Tradicionalni nedeljni ručak u Banatu! 🍽️🍲🥘 Traditional Sunday lunch in Banat!

in Ukusi Banata2 years ago

Banaćani ne mogu da zamisle nedeljni ručak bez prave domaće supe i rindflajša. Supa može biti od pileta, starije koke, patke, guske, ćurke,od junećih kostiju.
Tradicionalno se u domaćinstvima našeg podneblja obrok započinjao supom. Iako je to veoma duga tradicija naših baka i prabaka, današnja istraživanja potvrđuju brojne zdravstvene koristi ovog toplog predjela.
U mojoj kući uvek pripremamo domaću supu. Supa je odličan način da povećate unos tečnosti.Prilikom pripreme se mogu koristiti razne vrste povrća što je idealno ako imate malu decu koja uglavnom nisu odusevljena baš svim vrstama povrća 🥕🧅🧄🥩.
Idealna je i zimi i leti,zimi jer zagreva organizam a leti jer povećava unos tečnosti. Na našem stolu danas će se naći juneća supa!

The people of Banat cannot imagine a Sunday lunch without real homemade soup and rindflaish. Soup can be made from chicken, older hen, duck, goose, turkey, beef bones.
Traditionally, in the households of our region, the meal started with soup. Although it is a very long tradition of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, today's research confirms the numerous health benefits of this warm appetizer.
In my house, we always prepare homemade soup. Soup is a great way to increase your fluid intake. When preparing it, you can use various types of vegetables, which is ideal if you have small children who are generally not enthusiastic about all kinds of vegetables 🥕🧅🧄🥩.
It is ideal both in winter and in summer, in winter because it warms the body and in summer because it increases fluid intake. On our table today there will be beef soup!


Sastojci koje sam ja koristila danas su:

  • 500gr. Junećeg mesa
  • 2 veće šargarepe
  • 1 paštrnak
  • List i koren celera
  • Crni luk(malo prepecen na plotni)

Od začina sam stavila so, vegetu,biber u zrnu i beli luk u prahu.

The ingredients I used today are:

  • 500 gr. Veal meat
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 parsnip Celery leaf and root
  • Onion (slightly toasted on the stove)

I added salt, vegetables, peppercorns and garlic powder as spices.


U lonac od 4l. sipa se hladna voda dodaju se meso i povrce kada supa provri,skidati penu, smanjiti vatru i ostaviti da se krčka. Da bismo sačuvali sve hranljive sastojke supa treba da se kuva na tihoj vatri. Ako u supu stavite meso sa kostima, tetivama i ligamentima, dobićete ukusnu supu koja je bogata želatinom, kolagenom i glicinom i ima prirodno anti-inflamatorno (protiv upalno) dejstvo. Pred kraj stavimo začine.

In a 4l pot. cold water is poured, meat and vegetables are added, when the soup boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat and let it simmer. In order to preserve all the nutrients, the soup should be cooked on low heat. If we put meat with bones, tendons and ligaments in the soup, you will get a delicious soup that is rich in gelatin, collagen and glycine and has a natural anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) effect. Towards the end, put the spices.

Kada je supa gotova, procedimo je i počinjemo sa pripremom domaćih rezanaca. Za njihovu pripremu potrebno je 2 jajeta, i brasno da se zamesi tvrdo testo.

When the soup is ready, strain it and start preparing homemade noodles. To prepare them, you need 2 eggs and flour to knead a hard dough.



Prvi deo banatskog nedeljnog ručka je domaća supa!

The first part of the Banat Sunday lunch is homemade soup!



Drugi deo ručka je takozvani rindflajš. Njega čine povće i meso iz supe, bareni krompir i sos od paradajz soka!

The second part of the lunch is the so-called rindfleish. It consists of chicken and meat from the soup, boiled potatoes and tomato juice sauce!



Nadam se da sam uspela da vam dočaram kako izgleda tradicionalni Banaćanski ručak, po receptu naših baka. Nažalost slike ne mogu dočarati rapsodiju mirisa i ukusa ali ja vam želim da ovaj nedeljni ručak provedete sa svojim najdražima kao što sam ja sa mojom decom!

I hope I managed to convey to you what a traditional Banatian lunch looks like, according to the recipe of our grandmothers. Unfortunately, pictures cannot convey the rhapsody of smells and tastes, but I wish you to spend this Sunday lunch with your loved ones as I do with my children!




Bon apetit!

Pozdrav od Ivane

Greetings from Ivana


Zaista pravi Banatski ručak, davno nisam videla da neko pravi rezance.
Izgleda sve veoma ukusno!

Hvala puno,pravim ih cesto . Uživam u tome 🤗 Zdravije je, ukusnije, posebno sam srecna sto mi i ćerka pomaže pa spojimo lepo i korisno. ❤️😍

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