Very good post, thank you very much for writing and sharing it here on the HIVE blockchain! Very intelligently put together and some truly inspiring lessons we can draw from this complex tabletop game and then apply them in our everyday real life in the real world! I intend to learn chess myself at some point in the future and in this regard I have already bought a chess set, waiting to be opened and played together in good company! All the best, take care, stay safe, keep up the good work, and have an excellent evening along with your close/dear ones! Namaste! 🙏
I hope it motivates you not only to start playing but also in your daily life. I'm sure from now on you will not only see it as a game but as a life lesson. You already have one, so it'll be a lot easier from now on. Thank you for commenting. Best wishes. Namaste!
Great comment! So I will, for certain! I will take it more in a life lesson perspective than a game. I understand what you conveyed! All the best, have a great evening, and namaste!
I'm sure you'll fall in love with the game just like I did. Have a good afternoon. Namaste!
Most definitely, yes! When the time will be right, I will start playing and learning chess as well! Thank you for your good wish! All the best, much health, take care, keep on playing chess, and have a great afternoon! Namaste! 🙏