)