obsesija cross-posted this post in Ukusi Banata 2 years ago

Kremasto zadovoljstvo - Mančmelou torta 🍰🍰🍰Creamy pleasure - Munchmellow cake

in BANAT2 years ago

Uvek kad poželim nešto slatko, jednostavni i brzi recepti su mi uvek na prvom mestu.
Uz spremanje nedeljnog ručka koji je malo obiljnjiji nego obično uvek se na kraju završi sa nekim kolačem.
Ideja za jednu brzu tortu koja se ne peče, kremasta i ukusna.
Mančmelou je mnogima bio omiljen u detinjstvu, mislim da ga i danas vole deca tako mekan i penast desert ko mu može odoleti!

Od ovog penastog i mekanog mančmeloua napravila sam tortu kojoj se deca najviše obradovala.

Whenever I want something sweet, simple and quick recipes are always in my first place.
With the preparation of Sunday lunch, which is a little more abundant than usual, it always ends with some cake.
An idea for a quick no-bake cake, creamy and delicious.
Munchmellow was a favorite of many in their childhood, I think that even today children love it, such a soft and foamy dessert, who can resist it!

From this foamy and soft munchmellow, I made a cake that the children were most happy about.




  • Ltar mleka
  • puding od vanile
  • puding od čokolade
  • šest supene kašike šećera
  • 50 grama čokolade za kuvanje
  • 50 grama bele čokolade za kuvanje
  • 200 grama mlevenog keksa
  • 150 grama kokosa
  • jedno veliko pakovanje mančmeloua ( u velikom pakovanju su 12 mančmeloua)
  • 250 ml slatke pavlake


  • A liter of milk
  • vanilla pudding
  • chocolate pudding
  • six tablespoons of sugar
  • 50 grams of cooking chocolate
  • 50 grams of white chocolate for cooking
  • 200 grams of ground biscuit
  • 150 grams of coconut
  • one large package of munchmellows (there are 12 munchmellows in a large package)
  • 250 ml of sweet cream


Mleko podelimo na dva dela znači po pola litre, puding pripremamo
po običaju, od pola litre mleka odvojimo nekoliko kašika mleka a preostalo mleko stavimo da se kuva sa tri kašike šećera, dok mleko ne počne da vri puding koji je u prahu izraditi sa onim mlekom koje ste odvojili.

Divide the milk into two parts, half a liter each, and prepare the pudding
according to custom, separate a few spoons of milk from half a liter of milk and boil the remaining milk with three spoons of sugar until the milk starts to boil.


Kada mleko počne da vri dodajte mu pripremljeni puding uz stalno mešanje kuvajte dok ne dobije gustinu.
Zatim ga sklonizi sa šporeta pa odmah u vreo puding staviti 50 grama crne čokolade i mešati dok se ne istopi.


Kada se čokolada otopila dodajemo keks i sve sjedinimo, pa stavljamo podlogu za tortu.

When the chocolate has melted, add the biscuit and combine everything, then put the base for the cake.


Kada je podloga stavljena, kuvamo puding od vanilije na isti način kao i predhodni.

When the base is placed, cook the vanilla pudding in the same way as the previous one.


Kada je puding kuvan dodajemo odmah belu čokoladu i mešamo kako bi se otopila.

When the pudding is cooked, immediately add the white chocolate and stir so that it melts.


Kada se čokolada otopila dodajemo kokos i sve sjedinimo, pa stavljamo preko prvog fila ili podloge od čokolade i keksa.

When the chocolate has melted, add the coconut and mix everything together, then put it over the first filling or chocolate and biscuit base.


Na tortu poređati mančmelou.

Arrange the munchmellow on the cake.


A zatim ulupati slatku pavlaku i staviti preko mančmeloua, dekorisati po želji ja sam posipala kakaom u prahu.

And then fold in the sweet cream and put it over the munchmellow, decorate as desired, I sprinkled it with cocoa powder.


Torta je veoma kremasta i nije previše slatka, oduševiće goste a i ukućane najviše decu koja obožavaju slatkiše.

The cake is very creamy and not too sweet, it will delight guests and family members, especially children who love sweets.


Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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