Halloween Decorations
These decorations are not mine. I saw them in town or in stores. I don't have a habit of decorating my house with Halloween decorations except for my workspace. I used to have my own teaching rooms in my house, and I would decorate them with Halloween decorations and put up lighting during that time. I made some of the decorations myself or bought them. When I switched to online classes, I only decorated around my screen.
While I was shopping in town and about to get a shopping cart, I felt an unusual energy above me. There was an exit to an apartment building, and in front of one of the doors, there was a pretty ghost decoration. The wind moved it, making it look like a real swinging ghost. If you watch it at night, it might give you a scare.
When I went to a home hardware store, there were even more authentic Halloween decorations for sale. It's fun to see them in stores or outside of someone's house, but I never want to bring them inside my house at all. They might attract certain energies. However, I do enjoy celebrating Halloween, which is somewhat similar to the Japanese Obon festival. If I were a child now, I would be even more excited! It was fun to see skeletons sitting in a jacuzzi bath. When I tried to use my camera, it recognized human faces, which was quite spooky. With sunsets getting earlier and earlier each day, our Halloween mood will be ready soon.
The clown eyes could shine. It would be great to scare people if it's in the yard. I like the colours.
Even though they are store products, they make me feel uncomfortable.
This was the one that was in front of the second floor of the apartment building. It was simple but scary.
These guys' faces were recognized by my camera. The witch's face looks especially scary. She looks similar to the old witch mask that I used for my lessons.
The skeletons were sitting in the jacuzzi bath. The bath is pretty expensive, and so are the skeletons.
This looks fun, especially during halloween season. We don't really decorate our home with this, we just let it pass hehe. But if I will to see these kind of horror theme I think it will really be fun and exciting too.
Yeah, it looks very fun, right?! I don't decorate my house for my private life as well. I like to check these decorations though.
Very, yes, I can appreciate and admire them but I just can't put them in our own abode, lol