S.O.S. desert!!! 🍊🍌🍫

in Ukusi Banata2 years ago (edited)

Nako što smo ručale, otvorile smo našu kutiju za slatkiše da bi se zasladile.

  • Mama! Pa mi nemamo više ništa slatko??

After we had lunch, we opened our candy box to sweeten it up.

  • Mum! So we don't have anything sweet anymore??



Unutra je bila samo prazna kesica od nekih pojedenih bombona.😬

Inside was only an empty bag of some eaten candies.😬

  • Uh, zaboravila sam da kupim. 😒
  • Ijao! A meni se baš jede nešto slatko!

Uh, I forgot to buy. 😒

  • Yao! And I really want to eat something sweet!

  • Hm, čekaj da vidim šta imam u frižideru. . .

Um, let me see what I have in the fridge. . .

Hm. . . Banane, komad g čokilade od ko zna kada 😆, neotvorene piškote koje sam čuvala za pravljenje kolača 1 narandza i mamin kolačić uz kafu.
Hm 🤔. . .

Um. . . Bananas, a piece of g chocolate from who knows when 😆, unopened cookies that I kept for making cakes, 1 orange and my mom's cookie with coffee.
Um 🤔. . .

Ok, sad će mama nešto da zbrćka! 😆🤭

Ok, now mom is going to mess something up! 😆🤭

Setila sam se da sam jednom jela “banana split” desert koji se pravi sa sladoledom koji mi nismo imali ali mi je posluźio kao osnova za sličan desert. 🙂

I remembered that I once ate a "banana split" dessert made with ice cream that we didn't have, but it served as the basis for a similar dessert. 🙂

Dakle stavila sam ispred sebe ono što imam:

So I put in front of me what I have:



Isekla sam bananu na veće komade. Banana je vrlo zrela, pa brzo oksidira odnosno pocrni, zato je poprskajte sa par-kapi limuna ali ne morate.

I cut the banana into larger pieces. The banana is very ripe, so it quickly oxidizes or turns black, so sprinkle it with a few drops of lemon, but you don't have to.



Zatim sam uzela preostali kolačić i takodje isekla na komade i poredjala uz banane.

Then I took the remaining cookie and also cut it into pieces and arranged it next to the bananas.


A zatim otopila komad čokolade u lončetu pa prelila preko banana.

And then she melted a piece of chocolate in a pot and poured it over the bananas.




Ah da. Zaboravih narandzu da stavim! Isekla sam narandzu na kriške koje će ne samo ukrasiti da bude lepo na oko već i osvežiti ukus čokolade. Ali ono što je najbitnije je ti što moja ćerka nažalost nedovoljno jede voće pa su zato ovakvi deserti idealno da vaše dete pojede voće! 😅😁😋
Desert je gotov!

Ah yes. I forgot to put the orange! I cut the orange into slices, which will not only decorate it to make it look good, but also refresh the taste of chocolate. But the most important thing is that my daughter unfortunately does not eat enough fruit, so desserts like this are ideal for your child to eat fruit! 😅😁😋
Dessert is ready!






Ispalo je bolje nego što sam očekivala ali prezadovoljna sam jer sam dobila savršen desert za samo jedan minut! Nema pečenja, kuvanja. Plus- tu su i vitamini! Divno!
Moja ćerka je zasukala rukave i bacila se na posao! 😄

It turned out better than I expected, but I'm so happy because I got the perfect dessert in just one minute! No baking, no cooking. Plus - there are also vitamins! Wonderful!
My daughter rolled up her sleeves and got to work! 😄


  • Da li ti se dopada?
    Pitala sam ćerku radeći nešto u drugoj sobi. Tišina. Pitala sam se šta se dešava. Došla sam do stola i 👀 ovo:
  • Do you like it?
    I asked my daughter while doing something in the other room. Silence. I wondered what was going on. I got to the table and 👀 this:


Ha ha hahaha ha ha.
Sve je nestalo brzinom svetlosti! Prstići su baš vredno radili po tanjiru! 🖐😆

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Everything disappeared at the speed of light! Fingers worked really hard on the plate! 🖐😆

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Hey, it's real hedonism here!
So simple to prepare but all these ingredients and the result bring happiness 😉

Haha, you're right! Pure hedonism. luckily we dose it. 😆😆😆

Happiness is the priority after all! 😁

We'll leave you a piece of happiness next time! 😁

greetings @mipiano! 👋

Yes, please, leave me next time some of this kind of happiness 🥂😀