The Drama and Trauma of Offense: How Joy Can Set Us Free

in LIGHT SHINES3 months ago


As human beings living in a complex world, we often find ourselves entangled in a web of relationships, experiences, and emotions. It's easy to get caught up in the drama and trauma of offense, where hurtful words and actions can leave us feeling wounded and resentful. However, it's essential to recognize that taking offense can be a poisonous pill that disturbs our conscience, affects our relationships, and deprives us of peace.

The Bible teaches us to guard our hearts, for out of them flow the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). When we harbor offenses in our hearts, unforgiveness can take root, causing our conscience to become turbulent and our relationships to suffer. The issues that flow from our hearts become affected, and the things we bring out of our hearts become as sick as the hearts that produce them.

So, how can we avoid falling into the trap of taking offense? The answer lies in staying in a state of joy continuously. Joy is the rigid lock door that prevents offenses from entering our conscience and affecting our relationships. When our joy is full, we can evade every trap that Satan may bring our way.

But where does joy come from? Joy resides in hope, and hope can only be found in Christ. When we believe in Jesus Christ, our joy is full, and we can rejoice and be glad because God has kept us and given us His joy to protect us from the darkness of the world.

In our next article, we'll explore the different facets of joy, including its role as a fetcher, a service, a defense, and a sacrifice. We'll delve deeper into the transformative power of joy and how it can set us free from the drama and trauma of offense.

To Conclude this, the drama and trauma of offense are real and they can affect our conscience and relationships, but now that we know better, they don't have to control our lives. By staying in a state of joy and hope, we can avoid taking offense and maintain a clear conscience. As we journey through life, let's remember that joy is the key to unlocking peace, forgiveness, and freedom. May we continue to seek joy in Christ, and may our hearts be filled with His love and peace. Amen.

Image was Generated using @Peakd frontend and I think is beautiful.


So, I am a key to many, and you are treating me like this doctor.


You better collect joy for yourself too.

Joy dey find Joy?

Which key? 😂

Dey loose guide nah

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.

I no argue.

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