sabosuke cross-posted this post in Hive JA 14 days ago

My morning coffee time

Hello! I recently heard that there's a coffee lovers' community on Hive, so I thought I'd share a bit about my coffee time at home. I started enjoying coffee at home around the time the COVID-19 pandemic began, so it's been about six years now. Over the years, I've tried various beans and brewing methods. These days, I've settled on a simple and affordable way of making coffee, and I'd like to introduce you to this morning's coffee time.

First, here's the coffee bean I used today: Verde Espresso. It has a nutty, chocolatey flavor with a smoky aroma, making it a blend that pairs exceptionally well with milk. It features moderate acidity and a short aftertaste, offering a well-balanced flavor that's easy to enjoy in any situation! It also comes in a 500g pack, so you can savor it for a long time. With two packs costing around SGD 25, it’s also quite budget-friendly, so I’ve been ordering this brand recently.

This is my grinder. The rich aroma of roasted coffee fills the air, and just the smell is enough to lift my spirits! These beans are medium-dark roasted, offering a bold fragrance even as you grind them. I've had this grinder since before I started enjoying coffee, as I initially bought it for blending spices (though to be honest, I tried it once, failed miserably, and left it unused for a while). Eventually, I discovered that by changing the blades, I could use it for grinding coffee. This little grinder has found its place in my daily routine.

I used to grind beans manually, but since I drink multiple cups a day, an electric grinder has become a must.

Here’s my trusty DeLonghi espresso machine, which has been a staple in my home for six years! I hesitated to include a photo because it looks well-used, but it truly represents my coffee time at home, so I decided to share it. I snapped this photo while pulling a shot of espresso into one of my favorite mugs. This machine also allows me to froth milk for lattes, so I’m thinking of making a latte and posting about it next time.

This time, I simply added milk to my coffee and enjoyed it with my wife as we started our day. On weekends, making coffee has become my role, and it’s a small ritual that I really enjoy.

Home-brewed coffee has become one of my little luxuries. To all the coffee lovers out there: What beans or equipment do you use? If you have any recommendations, I’d love to hear them!

Wishing you all a wonderful day with a great cup of coffee!!



こちらが今回使ったコーヒー豆、「Verde Espresso」。ナッティーでチョコレートのような風味にスモーキーな香りが加わり、非常に牛乳と相性がよいブレンドです。中程度の酸味と短い後味が特徴で、どんなシーンでも飲みやすいバランスの取れた味わい!500gのパックでたっぷり楽しめるのも嬉しいところです。2つ入ってSGD 25程度と価格も魅力的なので最近はこのブランドを注文しています。

次に、今回使用したコーヒー豆をお見せします。写真に映っているのは、Verde Espressoの豆をミルに入れたところ。香ばしいアロマが漂っていて、この時点で気分が高まります!今回の豆は中深煎りで、挽いた時から濃厚な香りが楽しめます。このミルとはコーヒーを楽しむ前からの付き合いで、元々はスパイスの調合に使っていました。(正確には、一度使ってうまくいかなかったので、そのまま放置していました。)

我が家で大活躍中の DeLonghi(デロンギ)のエスプレッソマシン!だいぶ使用感があるので投稿するか迷いましたが、もう6年間使っている私のコーヒータイムを象徴しているものなので、写真も載せることにしました。



