The major thing is the difference in ratings, it should not be so large that result is 99% predictable. if lichess can't do fair pairings ( I mean with some limit in players ratings difference that should not be exceeded) then there should be separate tournaments, like different leagues in football. Not some special group of players who happened to get some speific difference of points at final rounds, but separate group from early beginning, where the difference in rating is not larger then 200.
It is ideal tournament from my point of view. Anyway I'm grateful for you that you promote chess among Hivers and make us happy with games :)
A good point. Problem is that 2 separate tournaments will yield 2 separate tables and significantly increase the amount of work for me. I will soon have less time for Hive than now, so this is not an option. Also the benefit is limited. E.g. if we do 2 tiers, one >2000 and one less, in the stronger one still @maestroask will have no competition. And in the weaker on you will not face too much different players than you do now, e.g. you can have also some opponents with 300 rating points more. Ideally it would be like 0 to 1600, 1601 to 1900, and above, but then in each class the number of players would be too low. Even with one for all we had <20 recently.