I am preparing for artDive2024 in October.
This is a framed black and white drawing.
This is an original drawing of “ekakizine 1,” the first issue of a zine published in June this year.
Framing the drawing really makes it stand out.
Since I framed 10 sheets, the cost of the frames was quite expensive.
The frames were not of good quality, and the metal fittings were often removed from the frames.
The frames in the photo are very good, and they can be hung on the wall or placed on the desk.
I was also organizing the original drawings for the second issue of the zine “ekakizine 2” today.
I am tired today, so I will frame them tomorrow.
The zine is scheduled to be finished and sent from the printer on September 13, and we will have the original drawings and booklets for the first and second issues at artDive2024. Of course, we will also be exhibiting and selling a selection of our usual mixed media paintings. We will be selling them in the entire space.
Date: October 19 (Sat.) and 20 (Sun.), 2024, 11:00-17:00
Venue: Kyoto Municipal Industrial Promotion Hall, Miyakomesse, Exhibition Hall 3 (entire area)
Admission free
More information → https://artdive.net/
今年6月に発行したZINEの第1号「ekakizine 1」の原画です。
それから今日はZINEの第2号「ekakizine 2」の原画の整理もしておりました。
会場:京都市勧業館みやこめっせ 第3展示場(全面)
詳細はこちら→ https://artdive.net/
This looks very good and valuable 👍🏻
Thank you.😊
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