koto-art cross-posted this post in Hive JA 2 months ago

Eating Sauerkraut with Sausage and Memories of My Grandmother's Pickled Herring with Cabbage ソーセージとサワークラウトを食べながら祖母のキャベツとニシン漬けを思い出す [English and Japanese]

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago


Eating Sauerkraut with Sausage and Memories of My Grandmother's Pickled Herring with Cabbage

I don't know why, but I craved sauerkraut yesterday. When I went to the farm market, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Their fridge had a wide variety of pickled jars. There were many different types of sauerkraut, but I bought the original one this time. I think I want to try the beet sauerkraut next time.

I also needed to find a delicious sausage to go with the sauerkraut. I decided on the garlic honey sausage. My area has a great selection of sausages at the local farmer's market. They are very tender, fresh, and tasty.


Sauerkraut is originally from Germany. In my hometown, in Japan. There is some German food culture, so sausage and German potatoes are super popular foods.

Eating sausages with sour sauerkraut is so delicious. I checked the ingredients on this jar, and it said green cabbage and salt. It's such a simple and tasty storage food, especially for winter.


Look at this fresh, yummy-looking sauerkraut! Its sour smell reminded me of my grandmother's pickled herring with green cabbage. Her pickles collection was stored in the garage, which was the perfect spot to keep them. In winter, the temperature was very cold, and sometimes the pickles would freeze. I loved the frozen pickles with warm rice.

I remember there were carrots, herring, cabbage, and rice malt in her pickles. Of course, salt was a very important ingredient for her pickled herring. My mother found so many bags of salt in her kitchen and room when she cleaned up after my grandmother moved into an old-age home. After she moved, she stopped making pickles.

Our neighbor used to visit my grandmother to get a second helping. He especially liked her pickled herring with cabbage. Everyone loved my grandmother's pickled herring, especially my father. He once told her how much he loved it when it had become sour, which she used to worry about. Since then, my grandmother stopped worrying about it and enjoyed making it.


I had sauerkraut with the tender-looking sausage. As I mentioned, this sausage has a garlic honey flavor. There are also mild Italian, spicy, herb-flavored, and more options at the store.

This time, sauerkraut brought back so many nice memories!

Japanese 日本語















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